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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. my post about French canadians being scumbags was just a poor attempt at satire that didnt translate well. it was just a joke man.
  2. wow Rayzer you were way out of line with this thread. FACT is that the day after the US anthem was booed in montreal, the US anthem got a loud standing ovation from the Toronto crowd before a sabres/leafs game at the ACC.....that is class. French Canadians are scumbags.
  3. stick pieces of juicy fruit in the holes....they eat it and get all F'ed up. SERIOUSLY!
  4. anybody care to share that link with me????
  5. bump for all those just getting in town tonight for the opener.
  6. Everyone still has a bitter taste in their mouth from "the Coach" and his negativity. I really dont think the schoop and the bulldog are negative at all. The reason people know that Schobel sucks is because he gets his sacks in meaningless games. He needs to put up a handful of big games together this year to earn my respect. As far as the guy who wants to hear bills and "sabers" talk every morning....learn how to spell the hometown teams name first.
  7. starting at 7 tonight at duffs in OP. Coy Wire show starts at 7, music from strictly hip as well. http://www.wgr550.com/calendar/event.php?id=00181
  8. Im a red sox fan and im constantly asked " How could you not like they yankees, you live in NY and they play in NY?" Why the hell should i like that team?? because i live in buffalo??? funny you dont hear that from Mets fans. YANKS= Wild Card Birth!
  9. Coy Wire charity beach bash is today at mickey rats starting at about 3. Lots of old bills and current bills will be there. Live music and cheap beer is good.
  10. by the way STRICTLY HIP will be playing the WGR tailgate parties at HAMMERS LOT. Live music to go with beers and food is always good.
  11. Lowest of the Low- live from buffalo last week!
  12. Lois: Oh, I haven't been on a college campus in years. Everything seems so different. Stewie: Really? Perhaps if you laid on your back with your ankels behind your ears that would ring a few bells.
  13. it probably goes a little over your head
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