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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. Last time i checked the only thing that matters in football is results so lets break the TD era down for you: -Peerless' play on the field turned him into a first round pick that TD traded for willis even though we had an RB who was giving us the same production willis is giving us now. WM may turn out to be better than TH, but please tell how he's been better thus far in a Bills uni? Well i guess he THINKS he's the best RB in the game, though travis went out with a fractured leg and let his game do the talking. WM may turn into a top 5 RB but he sure as hell isn't right now and much of that is due to the brilliant "offensive line" that TD assembled. -Spikes was a good signing, and Adams was good until he couldn't keep his mouth shut. I don't remember a signing of Mallory (maybe a new Jill?) but Milloy was part of the TD spin machine that made fans believers only to have the rug pulled out after he was played for a fool by the front office of the Patsies for what turned out to be the second time. Good job TD. -2 crap QBs? Sure they may not have been great but they produced the same amount of playoff appearances as that shot of life Drew Bledsoe, and in less time, and that's zero. And we didn't even have to give up a first round pick to a division rival to get either of them. Bottom line for Drew: 23-25 no playoff appearances, an embarassing burger king commercial, and TD once again getting B word slapped by the patsies front office. The deal that got NE the 1st round pick for Drew was infinitely better than the move TD made for Peerless. -Evans has not shown much yet. He was riding Moulds' double teamed coat tails much like Peerless, so saying that was a brilliant draft pick is idiotic because we have no idea what Evans will do in this league. He most definitely isn't a prototypical WR. McGee is and up and comer, but is still an unknown commodity, but I really like him as a player. Schobel has been solid but he is not a game changing DE, but his stats are solid. Good draft picks, also gotta give props for Mike Williams though and Roscoe. So what does all of this equal??? How about 2 head coaches in 5 years, when Marvin Lewis, Charlie Weis, John Fox, and Jack Del Rio, were all overlooked by the much too smart for the common fan Tom Donahoe, in favor of the terrific Mike Mularkey and Gregggggg Williams. And an overall record of 31-49...wait i almost forgot to add in those playoff games to that overall record so lets see...the Bills were 31-49 under the guidance of the Son of Satan (you probably don't get that reference as you've been here for what 15 posts and already spouting off and making no sense). So yeah if the measure of greatness of a GM is talking up and spinning his "product" with no results then TD was a master. I would much rather have a GM like Marv who's just out there signing players and adding depth and not bringing in washed up Patriots so we can get our ass kicked by them twice a year, than a GM who thought he was smarter than everyone else and a master of spinning questionable moves in a favorable light. Just remember that Marv hasn't even been at the helm for a season and he's matched TD's era for playoff appearances and division titles. I suggest you look at history before posting.
  2. that would eliminate some of the assinine posts from the last few days so i'm all for it
  3. Wow. Another quick look on TBD and another post that makes you want to duct tape your head so it doesn't explode. JP may fail but if he does turn out to be a stud I hope every single !@#$ that posts stuff like this needs to meet somewhere so they can be flogged. Cutler and JP are so similar coming out of college its crazy. Neither won a big game. Both have footwork issues, and strong arms. And both are tremendous athletes. I say we find a way to draft all 3 QBs in this draft that are going in the first and give them each 12 passes in the first game of the season. Whoever completes more gets the starting job for a decade. 8 fuc*ing games this kid has started, so according to your logic your beloved Brees should have been well out of the NFL by his first 16 games. Mr. Woodbury???
  4. i didn't read any of the posts after the first one. Why? Who the f**k are all these newbies with their let's jump off a cliff mentality. Can someone please tell me how many games the Bills have won since Marv has become GM? I remember how i thought the Sabres would suck cuz they only tweaked the team a little bit, and tonight I will be watching them beat Ottawa and taking over first place in the Northeast division. I don't expect everyone to blindly follow what marv does but at least give the guy a chance, cuz its not like TD brought much to the table. Stop bitching and moaning over what a GM does. There's a reason he's where he is and a reason we're not.
  5. Hagan reminds me a lot of EM. But i would rather have Maurice Stovall because he has more pure talent in terms of speed and size and is just now touching his potential. And I thing Hagan will be solid but he's not a game breaker like I think Stovall could become.
  6. i think terdell sands has alot of potential. plus like you said hes a big body that can clog up the middle that should come pretty cheap.
  7. Yeah the games that are gonna decide the fate of the northeastern division are the heads up games against the Sens
  8. Its the name recognition thing. Oh! I've heard of him...damn the cards are gonna be good! When in reality joe-football fan doesn't realize that the browns just made 3 huge improvements in the trenches...where games are won and lost.
  9. Two receivers with 1400 yards is hardly a flop. The Cards biggest mistake was not sticking with McCown. The kid has some serious talent and they could have built their offense with him at the helm, but now warner will get hurt and their season will end by week 5. Dennis Green is the problem in AZ, with his QB carousel...much like the one that went in in Buffalo. Man the more i look at it the more the Bills and the Cardinals are looking like carbon copies. He'll be wishing he had the young athletic McCown by the end of the season.
  10. What the hell has Parrish done to be considered a number 2 WR in this league? He'll last about a week until a roaming free safety knocks him through the turf, or he'll just dive and break another bone. Jesus H. Christ the kid is a slot WR at best where he can get some favorable speed matchups!!! Whenever i see Parrish i think of that scene in the waterboy when michigan puts in their towel boy and he gets clocked going over the middle. I would love to see the bills draft Davis or Ngata in the first round and an O-lineman in the second and either Maurice Stovall or another guy who has the potential to be an impact WR with one of their 3rd round picks. Roscoe Parrish is not a starting WR in this league now or in the future.
  11. Yeah he's really had stellar guys throwing him the football in SF The guy makes some absolutely outrageous catches.
  12. Well offensive production usually goes up when you get a competitent scheme and coach in there. The kid has a TON of upside. He's big, strong, quick, good leaper, the only question mark are his hands in my eyes, which can be improved with work. I see this kid as potentially being anumber one WR in the league.
  13. Man i dunno i still think i like stovall as a later round steal.
  14. I don't understand this. I know they are friends but their playing styles are ver very different. Oh yeah and they're black. Leinert is five times the pro QB that Young is and Chow (he won him a couple of titles at SC remember) would take him well before entertaining the thought of Young. Amen.
  15. Double the pleasure double the losman!
  16. I think you have it backwards. I think they teams HAVE to be in the same city. But i may be wrong.
  17. And acts like carter lol The touchy feely stuff is the only thing that bothers me about this show the last two seasons....there is a friggin terrorist group on the loose with chemical weapons and we're going to reminisce with Audrey???? either way i'm addicted to this show.
  18. man they were horrendous...best B word line of the night: "he skated hard into thomas...in typical briere fashion'
  19. It sucks to see him go, though he definitely needs to be given walking papers, even as a big critic of EM's. I think he dropped too many passes in big situations and really let JP down this season. But all and all a damn good WR not great but damn good. PS - I have over 100 EM football cards because when the bills drafted him i thought he would be a god, so i may criticize him now but at one point he was far and away my favorite buffalo bill. And I will always remember him tearing up that Dolphins secondary in the playoffs ala Chris Chambers did to the "Franchise" even though he had a huge fumble.
  20. UL Lafayette and Rice both had staunch defenses and the Big 12 was solid this year . Numbers lie. Did you watch him in the games against decent defenses? Oklahoma State made him look like a JV Qb in terms of passing. He had to run to win, and when has a runnnig QB ever won jack sh-- in the NFL? His athleticism will not get him by in the NFL (see VICK, Michael). Everyone in the NFL is as fast as VY, and DC's won't have to scheme the whole defense to stop his running which results in open receivers and EASY targets to hit (watch the rose bowl, there weren't defenders within 5 yards on most of his completions). Vince is one of the best athletes i've ever watched in college, but even the worst teams in the NFL don't equate to UL Lafayette, this league will eat up his terrible decision making and his inability to be accurate with any pass rush on him, plus look at Vick, a run first qb = injured, and these reasons are why his stock is falling in the eyes of NFL scouts even if its not in eyes of internet talent gurus like you. The rose bowl caused infatuation but it's wearing off now because the simple fact is running qbs do not win championships in the NFL.
  21. Haven't we learned our lesson with Patsie cast offs???
  22. Its falling because it does a qb no good to have a rocket for an arm and absolutely no clue where the sonuvabitch is headed. The infatuation with his speed and agility will wear thin...hopefully the Jests draft him because this kid is going to be a a huge bust as a qb. Could be a wideout though BINGO! been saying this for months now.
  23. O Brother is one of the best written movies of all time and one of my all time favorites...Damn we're in a tight spot! The Dude abides.
  24. If i fail a drug test i get removed from my profession? This is exactly the attitude that lets OJ off. Follow the goddamn rules and you don't have this problem.
  25. i thought he was terrible on the radio. Just because you can cut off your callers act like an ass and shout louder than the other person doesn't make you good on the radio in my book.
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