Should've lost to GB - thanks Favre!
We got our ass kicked in Detroit and luckboxed our way to a close game in Indy. Weird that you left out the only game we legitimately should've won vs. the Jets.
He was a damn good receiver though. A few weeks ago I was trying to think of good RB's (ie not Centers or Harmon who were exclusively receivers) who actually ran routes as a receiving weapon rather than just being the outlet guy. As great as LT2 & Barber are they're pretty much safety valves. Faulk is the only guy I can think of since Thurman.
People have pre-conceived notions and here what they want to hear. A couple weeks ago when a FB split out wide Madden said something about doing that so the QB can easily detect if the defense will be playing M-to-M or zone. That alone is more insight than I get from the idiot color guys in a whole game in any Bills game I've watched this year. He also ripped into the Pats playcalling pretty good against the Colts; where as a lot of others wouldn't have done that and a lot of people seemed to jump on that bandwagon after the game when they otherwise probably wouldn't have had he not pointed it out.
Even though the time out turned out to be huge, it's a secondary concern compared to clinching the game with a 1st down at that point. I still would've run the ball because that's your best shot to pick up the 1st against the Bills.
Meh, they're a game up on NE and they played their starters the whole game vs. Pittsburgh in 2003 in a meaningless game. The parlay of the game meaning nothing and Billick pulling a Dungy is possible, but not terribly likely.
Most predictable non-QB related thread ever?
True, our #2 RB isn't going to run for 100 yards every game and probably isn't better than our #1 RB.
What's your point? It ought to be obvious that Willis is heads & shoulders better and that's not the case.
I picked as many road favorites this week as the previous 10 weeks combined - three - Colts, Steelers & Pats. Fortunate to get out of that 2-1. Go Broncos 2night.
Fair enough. Weighing the quality of loss vs. # of quality wins is a tough paradox to evaluate. Oregon has lost that argument from both sides recently vs. Nebraska and Texas respectively, so there appears to be little rhyme or reason to it. Good thing ND and USC actually play each other.
Yes I'm aware of that game. After reading your post again, Arkansas appears to be the only team you have an issue with, and I think that's fair. Pretty unlikely that they beat LSU and Florida though IMO even though they'll probably be slight favorites in both games.
I guess what bothers me is pretending ND doesn't get preferential treatment.
Twice I've benched Ben Watson and he scored his only TD's in both games. Played Evans in one league, benched him in another, but what can I do with Harrison/R. Williams/Horn.
C'mon Chargers D outscore your kicker!
I was going to say "no way" but you might be right from 2001. 2002 Dolphins snow game, 2003 Pats, 2004 Seahawks, 2002 Vikings...2001 @Jets felt good because we had 2 wins in December and damaged their playoff position.