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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. I'll go along with the consensus. Good motivator, mediocre X's & O's guy, and some of his gametime decisions would drive me insane if I were a Jest fan.
  2. Given our current uni's, he only has about 18 more to go.
  3. The logo is the one cool part of the uniform that the current administration hasn't screwed up. Leave it alone.
  4. Dude, you're saying others are immuture and at the same time mocking them for hanging out with their parents like you're in a Jr. High clique. It's pretty normal for that stuff to be embarassing when you're 50. When I visit home, my parents usually watch TV in between dinner and the time I go out - like 7 or 8'o'clock. I don't think it requires phsyically accompanying the folks to Blockbuster and chilling with them at Midnight. And even if anybody did do that, so what?
  5. Paradise is the site I usually play at for limit. The games are as soft as Party with a lower rake, and they have decent software. Good site. It's kinda slow for tournaments though. Ultimate Bet and Poker Stars are the best for that. Every site I've played at lets you use credit cards for whoever wanted to know.
  6. I'm much better at limit, but I'll play. I'm so addicted right now it's insane. Played for 6 straight hours yesterday when I got home clearing Party's $100 bonus that was supposed to be for UK citizens only
  7. I hate it when that happens. Take the Sopranos - filthy language and occasional violence you can count on, but it's usually nothing more than that, so I'll watch an episode w/ my parents, no bid deal. Of course that one episode showed Tony doing his mistress about 5 minutes in to the show. I don't know how long the scene was, but if felt like 45 minutes. Gavin - what's the story behind that avatar? I've seen it on other sites as well. I like it.
  8. I don't think anybody would be saying he's "well past his prime" if he was still here. He's got more left in the tank than Adams.
  9. Oh, well that changes everything.
  10. Made that trip many times from Rochester when I was in school.
  11. Is that place in the city?
  12. It took a year and an animal thread for me to say this, but... I agree with Fez.
  13. He was talking about his recruiting ability more than his coaching. But I dunno, few teams have had more McD's AA's than Kansas in the last 15 years.
  14. I hope you don't dress your kids.
  15. I heard he tried to stab her but he dropped the knife.
  16. They're in Syracuse too I think. It sucks from what I've heard. I'm fine with a little non-sports related entertainment now and then. But when you're neither insightful nor funny I change the station. A lot of the e-mails Rome gets are funny though, whether you like him or not.
  17. I want to F you Lets get some coke and some hookers.
  18. Yeh, my interest in 'Cuse hoops didn't diminish after their 1st championship in '03.
  19. For crying out loud - I swear there are 25 WR's who are "top 5". He had a very nice year for my fantasy team. He probably was in the top 5 in stats last year. But one of the BEST 5 WR's in the league? C'mon...
  20. Johnson didn't play great in that game; but the hypocrisy is ridiculous from most fans. Frutie made a living that year playing like crap for 58 minutes before a final drive in the last minute. Vinaterri missed like 2 chip-shot game-winners against us that year before he and the Patriots were God which set up Magic Man's "heroic" overtime drive). Nobody cared about the first 58 minutes because "he's a winner". We also lost 2 home games to the Raiders & Giants - neither of which were playoff teams - which was one of the reasons for playing on the road in the 1st round. The playoff game was pretty much a carbon copy of the rest of the season, only Tennessee was better than anybody we played in the reg. season that year, and the Special Teams F*****d up; plus the officiating at the end of the 1st half made the 1972 Olympic basketball refs in Munich look competent. Darrin is correct in that both QB's stunk, but there is no reason to believe we win that game with the Midget; and if I'm not mistaken McNair threw for less than 100 yards in that game.
  21. This may seem like a nitpick, but I honestly thought the same thing when reading the Buf. News. Seemed like he went out of his way to say he's working out in Buffalo. Maybe it was taken out of context, I dunno. I do know that the GW's dad never missing a day of work (how many times did we read that story in '01?) did nothing to help his coaching ability.
  22. http://www.huhcorp.com/index.htm
  23. sexperttrooper is over there mixing things up, dropping the "wonderlick" bomb, and dishing out plugs. Funny stuff
  24. Sad but true. Not that I'm a fan of Clarrett, but did anyone else get tired of the guys on ESPN ragging on him? They acted like he was an axe murder when to my knowledge he's never had any serious legal problems. From the interviews I heard he can also string two words together better than most players. "Oh my God - this guy is the AntiChrist because he sued the NFL and ran a slow 40 time". Ray Lewis is a hero though.
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