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Everything posted by SHOUTBOX MONSTER!

  1. I pretty much agree with everything here. Adu was unbelievable IMO. I think the mis-hit header from Lewis to Johnson says alot about the attackers for the U.S. Some quality chances, but no real finisher. I'd love to see a line-up with Altidore and Dempsey up top and Donovan at attacking mid, flanked outside by Eddie Johnson and Freddie Adu. Then there might be some different results. Overall, this match was a much better effort. Now they move on to the current #1 in the world. I may be making the trip. Anyone else heading out to Jersey for the game Sunday night?
  2. U.S. first half >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> U.S. second half
  3. Just a heads up, but the game is going to be on live at 4 pm on ESPN360, but tape delayed on ESPN2 and started at 5:30.
  4. Lindell? I believe Wendling will make a mark in this area this year. And don't be suprised if Blake Costanzo makes the team and excels here as well. He was solid last year.
  5. I'll be watching at work. Should be a classic regardless of the outcome, and I read that English fans were able to get close to 50k of the 80k seats in Moscow. Add in the fact that Russians love a good hooligan brawl and this should be a ridiculous afternoon.
  6. Wow. Okay. How does this article change the "points" that I made? Whether he held the knife or not, he literally plead guilty to obstruction of justice for this incident and was the only person to actually be convicted of involvement. And that article you linked to contained this... So I fail to see how my points weren't valid.
  7. Oh, okay. Ray Lewis was the only person that actually admitted to involvement in that double murder. He also reached a settlement to pay one of the victims families over a million dollars before it went to a civil trial. There's the research.
  8. Going out after a Super Bowl party to stab two people - limo.
  9. Not saying he's a lock to make the team by any stretch, but you're all forgetting that Dustin Fox is still on the roster. He played decent on ST's last year and he's a former third round pick.
  10. WARNING: Funny, but NSFW. Click at your own risk...
  11. For Rich Eisen, take a shot everytime he mentions that you can get live draft updates on your sprint mobile phone.
  12. Antoine Cason Malcolm Kelly John Carlson
  13. I'm a huge fan of South Park and Family Guy. Still a regular watcher (new FG this weekend!), but I'm really starting to love 'Whitest Kids U'know.' Great sketch comedy that is just completely absurd.
  14. SF thanks Kentwan Balmer for his time as a 49er and wishes him the best of luck. With their second go at their first round pick, the niners welcome QB Brian Brohm of Louisville.
  15. Are those scores right? I think some people cheated.... I mean Mr. Gilberry apparently improved from below average to Harvard level in between tests. He must've really focused on the wonderlic instead of those other guys wasting their time trying to get in top physical condition for the draft.
  16. One thing I noticed... the Denver game is listed at 1 pm but it's on their schedule as 4pm... I think this is wrong on ours or else it would be an 11 am game locally.
  17. Because I never miss the fish in town and there is no way I'm going to be able to afford tickets for that game.
  19. SF selects DT/DE Kentwan Balmer.
  20. The niners are willing to hear offers for Alex Smith.
  21. Oh my god this is great. Trey and Matt going after Billy B.... nothing could be better.
  22. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=63733 http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=64387
  23. The only reason they were rejected is because teams must give a one year notice to the NFL on all jersey changes. They didn't get in their proposal on time. Doesn't mean anything for Buffalo.
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