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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. The fact that both Alexander and Tomlinson get in the end zone at absurd rates make them the best. And anyone check out Jamal Lewis' stats? He's a one hit wonder. Had a few good seasons but his running style has already taken its toll, add to that freakin PRISON time i would rather have Willis over Jamal Lewis all day everyday.
  2. My sentiments exactly.
  3. I agree that it will be tough to win in NE but it's not let's all jump off the Peace Bridge tough. PLus, we actually have to go out and win on the west coast where we never play well before we can even think of NE. I just don't understand how much fun you can have watching a team if you think its over before you start watching. And this is coming from me a loyal, Bills, Cubs, Sabres, Sac Kings and Arizona State fan if anyone should doubt his team it should be me.
  4. Brian Cox is an idiot. I tune in to "the Drive" with Cox and Chris Myers now simply to hear what idiotic thing BCox will say next. The man needs to be excommunicated to raise the average IQ of the american population. Just this week he stated that the Vikings did nothing wrong on their sexcapade and that he couldn't judge them because he wasn't sure what he would do in that situation and he'd probably be the one holding the camera (classy). And everytime a caller would disagree he would just shout and shout and hang up. Then he followed that up with his discussion on the NBA dress code, which was full of i'm black and this and that and David Stern hates black people and his biggest issue of the WHOLE dress code was not the suit requirement but the fact the players cannot wear friggin chains anymore...this post isn't the most well thought out but I hated this man more than any other player in the NFL and I continue to hate him as a "Broadcaster." and it is becoming even more clear that the only reason he received any notoreity is due to his LOUD freakin mouth. Screw Brian Cox we should have pelted him with stones instead of snow balls.
  5. people on this board need to stop watching the bills if they "have no chance" winning. I mean what's the point? If i knew they were going to lose i sure could spend my time doing alot more productive activities than sit in front of a tv. I don't care how it happened but the Bills are in FIRST place right now...enjoy it and be excited and don't be an idiot defeatest. By the way everyone who thinks the bills are going to get their teeth kicked in by the patsies obviously has not watched a down this season. They are far from invincible and can definitely be beaten any sunday this year. The raiders almost beat them to OPEN the season. Belichick is definitely missing chuck anc romeo so they are not as strong. If they have no chance go home and beat off or something at least you get something out of it.
  6. I hope phat pat wasn't having sex on that boat...i would really feel bad for the crew of that yacht having to see that.
  7. Oakland couldn't hold me and 10 friends under 21 points. If the bills can't establish the run in this game then we have no business talking playoffs.
  8. Hopefully the game plan includes eliminating arm tackles and the D's knack (especially the safeties) for over-pursuing
  9. Phew thank god he's not a soccer pansy.
  10. I agree with you in all aspects. Moulds played like he didn't give a sh-- when JPL was in there. And he calls himself a professional football player??? Some inspired play from vets like EM may have really helped JP out. But I am seated on the Holcomb bandwagon as long as we win and not because of his stellar play. He is simply managing the offense and that's fine, but i don't like his little habit of throwing the ball backwards. That being said he can do whatever he wants as long as the Bills stay on top of the AFC Least.
  11. yep i just checked nfl.com and it lists divisional tie-breakers as: 1. head to head 2. divisional records 3. records against common opponents 4. conference records which means you're right its not alphabetical because we are 2-0 in the division and NE is 0-0. This talk is all sooo premature but its fun to think we are alone atop the division in week 6 for the first time in I don't know how long.
  12. I believe it is common opponents when deciding tie-breakers for teams within the same division before it goes to conference records.
  13. If drew were in any number of other uniforms besides Dallas then I would be happy for him, but I hope he comes crashing back down to earth as he did in Buffalo because he went to dallass.
  14. And let me tell y'all that I am now cautiously optimistic about the remainder of this season. I have continued to be critical of the Bills front office, coaching staff and certain players (esp moulds who i still have issues with) but let me say that it had been awhile since I had a feeling as good I did when I opened the paper up to the sports section and seeing "Buffalo 3-3" ATOP the standings of the AFC East! Not below the Pats but above them (I don't care if its alphabetical). Its been a long time since we as Bills fans have seen that at this point in a season. And it feels fantastic! Gotta BILLieve! Bills Alive in '05! and seeing the fish in last makes it even more wonderful!
  15. First of all when 40% of the league makes the playoffs then there is plenty of room in there for non-elite teams and once you're in screw it anything can happen. This team is still poorly coached IMHO i can think of a few times today (ie lining up a WR behind center to start a gimmick run play when the jests couldn't stop our starting RB or our back-up for that matter, and of course all the penalties which boils down to preparation which is the coaching staff's job) but we can still make a run at this division if we muscle up and beat NE and some of our other tough opponents like SD, KC and DEN. We don't have to win all those games just a few of them and then continue our two year plan of beating on teams we should beat on and we will be right there in week 17. And anybody who can say they didn't question Lindell returning as our kicker this year obviously didn't watch the clusterf**k that was our kicking game last year. Classic. I laughed my ass off when i read that. Speaking of high motor guys...is aaron schobel even on this team anymore???? It seems like its been weeks since he's made a tackle. BILLS ALIVE IN '05!
  16. His stats were just as sexy early with the bills...we'll see over a 16 game season.
  17. Solomon Wilcots and the play-by-play guy were horrible all game!!! Wilcots needs to park his ass back on NFL network where there is a teleprompter he can read off because he obviously lacks ab-libbing skills. ON the same type of note: did anybody hear the color analyst for ND/USC game when they showedr reggie bush getting stretched out by a trainer??? And i quote "You know that's illegal in some parts of Utah." The stunned silence from the play-by-play guy was absolutely priceless.
  18. Tedy is an idiot for coming back especially this year, and i won't feel bad at all if HIS decision ends up destroying his life. All I heard about this guy was how good of a family man he was and that his family meant more than football, but that doesn't appear to be the case now. The bills better run their offense right at him and take advantage of his physical condition and limited practice time.
  19. If willis doesn't carry the rock at least 25 times this week in the winds then TC needs to be hung. Keep running at the Jests and maybe just maybe we can tire them out especially if our defense stops old man testaverde and co. on 3rd and long and gives our offense the ball consistantly.
  20. Man i can't even remember life before the NFL ticket it must be rough, and i told my boss here at work that i would quit if i wasn't given Sundays off and this is actually the first time i have worked on a sunday and she made me work the night shift just so i could still see the game!...i also feel extremely lucky that i got to see the last two games in person.
  21. I thought Peters was starting at QB???? This morning sucks...i am still at work and will not be sleeping much before football starts
  22. what run defense? At least curtis my least favorite martin is battling a bone bruise on his knee...maybe the bills arm tackles will bring him down
  23. those refs should be new hires in the NFL by next season since theyre already deciding games at the college level...that was a debacle and that game should have been decided in OT.
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