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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. I give Reed a break for the "hissy fit" in 26 given the terrible "officiating"; but overall that's a pretty good summary.
  2. I agree. I try not to wager on postseason games because I generally think there's little value. I do think it's a case of an inflated line cause it's the SB though: I mean, no way are the Colts favored by 7 on a neutral field in the reg. season. That special teams edge is an important point: it basically kept the Pats in the game singlehandily and they're not nearly as good as the Bears in that department.
  3. What's our excuse for Minneapolis? You forgot to mention his teammate got caught with a prostitute like 12 seconds after this interview. Not sure what yur talking about. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJZ4RkrbJ-M
  4. This is of course correct.
  5. Wow this team is really pathetic. Is Devo trying to set a record for turnovers? He sucks. Oh well disappointing season...we'll see what happens next year with hopefully some freshmen that can play.
  6. @Louisville tonight. Looking like a good game so far. By 'good' I mean close; not well played.
  7. Right. Everything's that black & white.
  8. Wasn't the '02 defense as bad as this year's? As for the list, I don't really have a huge problem with it. There are some things I'd change, but re: the Patriots - the 03/04 teams were legit teams; while the '01 team was a fraud; which they explain pretty well.
  9. Reed deserves some blame for that game but I agree with everything bufftex has said here. This board has a way of only remembering the most recent game they've seen on tv (Zomg Willis can't block, the 2004 defense sucked, etc.) I kinda wish they'd replay the Redskins SB so you guys would realize how overrated Beebe is after watching him drop 2 TD's when it was still a game.
  10. Right after Al Michaels said "Reed is having a huge game already" he started dropping balls. I turned it off at halftime.
  11. 8-8 with RoJo, & Jonahton Linton leading the way; & a defense that was destroyed by injuries? The horror!
  12. Yeah that's crazy. Bulger might be in the top 6 at least. Eli might be top 30.
  13. I'm an "AFC guy" and I don't really want to stop my running "referring to the NFC as the JV conference" joke. OTOH I like the Bears better all things being equal. Meh, don't really care.
  14. A lot of "wrestling experts" (try not to laugh at that term) say Rick Rude was the only guy who ever got a decent match out of the Ultimate Warrior. I've watched some old clips of the Warrior and God, he really sucked; not sure how he was a Face for so long.
  15. Late 3rd Qtr is definitely a gray area in that respect. I'm generally a PAT guy myself; but Simms' argument to kick I thought was very weak. 28-20 is only a "1 possession game" assuming you make a 2pt conversion. 21-19 with 19 min's left or 28-26 with 9 min's left; I don't know why it's always assumed that the latter conversion has a better chance of being successful.
  16. Yeah, not really an attractive line either way IMO. I mean, the Bears are the better team if Grossman plays adequate. Obviously that's a big "if". Personally I think Grossman is a gambler's worst nightmare - every play could end up in the endzone for either team.
  17. Maybe CBS realizes that sending crews to the sites is a pointless overplayed gimmick?
  18. This thread was an awesome reverse jinx to thwart the Pats; and you guys are complaining about its participants?
  19. Detect sarcasm better plz Right, because Vegas doesn't take the QB's into account when setting the line.
  20. 1 timeout or 2 timeouts, not a huge difference when you have 1:00 and only need a FG to win.
  21. Throwing the ball does seem like a no-brainer if you don't plan on going for it. I personally would've ran it twice, but I doubt Dungy was thinking the same way.
  22. I agree. Nance called him "Captain Comeback" but really his defense just blew leads vs. the Rams & Panthers and he put his kicker in position to break some ties at the end - this was a lot different. Huge gaffe by Bellicheck/Brady with their use of time outs too.
  23. And now there's guys like Cena & Orton wrestling in main events
  24. Yeah I think ratings went down the toilet right then & there. Should've hired Walt Coleman to deal the cards.
  25. I was watching poker on ESPN - Jennifer Tilly was showing amazing cleavage. Knew it wasn't my day when she was eliminated by an insane straight flush.
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