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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. Wow we are all now stupider for havoing read this post. First off moron, if those !@#$s you referred to were really exceptional at grading talent they'd be in a front office somewhere. Secondly, their approach was to get defensive playmakers maybe because we had the 29th? ranked defense last year. We added depth at the O-line. Next, judging by your comments you were in the war room with marv and dick et al. I only deduce this because you state, as fact, the Bills traded with Chi-town because they have a friendship. That's laughable and would beat my child (only a joke i have no kids) if he said something that assinine. And it must have gotten real hectic in that war room with all those offers that came in for the number 8 pick. And you must, like a bunch of other !@#$s here, have a crystal ball by your monitor. You can see that D'Brick is going to dominate in this league, because what i saw on TV was Kamerion Wimbley absolutely destroying him on the edges. What has Miami done to get decidedly better? They traded that, highly touted (by you) 2nd round pick for a QB who may not play this entire season. And their dope smoking RB won't be playing this season, and they still have an o-line that resembles swiss cheese. And lastly, because draft grading by folks such as yourself and the ESPN "gurus" has really jumped the shark, it's Craig Nall, and he'll be backing up JP Losman, I just figured someone with such intimate knowledge of the Bills might actually know the !@#$ing names of the players.
  2. So i will withhold grading until the off season following the 2008 season.
  3. Ah the draft grade. Quite possibly more over hyped then the draft itself. I would love to go back and read the "grades" that the gurus and the ass clowns on this board gave teams like the Pats in 2000: 2 15 46 Adrian Klemm OT Hawaii 3 14 76 J.R. Redmond RB Arizona State 4 33 127 Greg Robinson-Randall OT Michigan State 5 12 141 Dave Stachelski TE Boise State 5 32 161 Jeff Marriott DT Missouri 6 21 187 Antwan Harris DB Virginia 6 33 199 Tom Brady QB Michigan 6 35 201 David Nugent DT Purdue 7 20 226 Casey Tisdale LB New Mexico 7 33 239 Patrick Pass RB Georgia Probably not the highest "graded" draft when it took place, but they got one of the greatest QBs of the generation, which in turn brought them championships. I used to look forward to the draft until i realized that a specific draft really doesnt mean sh-- for three years. Lets see how these players perform on a !@#$ing field before we jump off the Peace Bridge.
  4. When TD was here we all heard the same things about our Bills.
  5. Yes draft picks would have made this team a playoff contender I'll reserve judgment on Whitner as No 8 but i really like mccargo and definitely like youboty.
  6. Keep AJ Hawk. Those Buckeye LBs are always sure things, but I do like Brady's sister.
  7. depends on who's blocking for Kelly. Cuz not even Jimbo would be great behind our o-line. all things being equal I say Reed has higher numbers, but that's because I don't like EM.
  8. If Philadelphia was wiped off the map (along with its inhabitants) I wouldn't shed a tear. Its a city of absolute losers. I don't care who it is but when a stretcher and an ambulance is needed to take a player off of a field and you cheer, you are not a human being. Philly fans are low budget and should never be able to call out other fans with regards to class. JP Dumont got speared on a dirty play and they all cheered, RJ Umberger got his ass lit up because he broke the number one rule in hockey, always keep your head up, he didn't and he's lucky he's even able to step back on the ice. I hope someone makes a serious run at Forsberg because he is a cheap shot, and I hope we go up 3-1 tomorrow and Peters gets a shot at Gauthier (he should be suspended for a game for the spear, and should have been for his hit on Vanek), cuz his punk ass needs a whooping. Philadelphia sucks. Go Sabres.
  9. See FLOWERS, Erik; WILLIAMS, Mike
  10. Even without the hitting those soccer pansies stay on the ground rolling around and grabbing their shins longer than Umburger did last night. Baseball postseason is awesome, but the drama always involves the Yankees. I actually like watching the Yankees, only because i'm a cubs fan and they're nowhere near a baseball field in october, but the NHL playoffs are such a grind physically and almost any team can emerge as the champs, where baseball has 4 teams routinely in the playoffs and two "suprise" teams. Steinbrenner and the weak player's union has ruined competition in baseball and thats why the NHL is better in my humble opinion. Exaggerated??? laughable. The league changed the rule because of the play. That says it all. Alaska is actually quite beautiful, and also not Canada. There are 2 reasons Alaska > Canada.
  11. that will never get old. God I hate the Flyers.
  12. If that's your job then you probably shouldn't crack on any other jobs even if its flipping burgers.
  13. Ass Clown. MVR < RJ. Where did this hostility come from? And personally I don't think the Bills need to draft a QB as an insurance policy this year. Lets see what we have in JP and maybe Nall. If JP fails to improve at all this season then we can look for a QB prosprect. And if its not Brady Quinn then, and yes my opinion can hold up to MVR's close eye since i watched 3 games on TV and 2 in person, but i digress, I really like Jordan Palmer from UTEP. He's Carson's brother, good pedigree, he's athletic and has a very strong arm. I think the kid has serious potential to be a good QB in the NFL, and thought he may be a steal in the second round but it looks as if he's starting to move into next year's first round, especially if he has a strong senior campaign. He's a prospect to keep an eye on. MVR Disclaimer: I am not an NFL scout, nor am I a college scout, or High School or hell even Pop Warner, but I do like football, and I am observant, so I figured I could give an opinion. I have not clocked Palmer's 40 time, or his velocity on his throws, nor do I know if he's a high motor. But my observations and opinions on Jordan remain based on what I've seen with my own two eyes.
  14. Ouch. It hurts just thinking about that play.
  15. Is there another link to the peters golf swing? the other one isn't working...oh yeah and how bout that insane fight someone posted with the russian teams. Is that still around the wall somewhere?
  16. Better than TO dancing on the Dallas star!!!
  17. HAHAHAHA! Way to go unions! They're destroying cities faster than any terrorist ever could.
  18. He was a veteran who helped keep the franchise afloat when the future looked dismal only to get completely disrespected by the organization. I'm not saying that RJ didn't need to get a shot, i mean he had to be thrown into the fire at some point, the organization blew 25 mill on him, but the timing was ridiculous, and I understand if Doug got a little pissed off when he got thrown under the bus for what? Winning football games? The benching of Flutie was where this franchise went south, not his reaction to getting screwed over.
  19. gave him a shot he helped get the team a playoff birth then WAM! Take a seat so Mr. Do-rag can play. Ah yes selfish. The guy QBd our team to 10 wins and 2 playoff births only to have the starting job unceremoniously ripped away from him. His fault? Laughable. Lets start with the signing of RJ after ONE NFL start. Then lets move to well the TD era is just the TD era. Yeah that damned Flutie all he did was help our team rebound from a 1-3 start to finish 10-6 and make the playoffs, and that was with a suspect o-line and not even an average NFL RB. The disruptive influence was whoever made the call to switch from Doug to RJ.
  20. Man no matter how you dress it up, a Dolphin for a mascot/logo just isn't intimidating whatsoever. Especially when the colors are orange and aqua marine.
  21. Only a democrat would oppose this deal, and use it to jump at another opportunity to try and make someone else dependent upon the government. TWO! Count them one-two owners opposed this deal. Thats 30-YES vs. 2-NO as in a 94% majority, and this is unfair? This is what happens in a system where everyone's vote matters the same. Unless D Snyder, Jerry Jones et al went to other "small" market owners and coerced them into accepting this deal is the only instance where any type of investigation would be needed, and that would be done by a law enforcement entity. Checks and balances exist for a reason, Legislative, Judicial and Executive. And Congress legislates they do not enforce! 94% of the freaking owners agreed to it! Congress needs to get the hell out of sports, they are paid by taxpayers to do a "job" and that job is not to act on issues concerning sports. How about dealing with our borders. Also, what do these hearings even accomplish? Pretty much the same thing congress accomplishes anytime they get together and that's nothing. Example: Senator Blowhard (D-MA): "Mr. Palmeiro. Have you ever taken steroids?" Palmeiro (steroid user - MD): "I have never taken steroids." Senator Blowhard: "Um ok...well that's about all we can do. Oh wait you know you're under oath right?" Palmeiro: "Yeah." (With his fingers crossed under the table) Blowhard: "Thank you for coming snacks and refreshments will be served outside," gets blindsided by an object that is travelling so fast its just a blur, "whoa Senator Kennedy there's enough for everyone." Thanks for that tax payer funded game of twenty questions. But at least that wasn't a waste of time. I know the Bills are a big part of WNY and i would never watch an NFL game with any interest ever again if they moved, but Congress has no place in this situation. This is business and when bigger badder businesses come in sometimes the weaker ones get their clocks cleaned and are closed down. Location has a lot to do with this, and if the Bills are in a poor location and Dan Snyder is in a better location and puts up the money to get that location then that sucks for Ralph. My last point. I don't believe the Bills are losing money. Its the NFL, the biggest revenue producing sport on the planet. I don't care if Snyder gets more money...you know why? His product produces more revenue than our Bills. I'm sorry but reading that a Congressman my try and have congress step in just pisses me off. Especially when there are thousands of ILLEGAL aliens marching on our streets today showing how inept Congress is by throwing the fact that they are here illegally right back in their faces. Thanks for that brilliant piece of legislation from the sixties that "controlled" immigration, "Swimmer" (that's Ted Kennedy). GO BILLS (in WNY)!!!
  22. He's still trying to figure out how to spell his name.
  23. Ok that new logo still sucks but its the colors that make any logo they come up with extremely homosexual. I hate the Bills unis but they will never be as bad as anything the dolphags trot out onto the field with because i'll take red white and blue over orange and teal any day of the week and twice on sunday.
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