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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. HOLY sh--! QB is not the problem for this f****ng team its the goddamn offensive and defensive line! The o-line couldn't block my grandmother (although I have heard her spin move compared to Freeney) and the defensive line has no pass rush to speak of. Yeah Schobel had some sexy stats, but so many of those were coverage sacks. While i was the first to jump on Nate for his high praise of himself, and then subsequent and frequent B word slaps he took from the opposition's number 1 WR, he would be 100 times better if the QBs had even a little f****ng pressure in their face. I mean come on! Sage Rosenfels looked like freakin Elway. And I have always lived by the conviction that nobody named "Sage" should even be in professional sports, he should have a boutique or something, but there he was lighting the Bills up because he had 124.2 seconds per drop back to make a decision and throw the football. So until JP or KH take up pass/run blocking or they develop a sick swim move for when they play d-line they cannot shoulder the blame. This game is won or lost in the trenches and Marv hopefully remembers this from the glory days. EDIT: In addition, I think the Rosenfels example shows even the most novice of football fans what any NFL QB can do when he is given time to throw the ball.
  2. At least Norwood was close and kept us riveted right up until it blew past the goal post. Vanderdrunk missed that kick 25 yards right...wide right is an understatement. Plus the guy kicks indoors, outside in Buffalo would be a different story. That's why i'm convinced Steve Christie was one of the best kickers in the last 20 years, because that guy could kick in any weather. Yeah thats what teams are looking for. A kicker who gets one big kick in his career and gets nervous then proceeds to shank the kick so bad that he looked like some fool they pulled out of the stands to kick for money...on second thought we should sign that guy who won the million bucks...he kicked that ball 50 yards out doors in Canada!!!
  3. Way to end my noon to 7 am workday on a laugh!
  4. Centers have more of the responsibility once the offense gets to the line when it comes to protection schemes. That being said i think Vanderjerk's banana kick at the end of the game had a lot to do with the colts losing. Fuggin liquored up kicker.
  5. This is all so stupid because we don't know sh-- about what Brady would do on another team. But the fact remains he puts up very good stats and has 3 rings vs mannings 0 super bowl appearances. That being said...I think if you took Brady and Manning out of their respective teams/systems Brady would thrive more than manning. Brady is a better mover in the pocket and is more accurate than Manning IMO, and Brady took a pounding this year. I am about to throw up but I've seen Elway, Marino and Kelly and Montana and Young in their prime and Brady is the best QB i've ever watched. Now I must self-mortificate myself because what I just said is indeed a sin.
  6. why do you want nate to resign a la mularkey?
  7. That point is idiotic...QBs are like pitchers in a baseball game. They have much more control over who wins and who loses because they impact every single play while their team is on the field. LBs and RBs do not have as much impact on the games outcomes overall. They may make a single big play but the QB handles the football on every offensive snap and his recognition and decision making skills can hurt or help his team to victory much more than anything LBs or RBs do.
  8. I don't get paid to do what champ does he should not have pulled up and the Broncs would've lost had that play been over turned...maybe all the praising the Pats have been getting pissed off the football gods
  9. Come on man that was an absolute bonehead play and you know its getting over turned
  10. Biscuit?? Talley?? He's more overrated than any Bills player in history. How many "hits" does he have tonight?
  11. Wow I didn't think there was anybody as cursed as me when it came to rooting for winners, but unless you're a Cubbies fan i got you beat. i went ASU as well...i was at the 97 Rose Bowl when I was 12 and that game broke my heart. However, that defense was pretty stout it was two coaching blunders that cost the Devils the title. 1) A fuggin squib kick 2) prevent defense
  12. I just threw up a little bit watching my two most hated NFL QBs ever fellate each other then move on to Tedy.
  13. wow Leinert = Akili Smith? That's terrible. I think Leinert has shown an ability to read defenses and isn't afraid to change plays in big situations when he recognizes something. He has instincts like Peyton Manning has instincts, oh yeah and he won big games not like PM. He's a classic pocket passer with just enough mobility to escape some pressure just like Marcia. If you don't like Leinert's throwing fundamentals then i shall hear nothing of Vince Young being anything but the most overrated player to hit the NFL draft. If I had to make a choice between one or the other I take Leinert everyday of the week and twice on sunday, but I also think JP has some raw potential that won't show until we put a good line in front of him and a decent offensive scheme.
  14. I've been holding out for the Bills and only the Bills to offer me a contract! Maybe the dolphins but only so i could poison their food and drink.
  15. mmmmmm...just downed my first "Arrogant Bastard" of the night
  16. Screw Sherman, Haslett, Fassel or Tressel. I've heard nothing but great things about this Workman guy and I think he'd make a fine head coach in this league. All Ralph would have to do is pony up twice the $22,300 this guy was making and this franchise won't be seen as a joke by any potential free agents!
  17. Umm his team is playing the almighty #12 (genuflect) and the Patriots so we know that they're pretty much out of the playoffs the game tomorrow is a mere formality. So its cool that Kubiak realizes this, because even thinking the Broncos have a shot a winning is asking to be struck down by the Almighty himself. On a side note i think Bruschi killed al-Zawhiri and not an unmanned plane...I heard AZ was thinking about throwing money down on Denver to win and he was swiftly struck down.
  18. I could be completely wrong, but wasn't LeBeau an asst. on the Bills staff when the first 22 steeler fans at the game got to start for them and they beat our asses anyway?
  19. Maybe its just me but if I were Charlie Weis I would want to prove I could win in the NFL without Bellycheck, but maybe thats just my competitive side.
  20. I just hope that Marv won't hire the next HC because he was so impressive as an interviewee. I would like to see Mike Sherman come in because injuries were the key to Green Bay failing so miserably this season, and he has been a playoff HC. I don't know though all this smells really funky at OBD. Who knows? I just want to cheer for a competitive Bills team again.
  21. Man I can't stand Jimmy and would hate it if he came to town. I don't think his idea of "character" gels with Marv's. Plus why would he leave FL and his boat to coach in Buffalo. This whole idea is moot cuz there is less than a 0% chance of JJ coming to coach the Bills.
  22. Only for that optimism to be shattered tomorrow as is typical for us Bills fans...I don't know how it will be shattered but I know it will be done.
  23. Quick question: There is a sub shop next to my girlfriends apartment complex called the "Boston Sub Shop" and they are advertising a Tom Brady Sub. What is the proper way to honor The Almighty when encountered by his greatness while driving? Do i have to pull over and prostrate right their on the side of the road??? I'll do it if it means I won't be smited. And I think they disrespected him by using all of the letters in his name, like the Jewish scribes I feel they should have eliminated the vowels. For example, Yahweh was spelled Yhwh in ancient hebrew because they feared God and wouldn't use his full name, so #12's (genuflect) name should be written Tm Brdy if my logic is correct?
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