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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. HAHAHA Willis sucks against everyone else but he always runs over the New Jersey Jets.
  2. Choke and die. You are a complete moron.
  3. I must pat myself on the back for blowing it early on as i do not have to care about the rest of the games around the league. This is why i don't bet much at all because I'll occasionally have a lucky week, like last week when i got drunk and hit an 8 team parlay by accidentally selecting 2 games in which i meant to pick the other teams. So now all i have to do is watch the Bills and the Bills only.
  4. This is one of the most entertaining games I've seen in a long time. 21-21 at the half and the offenses can't be stopped. If you're up turn it on.
  5. Adams is regarded more as a pass rushing DT. He shoots the gap hard to attack the QB which often puts him out of position on running plays.
  6. Since Daquixers hasn't responded here I will. Nate has played a lot better as of late. What will the Bills spend their money on if not on NC? $33 Million is a lot of money to work with and Nate, the past few weeks, has been that shutdown corner he's been claiming to be for years. If we had a decent pass rush he would be even better, but it really all depends on whether or not a team other than the Bills is going to offer him an astronomical contract. I hope we sign him, but if we don't I'd like to know we were at least competitive in the bidding for retaining his services.
  7. Well I had $20 to waste this week so I figured I throw together a little parlay. 1. KC (-6) at Cleveland 36 degrees with some snow. I love KC in this game running the football all over the Cleveland defense, while Cleveland has looked pathetic on offense. 2. DAL (-4) over NYG. 47 degrees and sunny. Romo is going to continue to play well, while the G-men will continue to play pathetic offense mainly due to the pass rush the Dallas front 7 will create. Not to mention the fact that Dallas has been stuffing the run pretty well. 3. SEA (+4) over DEN 20 degrees and clear at night. This one scares me alot as Denver always plays well at home, but with a rookie QB I think they'll keep a mediocre offense simple. I don't know if Seattle will win but I think with Alexander running alot this game could definitely come down to a FG. 4. CAR (-3.5) over PHI Cold and cloudy on Mon. night The Panthers will rebound against a bed Eagles team. I like Steve Smith to have a huge game grabbing the MNF spotlight. That is if Delhomme remembers he's on the white team and not the green. 5. BUF (+7) over SD COLD AND SNOW????? I never bet on the Bills but I like this game with a big spread. Buffalo has been pretty solid against the spread this season as underdogs. This won't be a typical southern day or san diego day for Philip Rivers. This will be a closer game than a lot of people think and Buffalo will cover the spread this week. 6. Finally I took USC over UCLA -14. USC is gonna roll UCLA on their way to yet another national title game. I took a lot of road teams this week but I had a little extra cash and I like these picks. 20 to win 750. That would be pretty cool right before the holidays.
  8. Amen brotha. I have nothing but disdain for Chucky, but I'm caught between a rock and a hard place as he is a huge advocate of the Bills. Wilson must be a staunch financial supporter of the dems. His position will change if Galisano buys the Bills one day.
  9. Wow. Quietest 8.5 sacks. Ever. To me hes been pretty invisible this season.
  10. TARD OF THE WEEK!?!?!?! To say he only had X yards until Y point in the game until Z play happened is retarded. That is why there is 60 minutes in a game, if they played 59 minutes then the Bills would have won because the Jags wouldn't have scored. Posting while intoxicated is not smart it just makes you look like a moron.
  11. All receivers practice with JUGS machines hell even some RBs do. And when I hear of Vick's strong arm I only think of one movie quote and its from Bull Durham: [LaLoosh challenged Davis to a fight] Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: I don't hit no man first. Crash Davis: All right, then... [throws him a baseball] Crash Davis: ... hit me in the chest with that. Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: I'd kill you! Crash Davis: Yeah? From what I hear, you couldn't hit water if you fell out of a f'ing boat. Laloosh then throws the ball through the window behind Crash. I would challenge Vick to throw something at me. And 60 yards across your body is a hell of a throw. I lived in Denver and even went to a few games in his prime and I really doubt he made a pass that went 60 yards in the air across his body. You may be thinking of Tecmo Super Bowl where you could just keep dropping back and back and back and chuck the ball 94 yards downfield. The fact that fingers get jammed by passes is nothing new. Elway had a tremendous arm but please lets not just state random numbers as facts and lets not talk as if you and Elway's WRs from college and HS are your boys that you kick it with just to trade war stories about how hard ol' john could throw the football. Amen. That pass to peerless was a laser, and the pass he threw to roscoe was against his body and right on the money. It was insane and only a few QBs in the league could make that pass. It was sweet.
  12. Man i already hate the Chargers (not because of their thread that was funny) but because of losers like Merroidman and Steve Foley. I completely forgot about Foley's roid rage induced incident with a cop this off season. Fool deserved what he got. Lets go Bills!!!!
  13. This was the last season for the Madden franchise if the nerds at the EB Games were telling the truth, and its going to be called something completely different next year. My question is this: When they change the name will the Madden cover jinx go away?
  14. Has he said what hour he'll be on? I've only listened to a few minutes here and there today and didn't know JP was gonna be on tomorrow at all. Gotta love Romey pimpin the socal kids. I remember when he was all over RJs jock and making fun of Flutie for thinking there was a QB controversy...good call Van Smack.
  15. Great insight dumbass. And those scouting reports are now what four years old? From what i hear I am really concerned about the Bills ability to sign that Jim Kelly kid outta Miami. I heard he doesn't want to play in Buffalo.
  16. If he becomes even 2/3 of what Elway was he'll be a solid QB in this league for a long time
  17. Actually laughed out loud at that. Yeah he just couldn't live up to those high expectations of Cardinals fans. That kinda pressure could have cracked Lombardi
  18. I'll ignore the shot at Rush's painkiller addiction, because you obviously don't listen to his show, but lets use that Jake Plummer reference for this post. Jake Plummer has been benched by Shanny, who has much more credibility than my fraternity brother Jim Mora Jr., as a coach, for a QB who is seen as a good talent, much like Schaub. Jake won 68%, of his games in Denver as the starter which makes vick's 58% look pretty pedestrian, and currently their record sits at 7-4, while Vick's Falcons sit at 5-6 (good job Mike) and pretty much out of any playoff contention in a weak NFC, yet people defend Mike Vick like someone just insulted their mother. Vick is a terrible QB, who for whatever reason, gets a free pass because he makes the occasional exciting play, but really is an ineffective QB. He's had decent WRs and a great TE, with a great running game and a solid defense and yet he can't get the job done. That being said, I would never discount his athletic ability he is an absolute freak of an athlete, but great athletes don't always make great QBs. Vick's days are numbered in ATL if Mora wants to keep his job, or Mr. Mexico will add yet another name to the list of coaches careers he has helped to end. At some point you have to see Mike Vick as the ONE common denominator in the failings of the Falcons. Way to go Falcon fan have fun with your 8.5 wins per season...but at least you have a great athlete at QB who will keep you excited even while you continue to underachieve as a team.
  19. Well i guess that Fox Sports radio regime is just a bunch of liars Dawgg. But i acquiesce to you and realize that you have many more reliable contacts than a sports radio conglomerate, and that you in fact know that NOBODY has offered a first rounder. Now i am going to throw a little controversy (a la Rush Limbaugh) into this fray. If Vick was a white QB would people, especially african americans, continue to go to bat for a guy who cannot pass the football?
  20. Its the same as "But its not Drew's fault its the o-line!" "Its not Ron's fault its his staff!" Its tired. If they werent paying ron $100 million then his ass would have been on the bench already simply to come in on goal line plays and gimmick plays because thats all he can run in the NFL. I did in fact watch the game and have watched a great number of Vick's games (gotta love the TiVo) and he cannot read defenses, hes a great runner, but that will eventually cut his career short, and he is about as accurate as i am when i am drunk at a tailgate. Yeah his WRs drop balls, but so do JPs, Peyton's, Romo's everyone's wideouts drop balls and they play through it. You can always tell how vick is going to look on his first couple passes in a game if he throws it 32 yards over his WRs heads to start then he's done for the day, if he completes a few then he might be ok, but all in all i think the Ron Mexico experiment is about done in the ATL or they would have jumped on one of the reported first round picks offered for Schaub.
  21. Amen. That guy is a beast. He's extremely fast sideline to sideline he's a very good tackler, and if anyone in this draft can have a merroidman type impact on a defense i think it will be Davis.
  22. Yeah they really are sweet. I bought an OJ one about 3 months ago, boy is that fun when i wear it out of my house.
  23. The one variable is Schottenloser. He has a history of inexplicably switching games plans when one is working too well. That being said jesus and 10 of his most athletic apostles couldn't stop LT, its like when Shaq was in his prime. You know hes going to get his but if you stop the rest of the team you have a shot, however sometimes LT can win games by himself.
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