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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. Ok i have been a JP apologist for a long time and he's still got a future i think. BUT the kid gets hit with a strong wind and the ball comes loose. He needs to protect the football not only against INTs but fumbles.
  2. And i hate rodney harrison. Only player i ever wished injury upon. I am full of hate today.
  3. Any player can give himself up like that at anytime during a play and defense can't touch him. Kelsay is an idiot.
  4. At least we're not the Raiders. Lets keep losing and get us some Calvin Johnson. And Kelsay should be given walking papers after that bone head play. I hate this team sometimes. Piss poor talent mixed with piss poor coaching is a bad combination.
  5. Get a pass rush and your DBs look a helluva lot better.
  6. You're dead on about McGahee and the defense, and the rest of your opinions i simply don't agree with. Lee Evans has shown me that he is a very capable WR and will develop into a solid number 1 threat. His only drawback is he is small and not a real red zone threat yet, but many smaller WRs are great in the redzone (marvin harrison). To say that its going to take two years to grasp this offense is ridiculous. You just threw out an arbitrary number of years and thats about all you did, as you don't participate in said offense. Offenses can absolutely take huge steps forward at anytime a la Phil Rivers last night. Its like an offensive epiphany. It may take time but to say its going to take 2 years and thats the "trooth" is flat out ridiculous. If the O-line keeps pass protecting like they did last week then it could easily turn around sooner rather than later. However, the play calling must get better and more condusive to growth. When the Bills get a lead the offense goes into a shell like a Marty Schottenheimer team and they do not attempt to put teams away. If the coaches allow the offense to make play all game their confidence will grow in leaps and bounds. But yes, McGahee is all hype with few results. Yeah his YPC was ok against Chicago, but before they absolutely buried the Bills it was in the 1.5 range, and like i've said in earlier posts he cannot be relied upon in short yardage situations, because he doesn't drive the pile like he does when he's gaining extra yardage on other plays. I don't know why this is, but to me its been especially apparent this year. Hopefully this team is on the right track with Dick and Co, but who am I to judge since I am a biased fan (short for fanatic) of the Buffalo Bills.
  7. Name a time he has EVER picked up the yardage and 3rd or 4th and short. In terms of tough yards he can't get them.
  8. Until Willis picks up an inch in a crucial 3rd or 4th down you can't say he's better than jones. Willis is all talk with mediocre results. Dax didn't you used to love peyton? I seem to remember that from the Bledsoe days.
  9. Willis McGahee. The kid is useless in short yardage situations. Hence the lack of TDs in the red zone. He gets talked up a lot and produces little yardage in big situations. Flame away.
  10. You're a retard. Go look at how many rush attempts JP has this season before you make stupid observations.
  11. Anyone else seriously concerned with Jauron and his ass clown staff?
  12. I completely agree about Davis. He's very very fast sideline to sideline and one of the best LBs in college football, but he is a Criminole.
  13. yeah there are alot of QBs who "thrive" under pressure. That's why Manning plays lights out against teams that rush the passer and Brady is having the season of his career this year with a make shift o-line, cuz they "thrive" under pressure.
  14. Karma will catch up to that loser and hopefully a devastating career ending injury is in his future. Hopefully Igor Olshansky is somehow involved in said injury. I never wish injury on anyone unless he's a cheapshot or a complete jerk off which manning qualifies as.
  15. There are Wins and Losses in the NFL and that is all. And today was a win. So shut up because its moronic to say "they won, but they almost didn't" cuz i remember a certain Super Bowl where the Giants won but they almost didn't.
  16. i was at the game and very disappointed when 10,000 or so Bills fans left before the Vikings' final drive. that was pathetic.
  17. he's got to learn to throw screens and swing passes to the RB a little better, but other than that he's been great, and anyone who says that a swing pass or an effective screen pass is an easy or routine throw has most definitely never played QB at a competitive level ever.
  18. QB a need? Wait. You're right. JP has done sh-- in the league. He hasn't even led us to a Super Bowl like Brady and Roethlisberger did in their first and second years as starters. Why wait to replace JP just cut him and his 71 of 111 for a 64% completion 4 TDs (one rushing) only 1 INT and Qb rating of 90.6 right now! He's a loser. He hasn't shown any improvement and this team will be lucky to win 2 games with him starting at QB.
  19. He's toned down the playbook a little but to help the brainiacs in MIA by eliminating the reverse part before the option, I mean his offense must be implemented gradually
  20. And Peter King is never wrong. 4 game suspension from the NFL and hopefully Fisher is true to his word and takes the law into his own hands and suspends him w/out pay for the rest of the season.
  21. Drop the second "s" ass clown. Or didn't you notice the win today. Go play in traffic.
  22. Gotta love the enthusiasm but we don't require double spacing when posting here. We're not writing college term papers here.
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