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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. More Cowbell = Bills Playoffs!
  2. Big Tree near the stadium.
  3. saw campbell out last night...still on the crutches.
  4. Denver is an awful team right now. I say they lose handily to the Titans on Christmas night.
  5. also Jeremy Jacobs gave 2000 to Bush while his wife gave 2000 to Kerry.
  6. haha Ruben Brown gave $ 500 to the DNC.
  7. they will not be suspended.
  8. why give up on the playoffs? its right there for the taking!
  9. Bills Win @ SF Ravens Lose to Pitts Denver loses to Ten Jags beat Texans NYJ lose to NE Bills 9-6 Ravens 8-7 Denver 8-7 Jags 9-6 NYJ 10-5 Bills go to the final week of the season needing to win and have the Jags lose to OAK or the Jets lose to STL. Pretty plausible scenario if you ask me.
  10. Damn Post Padders
  11. oh you dirty dirty girl!
  12. Maybe Takeo could get a commercial like Holyfield and Charlie Steiner did.
  13. i've tried to leave the smack in the smack forum, cause thats what its there for.
  14. ive certainly read funnier things from you. A decent attempt at humor I suppose.
  15. yea its true he has his own clothing line. www.mosthighclothing.com
  16. If denver, buffalo, and NYJ all tied the buffalo would win the tiebreaker over the jets but only if one of the jets losses is to the Patriots. THe bills and the broncos would be in and the jets would be home crying.
  17. http://www.wgr550.com/calendar/coywire.php
  18. im glad somebody figured this out.
  19. It would be cool to have a big white buffalo charging out of the helmet on to the field before the game!
  20. Do you honestly think that "prodding the bear" (the internet bungles fans) is going to make the team play better this week. Please!
  21. here is a question. Has a petition ever successfully changed the outcome of anything meaningful?
  22. which is why i gave you a direct link to boston.com first. Dirt Dogs is actually pretty accurate on alot of stuff they say.
  23. Jaques Cloutier
  24. http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/reds...edgar_renteria/ www.bostondirtdogs.com
  25. the sox are on the verge of signing Edgar Renteria away from the St. Louis Cardinals. I would have liked to have kept Cabrera but I guess it wasnt in the cards. Why would they give Renteria a 4 year deal when they said the reason Cabrera would be a tough sign was because he wanted a 4-5 year deal and the sox have Hanley Ramirez in the works? Interesting.
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