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Everything posted by TheMadKat

  1. Im with you.... They missed an initial call before the Sabres PP, then called a weaker penalty. WTF are they looking at?!?!
  2. Im VERY concerned for Connelly. I hope he is OK!
  3. This is horse sh--! No obstruction calls against OTTAWA..... give me a break. Then call one on McKey w/ 4 secs in the period.....
  4. Thank you!
  5. Sweetest F'in goal ever!!!!!!!!! Watch the highlights baby!
  6. Did you see the US Women's curling team? The Johnson sisters are smokin' hot!
  7. To be honest, I wouldnt reinstall your OS yet. I would call their support number to help you identify the problem. The problem could reside on the internet service provider side. The best way to eliminate them from the equation is to have them troubleshoot their equipment and make sure it is functioning properly. Hope that helps!
  8. I found that web site about 4 years ago. Interesting enough, this was one of the reasons I started considering Denver. Thanks.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, Ive been planning this move for a while. All of my family and close friends are aware of my situation. I was able to make one contact that actually lives in Denver. She offered me her local address to put on my resume, but I dont want to lie or be misleading. Should I use her local address to eliminate the possibility of being screened because of my location? I have two issues with this technique. First, its misleading. Second, the dates of my most recent employer are June 2001 - present.
  10. Hey guys, I would like some advice about moving to the Denver or Colorado Springs area. To avoid literally posting my resume, I'm a recent college grad with over 6 years of experience in the IT industry and several industry certifications. I've been seeking employment in the Denver/Colorado Springs area for almost 2 months and I've had horrible results. I have only received one call back from a recruiter despite submitting dozens of resumes. I do not know anyone in the area to help me 'network.' I’m not biased to any specific industry. Based on my research, most of the jobs in the area are for the Department of Defense. I currently reside in East Texas, and I'm not comfortable leaving my stable job until I line up something in Colorado. I've heard it is hard to find employment out of state because employers generally seek local candidates first. My daily ritual involves searching on the most popular job web sites Monster.com, Careerbuilder.com, HotJobs.com, Dice.com, and the local newspaper classified ads placed on the internet. I'm headed to Colorado from March 6th-10th to scout the area for potential apartments and attend a job fair. I'm not sure what to expect from the job fair to be honest..... At the very least, I expect to receive some contacts in the area. Can someone provide me with a little advice or suggestions? Thanks!
  11. Change your avatar, its WAY to distracting! I have yet to read any of your posts......
  12. You are making my point. You shouldnt pass judgement until you know all the facts. That is why I have a problem w/ all the attention on this story. People are tainting Gretzky's name for no reason. If Gretzky is guilty, Ill be the first one to say I'm disappointed. Just because they are married doesnt mean he is responsible for her actions. She has her own life and career. Therefore, she can support her recreational activies, in this case gambling. Married women a capable of making their own decisions and maintaining their own lifestyles outside of a marriage.
  13. Please explain "how" Gretzky got is wife involved in a gambling ring.
  14. I do not understand the negativity towards Gretzky. He has not been proven guilty. In general, the mainstream press looks for ANY reason to jab the NHL and hockey. I'm suprised ESPN radio mentions one score on the morning radio. Instead, they focus on McSorely, Bertuzzi, the lockout, ect. Hell, they probably havent watched one game during the new season. IMO, its comparing apples to oranges. The product on the ice is better after the lockout. But, you'll never hear them mention anything positive. They should be focusing on Tochett, NOT Gretzky. Since most people outside of hockey have never heard of Tochett, they focus on the largest icon in NHL history because it provides the most fuel for this story. I dont care how much his wife bet. Until they prove otherwise, Gretzky was not directly involved with the gambling ring.
  15. The goal was against Tampa Bay actually. Someone please PM me if you have a way to host the file. Ill email it to you. Thanks!
  16. I have that clip, but it is at work. I think it was against Flordia. Ill check tomorrow, and try to find a spot to host the file.
  17. I agree.... Refs, this is football, you are suppose to hit people! Lynch wasnt head-hunting, gheesh! This "protecting the players" crap after every hard hit is nausiating!
  18. Ha, yah reboot it to fix everything.... I agree, it's not rocket science working on an exchange server. Since you are interviewing for a junior admin position, you shouldnt be expected to handle the advanced tasks related to exchange. The good news is there are plenty of resources available to handle most of the problem associated with Exchange. In my opinion, the hardest aspect of exchange is related to backup/restore. I have alot of experience with AD and Exchange, and I would be glad to answer any questions. Send me a PM if you need anything.... John
  19. That was a great site and so was SabresEdge.com. Man, I miss reading those articles by Paul and Mark Zamp. (cant spell it).
  20. No, TD stole my first account.....
  21. He can create another Username and no one would know the difference later....
  22. I have taken the MCSE 2000 exams. Most of them are pretty easy if you have some experience with the products. However, the design exam was pretty hard, IMO. I still need to take the two MCSE 2003 "upgrade" exams, but my buddy said they weren't too tough. I suspect a little experience plus refreshing your head with a book would do the trick.... John
  23. And Tampa...
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