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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. His arm is definitely stronger than Pennington's the kid can make a ton of throws down field, and he rarely turns the ball over. Plus Lienart, while not Elway, is not a sitting duck in the pocket, he moves just enough (ala Marcia) to keep rushers honest. Leinart will be a franchise player where pennington is an above average QB. Dig that one if its the Bills that take him. I've been on his bandwagon for some time now, but I also like Winston from the U. Please watch a game where Vince Young isn't playing the likes of Baylor and North Texas before you call him a gamebreaker. He throws brutal INTs and turns the ball over when ever he gets a chance. Hes a good college QB because he can cover his screw ups with his legs. How many rush first QBs have ever won a Super Bowl? Vince is overhyped because he is a great athlete but we will all see when he plays USC in the Rose Bowl that he can't handle a decent defense (he tried to give away the OSU and OK state games this year, but the rest of the team pulled him out). Leinart can lead a team to victory in multiple ways, ie poise and big throws and clutch decision making like the check-off to Jarret in the ND game, while vince can only run. His accuracy is terrible and his decision making in the passing game is worse. Hell he's not even the best QB in this state. If A&Ms defense didnt look Highschool-esque he'd be considered the best in TX and he is definitely a better passer and can hold his own in scrambling ability, some #s may not agree but A&M is not a good team outside of reggie mcneal. Young is more exciting but he will struggle in the NFL with his passing accuracy and decision making. And what is more, Palmer over at UTEP is probably the best passing QB in TX over both Young and McNeal. Young = Vick = never gonna win.
  2. Brown??? Dammit i thought he was coaching the Knicks. But with our run d he could probably run up at least a hundred on us.
  3. That sounds like an ethnic dish.
  4. Since we're speculating on what each of us were insinuating in their posts I am going to say that I think jahnyc was talking about our team earning a top 5 pick on their own as a pitiful record is not out of the realm of possibility.
  5. How could you even suggest that the Bills would make a career backup look like a future HOFer?
  6. Aw yes I can hear the recruiting schtick now: COACH "Hey HS prospect come play in Buffalo." PROSPECT: "What do you have to offer a college prospect of my caliber?" COACH: "Well how about a team that didn't win a game this season, it's cold as hell, and we have no tradition as a program of winning or even being competitive. Our stadium is tiny and our town offers little in terms of a night/college life." THATS WHAT I CALL A WINNING FORMULA FOR RECRUITING
  7. Man I hate those hippy bastards in Austin (no offense intended BlueFire). And if they play like they did against OK State when they play against A&M then UT will be back in Austin sippin tea and bitching about Mack Brown while preparing for some other BCS game other than the NC game in Pasadena. And that would be sweet. Or what would be just as sweet is them going into the Rose Bowl only to have Vince Young suck as a passing QB which happens whenever he tries to be one, because USC will not let him beat them with his legs, and thus having UT get humiliated and exposed. Young is a great athlete no doubt but is far far far from being a quarterback, just watch how inaccurate he was early in the Ok State game missing wideopen receivers, which led to turnovers and huge defecit...luckily they were playin Ok State. If vINTcent young plays like that against USC they'll lose by 40. Not to mention the ridiculous offensive weapons the trojans will use to dominate the Texas defense. I just don't see UT matching up well with USC with the turnover machine at QB. I would love to see UB match up against Temple at a neutral site in a knockdown dragout fight for being the worst team in division I. Better yet throw Syracuse and some other team and have a playoff.
  8. Welp Vick looked absolutely pathetic. Against a real defense Marcus Vick = RJ. So yeah we'll probably draft him... In all seriousness there is no way you can draft Leinert or Vick (mainly because MV is ALL hype) because QB is not the problem here. The trenches and us sucking in said trenches is the issue. I would however like to see the Bills get Maurice Stovall from ND he reminds me a lot of Eric Moulds, and could be a good replacement for EM, only he seems like a well rounded and very intelligent kid from his interviews, so he probably won't be stock piling children with multiple women. But the problem is that he is starting to play like a 1st rounder and we cannot draft another WR in the first round.
  9. Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) is our contingency plan. Mobile, great arm, vision and he gets help through divine intervention and oh yeah he can make/take 3432 hits per game.
  10. And eating everything in sight.
  11. I like Jesse Mahelona from tennessee a little more than Ngata. Only because Ngata is more of a pass rushing DT while Mahelona is more of a run stuffer. But either would be fine in my book.
  12. Yeah that's another thing. There is NO WAY IN HELL the Chargers get rid of Brees. Philip Rivers on the other hand will be gone and I have a feeling playing for a team in south FL.
  13. Boy I can't wait for this MOnday night's Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) love-in! My only concern is that Brett Favre will become insanely jealous and take a sub machine gun into the booth and commit a crime of passion against John. Um yeah and that stellar Pats defense is gonna hold the colts down? I don't know how they calculate hits but it didn't seem to stop Willis from running all over Bruschi (We're not worthy!)'s area which is right up the middle, and our O-line is mediocre at best. Have fun stopping the run with Diem, Saturday, Glenn, Scott, and Lilja leading the way. I think Tedy is going to have even more "hits" (maybe double up on his heroic total of 354 from last week) this game because they are gonna keep running him over. Go Colts. The Pats were great but now they're average at best, especially as beat up as they are.
  14. Does JoPa even know he's coaching anymore? Not being sarcastic just haven't seen any interviews. Does he still have it all together upstairs (cuz he is like 132 or something)? But I have loved seeing the resurgence of old powerhouses like Penn St and Notre Dame this season because it makes college football that much more fun to watch week to week, especially with all of NDs games on NBC.
  15. I loved that commercial from last year (?) with the fantasy guys high fiving peyton.
  16. Well teams make mistakes and overlook guys all the time in the draft. With that logic this would make sense: well screw getting Tom Brady even though he's available because we didn't draft him when we had the chance so he can't be our guy even though he would be a huge upgrade over our current QB. We drafted JP and cannot look to upgrade because we have to live with our picks till the bitter end. That's just assinine.
  17. New Bruschi (We're not worthy!)
  18. Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!) just showed up to finish my shift at work!!! What a guy!
  19. It doesn't matter who TD brought in whether it was Jesus Christ (aka Tedy) ot whoever. All that matters is wins and losses. And quite frankly we have way to many L's and 0 postseason berths. So we can sit here and talk about the moves TDs made or what have you, but the bottom line is it is his job to make the moves necessary to field a winning team and he simply has not done that. Case closed.
  20. The Pats could have trotted a cardboard cut out of Bruschi (We're not worthy!) out there and according the NFL he would have had at least 10 tackles.
  21. Frame of reference probably. But let me tell you Joseph the 100+ yards willis gained up the middle only happened because Bruschi (We're not worthy!) (We're not worthy!) was out finding cures for AIDS and cancer.
  22. Man this work computer sucks i can't wait until i get home to listen to this!
  23. I would much rather have a TO or a Chad Johnson than an EM (even in his prime) IMHO. TO and CJ my B word and moan alot or run their mouths but the men PRODUCE on the field and provide game breaking plays. EM not so much. I recall many a game where a big catch should have been made and EM dropped a pass or fumbled the ball which resulted (not always directly) in a Bills loss. He was a good (by no means great) receiver who has worn out his welcome in Buffalo. This team was not a playoff team this season because their defense blows, and EM did nothing to help a young QB to develop. He only cares about getting his yet does nothing to back it up (like TO), and for this EM is a loser. He's always said he's jealous of guys like Marvin Harrison because he got to play with one QB his whole career. Well Eric look around the league...that rarely happens in the free agency era, and its not like QBs that have come through buffalo don't look your way: DB- never looked off of you which was a problem. Flutie-you were his go to guy, RJ well he = RJ, and Losman didn't throw your way because you didn't go out of your way to help him when he struggled, you only gave up, and the NO game was a prime example (short arming a 3rd and 5 pass and dropping it then not even attempting to turn into a defender on the INT). So instead of helping the organization you claim to love by helping JP develop, you are probably out of here next year and will have to learn yet ANOTHER system. So I ask you one question Eric Moulds: What will you do next year when you go to a "winner" and are most definitely not the number one option?
  24. Guys develop in 3 ways. 1) game experience 2) off season training and preparation 3) practice. Some guys take a little longer to develop (ie Drew Brees), but the fact remains we took JP in the first round so he must be given the opportunity to play more than 4 games. Its just like in baseball, if a team drafts a guy in the first round and gives him a big bonus he will be in the show eventually regardless of his minor league career, because the team made an investment and they will throw him to the wolves cuz hell he may surprise some people. JP is an athletic guy with a strong arm and some quicks, and the Bills INVESTED a first round pick in him. So regardless of subjective "facts" (which is an oxymoron) of who is good and who is a bust, they have to throw him in there to see if they made the right call in drafting him. If he doesn't pan out then he doesn't pan out. Its just like taking the PSAT in highschool, i got an equivalent of 1100 on that stupid thing, and my college list would have been a lot shorter if they just assessed me based on that "practice" score, but i took the SAT got 1425 and had my choices greatly increased. You can't judge a guy only in practice you have to let him show you what he can do and that takes a lot longer than 4 games. The Bills made the decision to draft JP and if he sucks then you cut your losses after a few seasons and live with the fact you drafted a bust. If fans would rather have 8-8 seasons and having the front office continue with the tired "we're on the verge" statements then they really don't want a winner. They need to throw the kid in there and see what they have, because hell he could be right there as a new Favre, Young, Elway etc, but we won't know until he plays more than 4 games thats for damn sure.
  25. Ah the halftime special with the hero song had me crying wait no I was vomiting. Next week on MNF outta be sumthin special since Madden's preferred ass to kiss, Favre, sucked a big one this week. Bruschi may get 55 hits this week against the colts but they're still gonna lose by 25.
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