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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. I love your optimism, but its gotten so bad watching this team I really don't think they could string two wins together against Canisius right now. Yeah like spending money on Pucillo. The draft may not be the only way but when you don't spend money on free agents then it becomes difficult
  2. After some sleep and skipping class i feel better. Man I'm gonna get hammered on sunday.
  3. Yeah Willis looks real promising. Why does the media hype this guy up like he's better than average? I don't get it.
  4. Oh yeah and they could also measure the "Brady factor" or as it used to be known the "Montana factor" where QBs just have this ability to lead their teams to big wins.
  5. Is the "Manning factor" what used to be known as the"Marino factor" ? This is the best argument I've seen for a playoff system in the NCAA. If they had a playoff system then NFL scouts would be able to get a real solid grasp of which QBs have the "Manning factor." For example, if Brady Quinn led the Irish to an 11-1 record while throwing for a lot of yards and TDs, and had the Irish ranked 2nd in the nation and playoff bound, and had all the experts picking them because "they're just playing so well as a team" and then proceeded to get B word slapped in the playoffs, then NFL scouts would sit back and say "See that there. He's got the Manning factor."
  6. Well I'm leaving on Saturday for one of my least favorite places in the US and A. Houston freaking Texas. I've never been there in the fall, but I'm sure its just as schitty as it is in the summer only its probably a little cooler, which will be pleasant so I don't have to watch all the fat asses there sweating like they were late for a lunch special. Plus i get to watch two "football" teams try and jockey for the higher draft pick which they will subsequently screw up in April (not saying I don't like Whitner, but we'll probably still f*** it up cuz we're the Bills). I paid $145 for this ticket and don't want to use it, I could make better use of my time sniffing glue, or beating myself with a hammer. But alas I will go this game, with my JP jersey on, watch these two pathetic franchises battle it out on the gridiron, then drive home pissed off because we lost or because we had -31 yards on offense but somehow managed to suck less than Houston and win the game 4-3 in a pitchers dual. This is the first time in our relationship that I told my girlfriend I would rather spend the weekend with her than watching the Bills game. Well I've told her that before but thats another story. I go to one Bills home game per year and one road game, and for the first time in a long time I am considering cutting out the Bills and making it a Sabres home stand that I come home for, because hell they're competitive. Anyways, I think it all really hit rock bottom for me as a Bills fan tonight when I ginned up the TiVo to watch the Sabres/Sens, and forget about how bad my weekend is going to be, when the following statement is uttered by the commentators: "There are only single tickets left for the rest of the season." says Canuck #1 "Yeah this community is really feeding off of their hockey team. Its really good to see." says Canuck #2 "Yeah it sure is. And it doesn't hurt that their football team is so horrible." Then chuckles that stupid Canadian chuckle. There you have it. Our team is being made fun of not just by OUR ridiculous media, but by the media in a country that really doesn't matter in the grand scheme of world happenings. Life as a Bills fan is beginning to really suck. Dave PS - I am beginning to become a very negative person, which also sucks.
  7. Wasn't that comeback against stanton's team? Also Quinn grasped a very intricate Weis offense in two seasons. That ain't bad. OF course there is risk in any QB taken in the top 5 like Leaf and Akili Smith. Its a crapshoot, and with terrible coaching very few draft picks make it.
  8. I bet huh? Yeah because Willis' career average ypc is so phenomenally high. As in best RB in the NFL high. Willis is a loser who takes plays off (from my view in my living room). I've never seen a player look like he's two completely different RBs in the same game. Here comes the OL sucks blah blah blah, but even backs like Grandmama (LJ) have huge games with suspect O-lines. Willis is just not a game breaker and he's gonna want to be paid like a superstar though he's not.
  9. Do the coaches have a dress code? He should be fined for that look. Um I would (hopefully you were being sarcastic and this migraine i'm working on caused it to go right over my head). I would take him in a heartbeat over the pussies we've had for HCs over the last 8 years. He may be a whiny B word but he wins and thats the bottom line.
  10. A lot of it is JPs fault. Why do his roll outs though rarely called ever produce positive yardage? Because he has real problems executing basic plays. Tonight I watched Matt freaking Leinert roll out on a play with better results, and don't tell me his line is better because thats a joke. It seems to me that JP lacks certain football smarts that hinder his ability, which sucks because he's a great pure athlete. Yes the line needs work but JP can barely execute simple plays right now. Did you catch David Garrard's performance today he was spectacular. And Andrew Walter has been tearing up the league thus far too. I know he's been bad but those two are just as bad and Walter is hands down worse than JP. Damn it sucks when I have to defend a player as NOT being the absolute worse at his position and only coming up with 2 examples. At some point one must wonder why the coaches don't open up the offense. Maybe its because JP is completely incapable of performing.
  11. I don't think JP is the answer at QB but i will always support whoever is QB for my Buffalo Bills.
  12. So i guess Kevin Everett is still on the team
  13. I hope our next QB picks number 7 so i can just have the name replaced. So we need to keep KH if we draft Quinn so number 10 is already taken and maybe he'll pick 7!!!!
  14. Wow he really is the best freakin player on the team
  15. That was a savvy veteran move by JP getting that penalty called
  16. My guess is that we'll let them drive them down the field but hold them to a fg because Bobby April is going to draw up a kick return where McGee gets into the endzone this time no more half assing it.
  17. Oh come on the wind is howling thats a tough pass for any QB (insert stats that mean absolutely nothing but are intended to show why JP is playing better than average).
  18. Wow that was some great play calling. I'm telling you they should run the FG team out there on 3rd so if we bobble the snap we still have 4th.
  19. I'd like to submit exhibit B - Both Manning brothers, Ken Griffey Jr, Barry Bonds, Brett Hull, Dante Stallworth, Prince Fielder. Being around the highest level of any sport from a young age will benefit anyone who wants to play that sport. It doesn't make a player great but it doesn't hurt either.
  20. YouTube is bad I just found the ESPN claymation commercial and I forgot how freakin funny it was. also i never saw this gem... http://youtube.com/watch?v=mjNCdXG1cKE
  21. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_quer...n&search=Search I thought it was humorous for whatever reason. 230 AM + YouTube = Many otherwise unfunny things are seen as funny
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