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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. you are an A S S H O L E who know nothing about football douche bag.
  2. the yankees arent a likeable team.....you just said that you love the history more than this team? what kind of fan are you. The Red Sox are a team who love playing the game and love their teammates. Its good that you got on the bandwagon in the late 90's when they started winning cause i dont think there is any more room left now.
  3. i got 2, both in perfect shape
  4. sounds like someone's goin to octoberfest
  5. Hammer, i parked in your lot for the WGR tailgate and had a great time. Great Band, no wait for the pissah's and i liked the old school football helmet you were rockin'!
  6. that guy just said Unhitable and Tanyon Sturtz in the same sentence.......bwwahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhhhhhhhhhhahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahah
  7. ze french teacherrr
  8. im a SFHS grad myself. Class of '00
  9. the answer to this question is: www.boysofsummerband.com the best party band around!!! dont go with anyone else when this one is the absolute best!
  10. this isnt a true story by the way... http://www.snopes.com/humor/iftrue/palisades.htm
  11. let me guess , you like the yankees because you think derek jeter is cute!!
  12. skip bayless is a waste of sperm, the guys sucks at what he does.
  13. just called BWW and they will have the game on tomorrow...i dont know if they know whats gonna hit em with 50+ bills fans there.
  14. i believe that the buffalo wild wings which is like 2 doors down has the sunday ticket. Have Fun at the hip , i still might make it down for that one.
  15. that was hilarious stevestojan
  16. actually it was a thursday night against jax....it was our first win of the year after starting out 0-3. We were at the game in jax right near the tunnel end and we were chanting "13-3" to the players as they left the field. Turns out they went 3-13....oh well. BTW RoJo played well in that one.
  17. im a bit on edge today......not because of the wave, or douche bag fans, or clements and others dancing or whatever but because we lost.
  18. well you didnt say it was a profanity ridden argument. The way you said it , it sounds as if you guys were talking football and you disagreed so you wanted to "take it outside" which is stupid. And no it wasnt me, you'll find me in 337 row 5 seat 12
  19. spare me the "having a little class" stevestojan......thats they way things are these days. If ya dont like it , why bother watching. No one is forcing you too.
  20. you are the douche bag because you wanted to fight someone over a football discussion.
  21. cause you (the player) worked his ass off in little loop, high school, college and he is fired up taking on the best players in the world. I swear people in this town will B word about anything!
  22. you guys must all be really old men. Quit whining about a celebration...christ! Start bitching that we dont have a real Kicker on our team at least thats something worth while to B word at.
  23. first of all.....the wave really isnt that loud that its going to affect the players on the field. second of all.....i didnt participate because the wave is stupid. So tell me who is more stupid.....the people doing the wave on offense or the the offensive lineman taking a holding call on 3rd and 2????
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