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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. Bucs - 16 Bills - 10
  2. Yeah, I'd rate Talley higher if he didn't lose his jock strap vs. Mark Ingram on that 3rd down catch in the SB. Still a fan favorite though.
  3. No love for Paul McGuire or Marty Schottenchoke? I was never a huge Biscuit fan, so I would probably agree with you.
  4. I was going to say the Jets, but after looking at Miami's schedule, I don't see how they can possibly win more than 7 games. I guess I'll be happy either way.
  5. OK I'll ask: How do you not give Tomlinson the ball 1 time with a timeout left w/ 4 cracks from the 7 yd line?
  6. Play Andre every week.
  7. I don't think Carr is that bad, and A. Johnson is the real deal. However, their OL really does stink, and I never understood the fascination with D. Davis. Doesn't seem like he's anything special in the way of speed or power.
  8. I like Florida, Oklahoma, Miami, and Oregon. Honestly, I don't know anything about BC. Are they really the 17th best team around? Give me MSU in the upset. ND seems to always lose these letdown games, even at home. Maybe Weiss won't allow it to happen this year, but I bet it's close either way.
  9. They did beat the NFC champs, regardless of how ugly the game was. Their defense played well and contrary to the popular opinion here in Philly, Jerimiah Trotter does not play offense. I did chalk that ATL game up as a win before the season started though. We just seem to own overrated NFC teams in our stadium. I think Tampa this week will be a tougher game.
  10. Good point about the safties - that's definitely a foreign feeling for Bills fans. In year's past I'd just pray that opponent's deep balls were either overthrown, or hoping the CB could make a tough play on an island. I mean, breaking up passes (much less int's) with help over the top - what's that? That's legal, right? Cool.
  11. Tenn stinks, but run D isn't horrible. Did you see some of those runs? Good power, and he's fast. I think he might be better than Staley & Bettis.
  12. I'm with ya... Primetime really is getting worse every year. "Sets up a FG, Rams lead 3-0....OK lets cut to the 4th Qtr with the score 41-35"... WHERE ARE THE FREAKING HIGHLITES? Baseball Tonight is more in depth and that's on every damn night. Anyway, glad I finally got NFL Network.
  13. Both teams were called for a Bush League Roughing the Passer. Houston got away with a Delay of Game as well. The Carr TD looked like the right call. Relatively speaking, when a few bad calls go both ways that's an above average game for NFL refs IMO.
  14. I disagree about Minnesota. But even if you're right and I'm wrong, winning there on the road is still tougher than Houston at home.
  15. So funny because it's so easy to picture this. Thankfully, I haven't heard the bumbling fool since his Empire days. Commentators who I like are usually knowledgeable. Those who I don't like as much try to compensate for their lack of knowledge with entertainment/humour, and those that are lacking in the previous 2 departments who I dislike try to cover up these deficiencies with at least being quick witted. Brinson is not knowledgable, not funny, and not quick or articulate. Seriously - how did he get his job?
  16. I'm shocked the Jets aren't going 16-0... Wasn't Paul Hacket single-handily responsible for every loss for the last 8 years according to every Jet fan on earth?
  17. I agree w/ all that... I'm going to be an even bigger nit - I thought the 4th down run on the TD drive was crazy. We're dominating the game but only up 5, they just scored a TD - if we get stopped there Houston is going to be one fired up, re-energized football team. Flame away if you wish, but I'm not a 20/20 hindsight guy. I vigorously defended MM on the late punt vs. Jax and the 4th down Henry goaline run in Oakland last year.
  18. Yep... I don't think he stepped out, but it was close; and it was annoying how Brent Jones completely ignored the possibility while focusing on the ball hitting the pylon. Yeah Brent, I think even Phil Luckett can see that he hit the pylon. Shut up.
  19. Why Wade didn't blitz on every 3rd down is beyond me. Has he watched any film from the last 3 years? They only rushed 3 guys on a couple of those TD's. I wouldn't expect GW to be that conservative next week. Still, that's not Drew's fault and he did what he had to do and played a nice game. No chance he keeps that up for 16 games, but nice game. I admit I was rooting against him mainly because the Cowboys took up too much air-time in the national media when they were 5-11 for three straight years. I can't imagine how much time ESPN will spend talking about them if they get off to a good start this year, even though they have no chance of displacing Philly in that division.
  20. OK I'm not bragging but seriously - if you're out this week you deserve it (the only rational losing pick might've been Carolina). 1 team for the week....why would you ever take a bad coach/QB on the road? Martz and Plummer are at the top of that list.
  21. Minnesota scored their only TD on defense, and their D was good last year, so they're legit on that side of the ball. Their RB and WR's aren't bad. QB and OL are question marks, but the QB gets rid of the ball very quickly in Gruden's offense, so it's going to be a lot tougher to rush the passer next week.
  22. I don't know about Henne < Navarre either. Remember SAT's? Weiss : Carr :: Belichek : GW
  23. I'm leaving work and won't have internet access this weekend. I just wanted to say that everything that I've argued about this summer with anybody doesn't matter worth a crap beginning Sunday. We're all Bills fans, it's our time to win a damn Super Bowl and that's it. Go Bills
  24. Decent offense, or does Pitt really suck? We'll see. Your guys must've impressed Vegas....I'm pretty sure the spread on this game would've been double digits a week ago, and now it's only 7.
  25. Thanks for posting - I wasn't aware Houston's OL was that bad. I picked the same score yesterday
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