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Everything posted by BuffOrange

  1. Anyone remember how Berman used to call the 90's Bills & Wayne Fontes "Rasputin"? That's totally how I feel about the Pats. I do not trust them to go away, even though they're getting pretty lucky in this game.
  2. Bellichick goes for it up 13-0 in the 2nd Qtr on 4th&1 from the 45. Turner punts yesterday on 4th&1 down 20-14 in the 4th Qtr from the 40. Which guy do you want coaching your team?
  3. Umm you mean 7.5. I thought it'd be ~3ish but of there is of course virtually no difference between PK and 2.
  4. First he whiffed, then he fires right into the defenders gut.... This was after the coach ripped him in the Saints game postgame press conference for kicking to Bush when he was instructed not to.... Of course Childress deserves the boot as much as anyone.
  5. I'm surprised the Vikings punter didn't get canned at halftime.
  6. I like most of the NBC guys. However I can't think of anything in the world I care less about than what Tikki Barber thinks.
  7. They clearly quit on Linnehan.
  8. Uggh, missed out on a few cases of beer. Who were those guys in the Packers secondary?
  9. This. As someone who was ridiculed for being a "JP basher" last year, I can't believe people are blaming the Cards loss on him. Hell if he played that well last year he wouldn't have lost his job. I will say that my favorite Trent play today was the ~15 yard slant to Reed on the last FG drive. He wasn't even that open, but the QB just makes it look so routine; when in years past our QB would've held on to the ball another 1-2 seconds causing everyone to whine about our OL not protecting well enough, the playcalling, and everything else under the sun except the guy delivering the mail.
  10. You really don't think anyone can have a problem w/ him running out of bounds when we're trying to run out the clock without "trying to run him out of town"? Really?
  11. Not to mention there was zero pressure on what looked like a 6man rush?
  12. I honestly think they'd both be a small favorite vs. KC on a neutral field next week.
  13. Honestly I'm shocked Hall didn't fumble that int return. When are these retard DB's going to learn? Anyway Lol @ Jets
  14. Yeah nice phantom chop block call. And once again the tuck rule only applies to Brady & Dallas QB.
  15. I guess this wasn't a good thing for Dallas. Shocker.
  16. Packer defense is killed by injuries, so I'm backing out of that game. Plus my fantasy opponent this week has Manning/Wayne which pretty much guarantees a huge game for them. Also kicking myself that the Cleveland line moved to 7.5, but I took the 7 early because I thought the line was more likely to move the other way....what can you do.
  17. You guys were really expecting a 2nd? Lolz
  18. So one ass beating and one comfortable win...expectations were moderate, so that's ok. We're going back to some of the same boring teams this week. Week 7 Baltimore +3 @Miami - Maybe the Ravens played over their heads the first 4 games and showed their true colors last week. I'll take my chances that they're more like the team we saw the first month and layed an egg at the same time the Colts happened to hit their stride. The Fish were a team I defended as early as Week 1 when everyone ripped the Jets for "almost losing to that pathetic team". Clearly they're not bad; but much like the Bears in Atlanta last week they had no business ever having the lead before the last play of the game, as the Texans moved up&down the field all day. Cleveland +7 @ Washington - Clearly I'm not an "overreact from last week" person, though this might look like it. The Skins to me are the Jags of the nfc in that they're more likely to grind out a methodical win. Also I don't buy the idea of writing off the Giants game to "Monday night homefield emotion" as that's something that helps a defense (which wasn't terrible before Mon. night) much more than the offense (see Dallas-Buffalo or Atl-NO after Katrina), which exploded for a couple ~200 yard drives with penalties. The Skins homefield advantage also seems like garbage, not unlike most new/modern stadiums. Last Week: 1-1 YTD: 12-6-1
  19. Honestly there should be a sticky thread to consolidate all the "Aretha" stuff. Jameelah Hill said yesterday we were better than the Pats. I can't say I was doing back flips as a result.
  20. 2nd highest point total in my league, not good enough of course. The all-fumble team: Romo Sjax Cooley AJohnson, Megatron (wasn't really a fumble but was inexplicably not overturned)
  21. Huge blow for them. I guess bashing Romo is real fashionable because he's lost all of two playoff games. They'll probably be able to run over 8 in the box in St. Louis, but good luck in those road division games with Brad Johnson - who btw wasn't immune to bonehead turnovers in his most recent stint as a starter.
  22. It's a big game, sure. I think the Jets game will be bigger, regardless of what happens the next couple weeks.
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