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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. since i really dont know what his helmet design is ..im going to say no.
  2. bump...anyone else?
  3. http://img379.imageshack.us/my.php?image=buffalo3rx.png Here is a link to the design of the shirt..If you want one please PM me with your order. They will be $12 dollars plus $3 for shipping.
  4. wow i cant believe hammer is still bitching about an incident from last year in his stupid parking lot
  5. bump for tuesday, last day
  6. well this is going to be a different shirt. I will take orders til the end of the day tuesday if anyone else is interested. Thanks.
  7. bump.....anyone else interested?
  8. I was thinking about doing some shirts up for the Sept 11th Opener for my tailgating crew. The design would have the Old school standing buffalo with an American flag replacing the typical Red coloring of the buffalo logo on a white shirt.....if anyone wants one i will add a few into the order....probably somewhere around $10 bucks....let me know.
  9. True American Heroes??
  10. He's right all the tickets should be free....they need to give up on this crazy idea of actually turning a profit.
  11. haha i thought i was the only one who noticed that " Rachel Nichols espNNNNNN"
  12. T-Don was in the bills store after the unveiling with his son and he said that the bills are trying to get a deal worked out with San Diego where they would create a white version of this throwback to wear out there.
  13. Im guessing the Stadium is the venue if the stones come. I think they signed some sort of deal to get more events at the stadium especially in the summer months. I'll go see that show if the Tragically Hip or Pearl Jam open for them.
  14. Im a fan of driving too but I do that on my own time. I dont need to see it on TV when a good show is supposed to be on.
  15. Its funny how some of you can understand why they would put a left turn fest on instead of Family guy. You are all inbred hicks.
  16. i dont know about JP but Lawyer Milloy and Josh Reed were out at SoHo last night. Looked like Josh was on his way to making a big catch with some hot blonde....probably caught the herpes
  17. You had better be a broad.
  18. its a good thing that they only have to drive that track and not tame it
  19. I dont see how citing another cities attendance woes justifies your own. I know there are more than 4000 hockey fan in Rochester. This is the playoffs and your team is pretty goddamn good!
  20. Great hockey fans in Rochester. way to pack em in boys.
  21. c'mon somebody else add their incredibly lame joke to this thread..............
  22. Brad's show is hilarious and a nice change of pace from the all sports talk shows earlier in the day. Turn the channel if you dont like it bro.
  23. that was indeed reported on the howard stern show but I have a feeling that it might be a premature april fools joke. I called the venue that he is supposed to be performing at tonight and they said that there are 2 shows tonight and they didnt say anything about him being DEAD.
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