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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. The problem I've always had with Leftwich is his mechanics. I pitched in college and though I'm not an expert on football throwing motions he throws a football like a baseball. Throwing anything overhand is a completely unnatural motion that really strains the muscles involved and can result in major injuries even if mechanics are flawless. Leftwich extends and comes over the top of his shoulder much like an outfielder or pitcher in baseball, but he's throwing a football, which weighs about 15oz or three times as much as a baseball, which means he places a lot of undue stress on his arm. I believe this tires his arm out and thats why if you look at the numbers hes put up in the first half of seasons vs the second half, he is far superior in the first 8 games of the season. If you watch a guy like Manning or Brady they throw from their ear without the windup. That's one reason I wouldn't trade for Leftwich, that motion also means that he is a major shoulder injury waiting to happen (not to mention the rest of his body which is always hurt). Its the same way Gio Carmazzi (who went to my high school a few years earlier than myself and who I'm friends with now) who was drafted by the 49ers in the 3rd round by the niners threw a football and it took him less than a year to experience a, what proved to be, career ending rotator cuff injury. He came to my highschool to rehab and we were talking about his injury and i blurted out that I always thought he threw a football like a baseball, and maybe thats why he got hurt, and thats exactly what he said the niners QB coaches were telling him, and why he got hurt. I just think the Byron will see the same end to his career because he'll never be able to change the mechanics he's had since the first time he picked up a football. Plus I'm still hoping JP will pan out for us.
  2. I'm 22 and have argued with my father and everyone else who says that JP just doesn't have what it takes to succeed in the NFL. I have been an apologist and an excuse maker for his poor play, and I'm starting to think that maybe he won't succeed in Buffalo, be it the line the marry go-round of coaches or whatever, but i am starting to waver in my confidence that he will be a good QB only because he has regressed from the beginning of this season. I am all for letting him start the rest of the way, but if the offense really struggles again maybe give nall a second half just to see what he's got, but JPs arm and athleticism still make me want to believe he's going to be the real deal. And I will support him the whole way until he shows he is a good QB or his career in Buffalo comes to an end.
  3. Yes we won. And we've won 3........and lost 5. THAT is the bottom line.
  4. The Bills won today so JP should not lose any time in practice or in the game this week. I'm glad he didn't turn the ball over, but he only passed the ball 15 times, and it just seems like this staff doesn't trust him at all. This team is going nowhere this year, so, as someone who doubts JP now, but badly wants to see him succeed, the staff needs to take the training wheels off and let it fly, and leave everything on the field, because until that happens we will never see what JP can do, and whether or not he really is a QB we can build around. I also think its a shame that he was drafted by our Bills, as they neglected to upgrade the line for years, and have 0 playmakers on offense (no Evans is not a playmaker). And if this offense remains as stagnant as they have been then yes chalk me up to the !@#$s that wouldn't mind seeing nall in there for the last few weeks of the season, because screw it, in terms of points and yards it can't get much worse than it has been. Every week i see teams that supposedly have less talent than the Bills put up 30 points on at least one occasion, and today was our highest point total of the season and 7 of those came courtesy of the defense. Its just frustrating as hell to see the writing on the wall that we are becoming the Arizona Cardinals.
  5. We go three and out this many times against Indy and we'll lose by 50.
  6. Technically Peyton gets a few plays to choose from before the snap and he picks out of those few plays, so its not like he's REALLY calling his own plays. (just stirring the sh-- for fun)
  7. No not every win can be pretty, and we haven't had a pretty win this year but we've had some atrocious losses.
  8. The issue is not whether we won today or not its the fact that we're 3-5 so we lose more than we win and that has been the case for the better part of a decade and thats why Bills fans are negative. We're still in training to "appreciate" each one of our 5 wins in a season and celebrate because golly it feels good to win even win it means jack sh-- like Cardinal fan, because don't kid yourselves thats where we are headed.
  9. OK i thought i was going crazy when they said that. I knew he scored against NE. Maybe they meant his first touchdown on FOX since 2004 He played 10x better today than he has the rest of the season, but one good game does not make clements a top DB in this league. In fact until he puts together a few more of these games i still have no problem letting him walk as there are many more areas that need to be addressed on this team before the DBs. Like putting together a good set of lines, as a good d-line will make average DBs look better. Just look at what bruce did for Nate Odomes, thomas smith and Jeff Burris ets.
  10. Its also unfortunate that JP doesn't have a big physical WR like Plaxico Burress or Chad Johnson where he could just throw the ball up when he's pressured.
  11. I have been the biggest JP apologist before today. I am just sick and tired of watching this offense sputter. No it is not at all completely JPs fault that this offense sucks, but as the QB he has to take some of the blame. As a fan and someone who knows a little bit about football, I see other QBs that have the exact same amount of time in the league doing much more impressive things at this point. Yes coaching is a problem, but we've already been through one coaching staff with JP and we have to stick with this one for a little while just to see how it works out. I was really happy at how JP started the season, but the turnovers (bravo on none today) have become a real issue, and its not just INTs its his inability to protect the football while being hit and when he scrambles. Again, completely his fault? No. But at some point he has to be held accountable for the problems, I hope he proves me wrong by making big strides by the end of the season and he's a stud for a long time, but i really think this is his last season in Buffalo unless he shows some real progress over the next few games. I hope i get to eat some serious crow but I just don't see him as being successful in the NFL. Nice job on that one pass though, and i'll keep rocking my JP jersey until he's off this team. Throwing the ball away would be nice. He has held the ball too long all season taking sacks that could be avoided by throwing the ball away. I don't claim to see the entire field from my TV like the rest of you who happen to have the super wide screen TVs that allow you to see that no WRs are ever open.
  12. Evans was wide open didn't take a great pass. They won because of defense and special teams.
  13. Yeah we thought we were rebuilding but the team is simply pathetic, and they've gotten worse on offense every week. And change for the sake of changing can be a good thing, and anyone who has played sports at higher level than rec softball knows this and i laugh when you say idiot bungee jumper because when you get to a high enough level all of the guys have ability or they wouldn't be there. Sometimes stagnation happens when guys get comfortable.
  14. When his team looks remotely prepared. Look at what a change has done for Jax and Dallas. We don't have playmakers like they do but what the hell Nall can't be worse.
  15. Yes this team sucks in every aspect, but its time to see if Nall can play and move on from JP. He locks onto targets, won't tuck and run and even if its not his fault the offense cannot move the football. I've been a huge supporter of JPs since we drafted him but to me its apparent if he's going to succeed in the NFL it won't be in Buffalo. He may not be turning the football over but he's not "managing" the game either. Sometimes you just need to shake things up and make guys realize they may not be playing for the playoffs but they're playing for pay checks next year. This team is really really bad beyond rebuilding because they've regressed since the beginning of the year, and be it coaching lack of talent etc lets just see what someone else can do behind center. Dave
  16. I would love for the Bills to finally go after someone that will make a difference on their o-line. Money needs to be invested in the trenches on this team and not on over hyped players like McGahee and Clements who play positions that really don't matter without great lines. There are no great RBs that play behind poor o-lines (exception, barry sanders who was a freak),if you don't have a dominant o-line all aspects of your offense will struggle. Without a good o-line you can't establish the run making you pass happy and, with a porous o-line, unable to block well enough to keep the front four out of the QBs face who consequently has to rush throws and reads which causes TOs and 3 and outs. O-lines that are solid allow teams to mix play calling to keeps d's off balance which allows most RBs to flourish, and Denver is a prime example (I think my aunt rushed for 1,000 yards a few years ago) no matter who they play at RB they rack up the yards and that's not because they have been extremely lucky with their RBs, its because they have a kick ass line blocking for them. With that being said, I don't think willis is even a top 15 back in this league only because he seems completely unable to break a big run since his first year as a starter, and to be sure the o-line must take some blame, so why invest a lot of money in a player whose position allows for maybe 7 years of productivity, when the players blocking for him can't open a hole? Build an o-line and the productivity from the RBs will come. Pretty much all I wanted to say is the O-line would be a novel investment while pouring money into an over-hyped RB would be foolish. The same goes for Clements. Even the best DBs can't stay with WRs when a QB gets 7 seconds to throw the ball, because the d-line is inept at attacking the QB (yes this goes for schoebel too, he is the biggest coverage sack player i've ever seen), so why invest in NC when the d-line would make Jesus (who hear played a decent DB in his day) look bad with their inability to rush the QB. Memo to ralph and marv: spend money on the big bangers in the trenches before you pay this organizations primadonna's. Go Bills.
  17. but when is Marv expecting you to make your decision on JP?
  18. Cubs, Bills, Arizona State, Sabres, Sac Kings...I am, as my family has come to know me as...the Jinx.
  19. If you WILLINGLY go to a knee you're down! Not when your knee accidentally goes down and you're not touched.
  20. Thats why i hate Harrison. He just launched himself at royal'a head. Friggin cheapshot,
  21. No once they kneel in the endzone they have given themselves up and the play is over.
  22. Not just QBs. Any player can give themselves up, kinda like downing a kick in the endzone.
  23. You're wrong. Case in point: a WR can catch a football and immediately hit the ground on his own and give himself up and he's down where he hit the ground. You'll see this a great deal in 2 minute drives.
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