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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. If the Bills do this then I will...I swear to god, never watch another Bills game again. IF this happens they are nothing but a bunch of pus**es who should not be allowed to run a team. Give someone the nod and have the balls to stick it out for more than four weeks.
  2. TO compared his performance in the Super Bowl to Willis Reed's performance for the Knicks when he played on a broken leg. HAHAHAHA!!! TO the knicks WON!!!
  3. ...and single handedly costing the Cowboys the playoffs with pitiful performances against the Redskins and Seahawks. Drew successfully lead another team to the brink of the playoffs only to come up just a little short en route to his typical 9-7 record after a brilliant first half of the season. Man it has become apparent that only certain teams ever get props by the media. Bill Parcells can do no wrong even though he hasnt won sh-- in dallas. I hate the cowboys and the media.
  4. Its in color so it loses something from the first one already
  5. leafs at sabres at the ralph!
  6. those are friggin sweet i hope we see them. Does anyone know when we will use the new logos and jerseys? Is it this upcoming season?
  7. Sorry. You will soon be struck down for this blasphemy.
  8. you can take that to the bank
  9. I'll be there!!!!!!
  10. one of my best buddies from HS caught at OSU for three years and then decided to redshirt this season so he could transfer and use his final year of eligibility elsewhere...i havent called him today i bet he doesnt want to talk.
  11. That was great, but my favorite onion sports story is Manu Ginobili faking his own death after taking a charge.
  12. You're all missing the bigger picture here. Saban is a god, and will definitely get the most out of the Bills re-treads, because he is like i said before a god...i think he's actually a cousin of tedy (we're not worthy) bruschi, and he knows MM and BA will be a dominate force, and just wait until Tampa finally does get really tired of MW then his plan will be complete upon signing MW. and he will overtake Belichick in terms of BJs given to HCs by Clayton and Mort because MW can be a real"diamond in the rough" if he gets into shape and we all know MW will get into shape under saban because saban will simply wish it to be true and *poof* MW will be a dominate force. Or maybe saban's looking at the big picture...Bennie will surely help local restaurant owners and will infuse cash flow into the local economy, which will in turn help the Felons get a new stadium by placing a tax on pastries and anything cream filled. Damn he's good. If Bennie is starting when Buffalo takes on the Felons then John McCargo will win defensive rookie of the year because Benn is good for allowing 5 sacks in those two games and some TFLs. Thank you Nick Saban for maybe putting an o-line on the field worse than the Bills from last year.
  13. Lets see here's a question for everyone. Who's the highest rated passer in NCAA football history? Ryan Dinwiddie. Went to Elk Grove HS in near Sacramento, CA he's a damn good athlete but he'll be cut.
  14. I have always said that Rick Jennerette (SP not even close but its 4am) could make watching paint dry seem exciting. I wonder if he did soccer games if it would be exciting? (Brian McBride breaks in on goal he shoooots he scoooooooores!!! Top shelf where mama hides the cooookies!!!) I have watched very few soccer games in my life...because its boring, however I watched every USA game in the 02 cup and will watch every US game in this cup. Why? Because international competition is incredible, and the US has always been looked upon as that one "special" kid in gym class who the teacher has to let play the game, and one day I hope we win the thing just so I can sit back and watch the rest of the world piss and moan about it and come up with excuses for why it happened. It will be awesome to win the "world's" game because american's don't give 2 sh**s about the damn sport. The reason we don't dominate this game (yet) is simple: capitalism. We have money therefore we play and dominate sports that take money to participate in. We aren't a nation of malnutritioned poor people who make a ball out of whatever it is they find in the trash and kick it with bare feet, and call it an amazing game with "intricacies" that we cannot understand. There are more "intricacies" in a single pitch in a baseball game, or single down of (real) football than there is in an entire 90 minute soccer game, and we cannot understand it? Bullsh*t. As Americans, we like to watch people do things we ourselves KNOW we cannot do. Like hit a baseball 500 feet or throw 95 MPH or run over a 270 lb linebacker or dunk a basketball in some 7 footers face, and when we watch soccer and all its passing back and forth 60 yards from the goal (one of the aforementioned intricacies, which blows my feeble mind ) we get bored because I can do that in my front yard with a group of guys. Another thing, soccer players come off as pus***s. I watched 10 minutes of the Costa Rica game the other day and a guy fell down after getting tripped by another player like he was f-ing shot in the leg, the trainers carried him off on a goddamn STRETCHER and no more than 3 minutes later he was running and playing again like nothing happened. That being said, I will watch America's games because I love rooting for my country in international competition, because everyone hates (in reality is jealous of) our country, and want nothing more than to see us fail, and I want to see it live when all the soccer idiots er hooligans kill themselves when we do win even if its not this time around. Even if we are eliminated I'll probably turn on one of the other games and watch it, but only if I need to take a nap and can't fall asleep on my own, I know that announcer who screams goooooooooooooooooallllllll will only wake me up an average of 1.5 times during a game. USA! USA! USA!
  15. I'll bet he stays healthy through training camp, after that all bets are off. This trade is something the Mets would have done a few years ago in baseball. Pick up an aging vet who can't stay off the DL but will add excitement and put butts in the seats. That being said a 4th rounder isn't that bad, but seriously mcnair is just about finished.
  16. Yes he should have. Phillips sucks.
  17. After years of heartache because i am a bills fan this seems entirely possible. Especially since we've had our fun with RJ coming into a game already when he was with washington, so the football gods would undoubtedly crap on us this time around. He'll probably have a stat line a lot like this: 22/28 for 328 yards and 2 tds, and then we'll sign him again because he has great potential.
  18. I watched the show on OLN last night and was laughing my ass off the entire time. It's done like the Office (mockumentary) and its about Canadian hocley parents. Its funny because its exctly how parents in texas are about football. I suggest you watch it its funny.
  19. The numbers don't crunch.
  20. I've never heard him predict anyone but the Canes coming out, Engblom (easy to get the 2 mullets confused) had Ottawa in the Cup. Its really going to piss me off when the sabres win this series and THEN everyone starts to pick them. This is gonna be a great series because much like our season series with Ottawa, the Canes won early in the season, but when there was actually something on the line the Sabres won. Lets not forget that the Sabres, with nothing to play for, went down to Carolina for game 2 of a back to back, and dominated the Canes in their own building. If the Canes had won they would have had home ice throughout. The other two games the Canes won but one of those wins came in a shootout. The only game they played that even closely resembled a big game was the final game of the season and our Sabres took it to the southerners. While i am optimistic, i am not myopic and think this series will go 6 or 7 with the Sabres ending up playing for Lord Stanley's Cup. But by god we need Connolly back, he was magical before he got hurt. Go Sabres!
  21. Your contributions to this discussion has been nothing short of spectacular. Really good thought provoking stuff.
  22. Ok i bought this ring tone creator and it sucks. In the article it says that some of his calls are ring tones. Does anyone know where i can get one?
  23. Anyone know where i can download clips of jenerette? I have this program to create ring tones and would like to use them.
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