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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. Im assuming that Priest will be around next week and it wouldnt be a bad idea to hold onto Plummer in case McNabb gets hurt. Delhomme throws a ton of INT's. Just my opinion
  2. No dont even bother...that is a meaningless trade.
  3. lets see those pepperoni's -- KC
  4. can a n**ga get a table dance
  5. how can you back any of that up???? Cause he threw don zimmer down? please, the old man was asking for it. Pedro is a great ball player who loves to have fun out there and there is no reason why yanks fans shouldnt accept him.
  6. my prayers are with him and your family. GOD BLESS
  7. professional sports has gone way too far.
  8. this is when you know that fantasy football has gone too far.
  9. i miss it alot. One thing that made me realize just how much i love hockey was when the bills got crushed on sunday night last year against the Chiefs.....the sabres were playing in colorado that night and they beat the avs on a late goal by chris drury and finished a nice west coast trip and suddenly i didnt care about the bills losing so badly.
  10. to do this we would have to elevate J.P. to the #2 QB this week because you cant bring in a #3 QB until the 4th quarter because if you do it before hand the #1 and 2 Qb's cant come back into the game.
  11. The Watchmen- Slomotion
  12. i think that the balance of the youth who did not vote do not feel that either candidate will actually have an effect on their everyday lives. Many of these kids dont own property, have a mortgage , pay school taxes or anything of that matter. I do feel that this generation will vote heavily in the next presidential election when they are 22-27 years old.
  13. i just dont see how it is so hard to read the conversation before asking about things that were already discussed. Furthermore I dont see why there has to be 4 threads covering the same subject when the 1st thread has been atop the page for the whole day.
  14. you havent read any of this have you???
  15. testosterone or stupidity???
  16. Voted for the good (smart) guy
  17. by the way im sure he wont be doing his Post game show on 97 rock anymore....actually i dont know if he was still doing that anyway?
  18. believe me if your son is voting bush and wants to go to iraq, he's BEEN BUYING AND DRINKING lots of BEERS
  19. see other threads about Howard Simon.
  20. yes ive heard that simon is moving in to the morning show spot.
  21. i imagine it will be espn radio for the rest of the week
  22. i guess one thread wasnt enough.
  23. http://www.wgr550.com/onair/index.php
  24. im 22 and i voted yesterday and i was excited about it. and i know that everyone one of my friends who falls into the 18-22 year old category also voted. I call it a product of a good education.
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