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Everything posted by SHOUTBOX MONSTER!

  1. For all the logo geeks out there, this was just unveiled... Super Bowl XLI Logo I'd like to see how that would look on the shoulder of a Bills jersey next February.
  2. And possibly give the entire offense a DVD of the blocking that protected potential foes from Brady, Elway, Farve, Smith, and Payton.
  3. I'll be watching it and rooting for the NFC... here's to a 3 and out every series for the AFC!
  4. Nice catch. How the hell did that get by me? Oh well... they'll both have the same careers anyways.
  5. Correct. McNown has shown some promise, but due to the relatively poor market for QB's, he should get a contract that he won't deserve. Warner is not the answer.
  6. Arizona takes Omar Jacobs, QB, Bowling Green
  7. Yea, he's like three years behind on the picks.
  8. Tedy Brushci has played with seven sports hernias that have last his entire professional career.
  9. I've said it before... I'll say it again... Ma'ake Kemoeatu & Haloti Ngata I hear this phrase means "stop the run" in some foreign language.
  10. If you go down, I'm going down with you... if not, I'll buy you a beer.
  11. 42 + 7 (Lett's TD if it happened) = 49 > 45
  12. The Arizona Cardinals are happy to select Haloti Ngata, Defensive Tackle from the University of Oregon. Ngata in 'Zona Red
  13. Do we even know what players we're putting on the field yet?
  14. Oh! Fun! Give me the Cards!
  15. When I posted the moves I'd make, they looked very similar to this, including signing Cartwright. I did get ripped for not addressing the aging safeties on our roster. Also, the draft looks good, but some players are rated much higher than where you have them going. (Zemaitis) With that said, anything similar to this would make me very happy.
  16. Put this large mass of human flesh next to Ngata and we have an inexpensive, young fix to a D-Line that could stop the run for years. Don't give me undersized players or 33 year old vets. Kemoeatu is young and experienced, and just what we need.
  17. Why is anyone responding to this post? He said he didn't care about anyone else's opinions, so why bother?
  18. Is ESPN playing a double header against two different teams? If so, no wonder they are losing. That's a tough task.
  19. Definitely the all around consensus guy right there. And he's so qualified. I mean c'mon... he played linebacker for us. Actually, nevermind... Cornelius Bennett is set to interview on Friday.
  20. One M. Vick shouldn't worry because he was already drafted. The other M.Vick needs to be shot.
  21. C'mon guys. Everyone knows Marv is gonna give the jobs to his favorite players. OC: Gale Gilbert DC: Keith Goganious They already announced a PC at 1:15 for GG tomorrow. ...and one at 2:08 to verify that TD is indeed gone. ...and another at 3:10 to introduce KG ...then one at 7:05 because Mularkey forgot to officially announce the firing of the old guys.
  22. Still seems that one late pick, or even an undrafted rookie, would be worth a look each season. Give them the number three spot or throw them on the practice squad.
  23. Completely agree with this. It was used by Ron Wolf with the Packers and proved successful. Granted he didn't need any quarterbacks as Farve was there, but the list of those he discovered in late rounds is impressive. Matt Hasselback Mark Brunell Aaron Brooks Kurt Warner Why don't more teams do this?!?!?
  24. I believe it is from a few weeks into the season. This occurence would be covered by the aforementioned "etc".
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