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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. because my league's rules are retarded. In a normal yardage league, I probably wouldn't rank him ahead of Brown, Rudi, or Jackson.
  2. OMG what a bunch of pantywaist skirts in this thread. A) Pittsburgh is going to win anyway. B) Even if they don't, it doesn't mean anything. Miami has scored upset primetime opening wins in Denver/Tennessee recently and ultimately done nothing. C) Saban, while ridiculously overhyped based on 1 year, is about 1/10,000th as annoying as JJ.
  3. #5 spot sucks, huh. Did you want to throw up when you picked Portis? Not criticizing just genuinely curious...I'm in the #5 slot in a 14 team league draft tomorrow and I'm having a hard time convincing myself to take somebody else even though I don't feel particularly good about it. Jordan I think is the only other consideration as I will not under any circumstances, take Barber. Anyway, your Jordan and Holt picks were steals.
  4. I really don't understand why so many people have either/both of them rated ahead of R. Moss, who had a "bad" year hampered by injuries last year but still caught 10 TD's. Say what you want about Brooks but he got the ball to Joe Horn just fine.
  5. OMG do that in a second if he's interested. I actually like Driver but it looks like you have enough depth at WR without him (I also like Curtis a lot). Chester Taylor should never crack your starting lineup barring injury.
  6. To me the WR's are more suspect than his QB's. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a quality start out of Green/Brees/Johnson every week pending the matchups. WR I'm not too sold on S. Moss or Walker this year - I'm guessing neither was picked before the 5th round but I wonder what other WR's were available with thos picks. Jackson/Jordan is a pretty sick 1-2 punch @RB in a 10 team league.
  7. Depends on your rules really and how much yardage is rewarded. I like Jackson because of the dreaded 'upside' factor. Rudi is safer bet for 1400 yards but he doesn't really catch balls and I don't see him scoring more than SJ this year.
  8. O Rly - seems like they're the consensus 3rd place pick in the division. Anyway, they were bad in the preseason last year and turned out to be the best team in the division while the Bills have sucked for five years. That counts for something whether we want to admit it or not.
  9. Well that's definitely not my problem. I run the ball a ton and throw a ton of short passes; I never throw deep to Evans when there's a safety playing deep (which is frequently) - that's what's so frustrating about it.
  10. Oh, I missed that this was the "proven facts only" forum. It is a message board...what's the problem with making predictions based on strong evidence?...is it taboo to predict that the Bills offense will suck this year?
  11. Sorry but he's right. The "but Bill Bellichick" line has been beaten to death, and it's stupid primarily because there aren't any other good examples of retreads succeeding. For every BB there are dozens of Dave Wandsteadts and Rich Kotites and Dom Capers' but somehow that doesn't matter? And as pointed out, there were unusual circumstances in Cleveland that Greggo never had to deal with; not to mention the fact that the Browns actually won 11 games in his last 'normal' season.
  12. Thanks what playbood do you prefer? I've tried the scramble/throw technique and it usually results in a throw out of bounds. As for the bolded part, I have not experienced this. Say I send two WR's deep - one down the middle and one down the sideline - If the guy in the middle beats his man the CB covering the sideline guy has time to come off his man and break the ball up and does all this while the ball is in the air...super stupid. Anyway, I just finished an 11-5 season and beat the Redskins in the SB with -13 passing yards thanks to 7 int's from the defense and 5 Lindell FG's. Also, McGee picked an awesome time to return his first kick for a TD trailing 17-3. Offseason: Youboty has moved up to an 85 rating so Clements has been traded for Gates.
  13. Apparantly I don't know how to play either. My offense is 3 yards & a cloud of dust; if I only throw 2 picks in a game I'm happy. Only passing routes that work for me are the curls/hitches/comebacks. Evans might as well be Russel Copeland when he tries to go deep. Lately I've been having more success taking control of the WR instead of letting the cpu watch the DB pick the ball off but still; JP's rating is typically 30-60 in a given game. Defense is ez to dominate with the base 4-3 2man under just like last yr.
  14. Unreal how nobody forgets this but Willis gets a pass for doing the same thing while Eric "Antichrist quitter" Moulds was chasing down the Ravens defender in '04.
  15. The UCLA Hicks? He's still in the league?
  16. Beat me to it - Gore fantasy owners everywhere rejoice.
  17. She has a nice radio face.
  18. Tuesday at noon? I'm surprised they don't just air it on the Home Shopping Network at 3:00 A.M.
  19. WTF they're showing every other game (including Browns-Lions) a half dozen times but not the Bills once? My options are as follows: Get out of the house Saturday and miss the inevitable 1:00 replay or Stay home and get pissed when they show Ravens-Eagles So should I just take one for the team?
  20. And he said it was the first time he ever saw snow to boot At least Drew picked a good game to have his only good outing the 2nd half of that season.
  21. Even though ESPN sucks I don't think this is a conspiracy. I'm more pissed at the supposedly all-inclusive NFL network which brags about showing all these games and does 15 episodes of Dolphins cheerleaders instead - many of which are surprisingly not that hot including the Butter Face Director.
  22. Umm, yeah. That's an understatement isn't it?
  23. FWIW Marshall Faulk blamed the int on Reed as well. This is the first I've seen of Faulk in an analyst role but from what I've heard he's smart enough to be a GM some day.
  24. Try taking your own advice.
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