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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. I guess he's sick or something.
  2. Just asked him how much of his crew's salary counts against the Chargers cap...update later.
  3. To clarify, he only wanted one back of the calls he himself made, right? I mean, he's not saying the Price incompletion is correct?
  4. This is probably the way I'd go. I have T. Bell too, and don't expect much from their ground game given the way Cutler played this week (though M. Bell had some success vs. SD in the first game). The Colts run D sucks horribly. Re: QB - it's the playoffs....play your stud.
  5. I like controlling the safties myself.
  6. Devendorf was def. missed. Josh Wright is making a run @most turnovers ever.
  7. You spelled like "off" on purpose right?
  8. Ugliest game ever? I'd rather watch an NBA game than this trash.
  9. That's too bad - Denver hasn't had enough spotlight games this year.
  10. Agreed. Quietly, I'm a little excited about this.
  11. Schobel is 'good' - that's as far as I'd go. If he's "one of the best in the league" there are a plethora of best in the league. As far upfield as he ran on Gates' TD, I thought he thought he had the ball in his hands. Plus he's still below average vs. the run.
  12. Looks pretty solid; not enough of a college guru to pull the trigger I guess. ND seems to be overvalued a lot in Bowl games, right? I thought that line would be lower. Would probably take the points w/ Fla if I had to - championship lines seem to be inflated as well. But who knows, it so much a crapshoot when the teams have 2 months off.
  13. Glad & surprised to seem them doing well. They really sucked when I was there not long ago. I guess the Bills have actually helped the program huh?
  14. I tend to agree for the most part. I think if a replica of the 1st NE game were to happen, a lot of the people who tenaciously defended the 4th&1 would rip him apart. The deeper you get into the season though as the pipedream of a playoff spot fades, fans always have to point the finger someplace other than the players. The fickle honeymoon period never fails.
  15. No question there is a degree of luck involved in a lot of plays (especially fumbles). I don't think it's fair to equate the other team screwing up with a bad officiating job though. It's also a reach to say LSU would've won the game anyway.
  16. "Change the whole course of the Price TD drive" - there is a 0% chance JP throws fewer checkdowns to A-train because there is more time on the clock. Obviously the first time out was stupid and the coach should take the blame for that even if he didn't call it. Once that's done though, I don't think the fact that they already burned one makes a play go from challengable to unchallangable. The difference between 0 time outs and 1 time out isn't drastically greater than the difference between 1 time out and 2 time outs. As far as what the ref told Jauron - none of us know the exact content of the exchange; and even if we did I don't have enough fingers to count the number of dumb replay review decisions I've seen from refs in the NFL.
  17. I guess I worded that poorly. I'm not disputing the existence of momentum (though I do think it's overrated in pro football). What I am disputing is the position that a failed challenge deflates a team. If anything it just pissed off the fans more, which isn't necessarily a bad thing when our defense takes the field. Whatever marginal damage the challenge had in terms of momentum is dwarfed by the impact of the loss of a time out. I just think you're looking for things to nitpick at because we lost.
  18. I'm sorry man but this momentum stuff is largely garbage, especially when you're home. The only time anyone brings it up is when the players fold under any adversity. Nobody ever brings it up on scoring drives in which they overcome numerous penalties, which has happened this yr more than you might think. If you watch a Patriots game or any other team that's good, you see blunders and the players overcome them. It's just incredibly naive to think that the outcome of the ensuing series would've been any different minus the challenge. If our defense is sitting on the sidelines thinking: "damn we lost the challenge - this time out will kills us". If that's the case we have mentally weak players. This part is obviously correct.
  19. The fact that it was a big enough play coupled with the fact that the refs so frequently make up rules as they go equates to a not-bad challenge IMO. Still inexcusable to burn the time out beforehand; though it's actual impact was negligable to the outcome.
  20. Agreed. Would be surprised if he's not in the WWF 10 years from now.
  21. I agree. The theme here seems to be "the OL played great" when they win and "they sucked" when they lose, regardless of how well they actually played. A good TE would really be super. Anybody good in the draft coming out?
  22. Ship the monies KC simply stinks on the road and shouldn't be laying more than 3 under any circumstances. The line was IMO an overreaction to last week which if you take away, Cleveland has played every game tight at home this year. Cowboys-Giants I've gone over already; slightly surprised Dallas won outright. Now 11-2 on the season picking home dogs. Home fav's 11-10, road fav's 3-4, road dogs 4-6. Luv home dogs.
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