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Everything posted by buffalomike

  1. my guess is that the number is somewhere slightly under the 4000 mark because it wouldnt make sense to extend it another day if we have only sold less that 1000 seats all week.
  2. the phone sex call with Nicole Bass this morning was the funniest thing i have heard in a long time. "How big are your feet Sir" hahaha that was great.
  3. holy crap thats a big bear.
  4. my favorite line was when he had to ask finfans to attend this game. What a piece of sh-- team and sh-- fans.
  5. Howard jumped ship and left to become morning weather man at WKRP in cincinnatti. Or WGR i cant remember
  6. she beats him by $1
  7. yeah and the second they went off the air you'd be crying about how great it was. If ya dont like ESPN then dont watch it, its that simple.
  8. hammer, Anne Burke was awful. JUST AWFUL!
  9. Lowest of the Low- Shakespeare My Butt Getting ready for the concert tonight.
  10. so the divorce isnt good enough and she needs "everything". I love what this country has come to.
  11. great call with the O.A.R. but id go with CORTEZ THE KILLER
  12. Thats definatly not for people who live in the "red states"
  13. way to give it away 21 ni@@a please salute.
  14. if drew sucks in the first half i expect to see JP in the second half
  15. Kenneth Keith Kallenback
  16. those are the return tickets from the players.
  18. sure it is. that sight is frickin unreal.
  19. the way they made the schedule was that 1 division plays a different division in the other conference every year
  20. give her the Tickle Post instead
  21. how bout Scott the Engineer after doing 30 B word pushups "You Better Pay Off"
  22. how many teams in your league??
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