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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. He showed up with his fat cow of a wife on the one occasion this year that i get to come home to buffalo, i think just to piss me off.
  2. Everyone in the RockPile today was dumb founded by the pass happy offense when we had the lead and in short yardage situations/
  3. How dare you make fun of "the genius." Maybe he planned on starting 1-3 so the media forgets about the fish then he devises genius game plans with mularkey and voila Super Bowl. You ever think of that?
  4. That Tiki Barber guy had a rep for not holding onto the ball. He sucks.
  5. Bury em. Frye just absolutely choked this game away.
  6. Gotta love the JP haters coming out of the wood work because we lost we today. And gotta love the "fans" who walk straight to the ledge after every loss. This team is young and I mean the youngest in the league, so these losses are going to happen this year its a learning process. This team is going to end up 8-8 or 9-7 because they're learning more about themselves each week and that will allow for improvement. The Bengals did this same thing a few years ago when the sniffed the playoffs at 9-7 but just didn't quite make it, because they lost games just like this, and now look at them. They're laying the wood to the champs. Lets just watch this season play out before we jump off that ledge. And any of you who didn't have the balls to say sh-- about JP the first two weeks please just go back to your holes, because you contribute nothing, especially since he made some good plays and looked like a good, promising young qb today. Go Bills.
  7. I don't think thats possible to do in one season. 17 weeks < 32 teams, but i'm kinda drunk so i dunno
  8. 1. He had a coaching staff that retarded his development by playing then sitting then playing then sitting him. So last year doesn't count much against that learning curve, because he wasn't given the time to develop. Also, he broke his leg his rookie year and didn't get much in terms of practice time. You're an idiot if you think that every young QB is going to come in and go 15-0 their first year as a full time starter a la Roethlisberger, who if you remember, just managed games, and what did that get him last year? uh a super bowl i think? 2. High expectations or absolutely ridiculous ones? The Bills just went 1-1 to start a season on the road against divisional freaking rivals. Pretty much what I'm getting is that you'd be a seller of JPs stock even if they were 2-0 right now because he didn't lead them on a game winning drive and put up big numbers, which is exactly where we would be if we kick a FG and don't go for it on 4th and 1 in NE. Fantasy Football numbers look sexy but mean sh--, that's why its called FANTASY FOOTBALL, it doesn't take into account whether or not a team was victorious (SEE: DILFER, Trent in 2002 with Baltimore). So far we've got 2 quarterbacks that have won super bowls in the last 5 years who were not guys who put up big numbers, also Delhomme didn't put up big numbers and led his team to a SB berth and so did Brad Johnson with Tampa, by playing mistake free and letting the D dominate. But that Peyton Manning has led a lot of 4th quarter scoring drives so I'm buying his stock (for the record his stock consists of 0 rings with the most talented offense in the league). 3. Dilfer, B. Johnson, Trent Dilfer, Ben Roethlisberger - 4 SB berths and 2 rings. Whereas, Manning, McNabb, Trent Green, Vick who put up sexy stats have one SB berth and count em 0 rings. What I'm getting at is football is a team game. Right now JP is being put into a role where he needs to score some points without risking a ton because the defense is strangling opposing offenses. He's coming along nicely which will help when we do need him to march down the field to win a game. Finally, when has JP been in a position to lead a game winning drive? Last year he was jerked around and we were getting our asses handed to us most of the time, with a coaching staff that could barely tie their shoes let alone put together a winning game plan that would allow JP to show what hes made of in the 4th qtr. And this season we've played 2 games. Selling JPs stock right now with very little feedback on the product is like selling microsoft stock because they PC didn't catch on immediately. So lets see JP get put into a situation where he needs to lead a game winning drive before we say he can't do it. Also, that first opportunity he gets, he may fail, but I don't remember even the greatest comeback kids like Elway and Montana succeeding every time, and if i wasn't dog tired i'd go and show you stats that illustrate that when they were young they weren't leading game winning drives every week. Right now I'm holding my JP stock while accumulating capital to buy a huge share as soon as I get a little more product feedback this season, because from what i see as an "investor" the kid has all the tools to be a very very good investment.
  9. Coaching. He couldnt find a coach for sh--.
  10. McCargo was a first round pick. How can you have an opinion after two games? If the first two games made a career then JP would have gone from hall of famer to burger flipper last year.
  11. It was a forward pass but caught behind the LOS so i don't know. Can anyone clarify this rule?
  12. This just goes to show you how much the media is compiled of a bunch of idiots. Today Farnum and Myers on FOX sounded completely off base on JP Losman, saying he's no good and nobody in the league thinks he's any good, and that was coming from all the "experts" Myers has the priviledge of rolling with. Probably the same "insiders" that said marv was too old and Whitner was a stupid pick. And Farnum still defended his point that JP is quote "terrible." They made no logical rebuttals only to say he threw for 89 yards and then when confronted with the fact that he's the 12th rated passer in the league he'd say numbers don't mean anything, which is a contradiction, gotta love that "education" farnum got while hooping at ucla. It was overly apparent that these !@#$s didn't watch more than the highlights of the ass kicking we put on Miami. Keep shocking the world JP F*** the haters. I don't know who I hate more...the political media for being slanted so far to the left its ridiculous
  13. Not while the ball is in the air i don't believe. Once the ball is in the air the DB cannot make contact with a WR.
  14. Assinine. There is ALWAYS a risk in the draft. Jim Kelly could have been Todd Blackledge. Or what about Ki-Jana Carter? Guy had a lot of talent and couldn't stay healthy to say the least. You take the player you think will best help your team win, and Marv did that. How's that Mario Williams pick looking after 2 games? I'll give you and all the other prognosticating morons a hint. It doesn't look as good as Whitner.
  15. But did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?
  16. Mularkey is clueless in terms of how to use RBs. Has there been a Shaud sighting on 3rd down??? Case closed.
  17. When was the last time we blocked a punt? Wasn't it Sape against Cincy last year? My dad and I were trying to remember, because he's old and thought it had been a very long time since the last one. Edit: or was it J. Peters?
  18. The Marlins aren't going anywhere. They pretended to be interested in San Antonio, but I think they were just getting the hopes up of the citizens of San Antonio. Its becoming a fun game the professional sports world is playing with this city. We roll out the red carpet for the Saints and try to jack them from NO, and then out of the blue the Marlins want to move here? Somewhere the commissioners of the major sports get together and laugh about this city and its people, maybe during an annual conference call?
  19. I have heard a few "experts" talking about the lack of production by JP Losman. Namely Chris Landry (a person with an opinion i actually respect) who said the Bills could conceivably be an 8-8 team but no more this season because their quarterback play isn't what it needs to be for the team to contend for a playoff spot, but I would totally disagree. JP didn't have huge numbers because the play calling wasn't condusive to putting up big numbers. The play calling wasn't aggressive. But it didn't need to be aggressive, the Bills were handling the fish just fine and didn't need to air it out today. This is what happens when you a have a coaching staff that develops a game plan and sticks with it the whole game while making minor adjustments on the fly. What we had been told were coaching staffs before were really just guys calling plays by the seats of their pants with no real game plan and no balls to stick with a game plan for a whole game (ie, Willis absolutely destroying the Saints last year on the first drive and getting 7(?) carries the rest of the game). What is seen as conservative play calling and suspect QB play was actually a calculated formula that was devised to produce exactly what we wanted...a W. The Drugfelons were completely obliterated today in many facets of the game. It may not have been perfect, but the coaching staff used the team's strengths and minimized the weaknesses, which is what winning teams do. We may not make the playoffs this year but holy lord what a difference a competent coaching staff makes. Go Bills!!! Dave
  20. Thank you very much for your service. Keep kicking ass and taking names and get home safe.
  21. Thats why I can't wait to see Daunte in December in Buffalo. Those tiny hands will be good for more than a few priceless moments.
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