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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. OMG read much? "Too serious about being right"....says the guy who cuts out 90% of a post to help his case. Damn, get a job w/ ESPN or something.
  2. Advantage Rivers no doubt. I don't think that discrepancy is 100% responsible for the discrepancy in performance though. JP has also played quite a few more games, which as I understand ought to count for something. I don't understand why everything has to be so either/or. They lost 9-0 in Jacksonville - the last FG was off an int deep in their end. They were leading 17-14 vs. Cincy in the 4th Qtr until 2 fumbles deep in their end set up scores. Their defense is pretty good.
  3. Oh how clever, JP apologist straw-man argument #576,842 on the season. I'm not the one starting threads comparing other QB's, but whatever.
  4. Not to mention the other QB from that draft class in that game played lights out in his 4th career start against a good defense with no running game. Good idea for a thread though
  5. On the uniforms: they suck. Man, TD didn't get anything right.
  6. Yeah, it's pretty easy to say any team isn't going to win the SB and then say I told you so when they don't. The "banged up Seattle team" comment is garbage - Alexander is a nice fantasy player who wouldn't have made one bit of difference in that game.
  7. Rivers looks really good.
  8. That's very true. I think it's tough to evaluate the playcalling when 13-0 was really the last possession in which the game wasn't out of control though. It seemed clear to me very early on that the running game was going nowhere. People talk about attempts being more important than yardage but when your defense is playing like ours did today instead of shutting down the Dolphins/Vikings that's not as much true. I think you can throw on the Bears if the protection is ok (big 'if' but it was there for the most part) but the QB&WR's and most importantly our defense just didn't get it done.
  9. Yeah he didn't cover Steve Smith very well.
  10. Did you really think they would break down Jets-Jags?
  11. ZOMG Tomlinson just whiffed on a block - he blows.
  12. Yawn, if the pass is there it could've been 6. They lost a yard running on 3rd&inches.
  13. I never said you said they would've won the game. I disagree that the game would've been close. It would've been competetive for a while longer....how much longer I don't know, and don't care. All these plays that "kill our spirit" happen to just about every winning team in every game. Nut up and change the momentum - we've mostly done a bad job of that this year. We comitted some bad penalties on the 2nd TD drive last week but nobody cares because we overcame them and scored.
  14. Those were big plays at the time, but....40-7. It's not 40-7 if those plays go differnetly but it's not 23-20 either.
  15. I give Schobel the edge over Clements because I think people realized a while ago that Clements isn't that good.
  16. That's great - his int's led to NE's only 2 TD's and they scored 10 points. Culpepper must really suck.
  17. Maybe it's wrong, but the score made me happy. Like you said, they really wanted the SO and they were blitzing like mad dogs; it just felt good. OK I have Evans on my FF team too.
  18. Damn! I was going to gamble on "sun rising this morning" in my suicide pool, but decided to play it safe with DB coming up small in a division road game.
  19. Huh? The rollout throw to the right was the same play Killdrive called several times over during the dreadful '03 season, including one on a 2pt conversion against those same Eagles. Drew pulled it down and inexplicably made a play with his feet - that's not coaching.
  20. Yeah, our DE's are milking that Miami game like Flutie milked the '84 Miami game.
  21. Why does everything have to be mutually exclusive? He couldn't have had a better defense and been a better QB?
  22. Doesn't matter how you beat Houston at home but it matters how you beat the Vikings in the dome.
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