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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. Nope just Howard
  2. Morning show. Thats all i got for ya.
  3. it all went down hill after the Junk Yard Dog Coco B. Ware THe Macho Man (when he was cool) Leepin Lanny Poppo (Sp?)
  4. i believe the guy holding the sign had a bills coat and hat on....the sign read........Hey Al and John How bout Bills/Jets on Monday Night Always Been Curious
  5. im pretty sure wakefield doesnt deserve it. He was pretty bad in game 1.....walking the bases loaded and letting the cards back into the game.
  6. im pretty sure that one of Ralph's daughters actually lives here and has a role in the organization already
  7. i changed my mind, the baseball purists dont need to go to hell......just somewhere not so pleasant...you know like buffalo during football season.
  8. i would argue that since wild card teams are winning the championship so often that it is perfect for the game. The Best team wins every year. Just cause the Yanks finished 3 measley games ahead of the Sox in a 162 game schedule does not mean that only they should have the right to play in October. If there is no wild card then we dont have these great Yanks/Sox series the last few years. It is GREAT for baseball. As far as these baseball purists they can go to hell.....its much more exciting watching the DH than it is watching some crap pitcher try to lay down a bunt and wind up popping it up. Its boring.
  9. Albert can Lick my Pujols.....here come the Red Sox!
  10. enjoy it while it lasts because HERE COME THE RED SOX!
  11. there is place on pearl street that is a red sox bar but the owner is a prick. A great place to watch would be the Buffalo Sports Garden in Orchard Park...its not a redsox bar , 2 of the owners are Yanks fans, one is Sox fan...but there will be a good mix of fans. Plus tomorrow is .25 cent wings and beer is pretty cheap.
  12. thats just what i was thinking.
  13. that was him alright.
  14. i once bought gas from that back up tight end who got cut and decided to work at the Mobil across from the stadium. Also, true story, i came home from work once to find him laying on my couch...turns out he and my brother got into a car accident on the 290 and he gave my brother a ride home, came in and decided to take a load off.... he had painted toe nails.....kinda weird but hey to each his own.
  15. i guess im the !@#$....i dont know if i have SMS , i have text messaging and have never had a problem with it.
  16. it doesnt work with sprint
  17. ay dios mio, gracias por la correcion
  18. by the way "Who's your Daddy" translated to Spanish is Que es tu Papi? You know like Big Papi, David Ortiz
  19. apparently your easily amused. Yankee fans are scumbags. Bunch of stained wife beater wearin , beer swillin , fake gold chain wearin daigos.
  20. buy cheap from a scalper and sit in one of the roughly 5000 empty seats.
  21. i dont know why you have to Hijack this thread. The question wasnt whether or not you like him it was whether or not you went to the Tour Stop in Cleveland. Douche!
  22. what makes you think that we can beat them? Their offense marched down the field against N.E. yesterday and N.E. has a better D than we do.
  23. i would surely make those comments to your face! what are you gonna do punch me? let me guess , your gonna vote for Dubya
  24. You must be watching a different game, when he turned to elude the sack there was another guy at his feet to trip him up already. the reason we lost this game was because of our WEAK defense. They can't stop anybody when it counts.
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