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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. Yeah and with JAX being such a terrific road team I bet they don't lose those two remaining road games (sarcasm off) Its crazy to be talking playoff scenarios yet again. I just hope its not a tease and a major let down next season, but in any event, if we finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs we can look back and see missed opportunities. Like not taking the points in NE, or missing a FG in Indy (tho manning probably would have scored again), or laying an egg against that abomination that is the Detroit Lions. To me these are not negatives, they are simply mistakes that young teams make when they are learning to be winners, and that gives me hope for next year. I am most impressed with JP answering the bell when idiot fans (myself admittedly included) and "experts" were calling for him to be benched in favor of a third string QB, and the kid elevated his game and now looks like he'll be leading the Bills for the forseeable future. GO BILLS!!! PS- didn't i feel this exact same way at the end of 2004? Oh well, this is what being a fan (especially a Bills fan) is all about...hope.
  2. If you think harrington is your QB of the future it won't be long before the fans are calling for the Cleo Lemon era begins.
  3. In all fairness Austin was the official last night and has turned over 43% of coaches challenges. at least thats what the broadcasters were saying.
  4. Peters is a freak on the o-line. this guy has a real chance to be the best tackle in the league for a long time me thinks.
  5. In no way was the line to blame for all of WM's dancing behind the line. Today was the most impressive performance of the last 2 seasons for willis. He ran hard while hurt and sick, and actually played like the elite back he's been hyped to be. I'll be honest i didn't think he had it in him to play through the ankle and stomach issues, now i just hope he keeps it up next week against the dolphags.
  6. Yeah but he's not going to just break this record he will now obliterate alexander'a record. He's the best back i've ever watched and that includes Thurmal and Barry Sanders.
  7. Again fantasy football has warped the fans of the NFL. Its not the numbers only. Its the fact that today he put his head down and ran through tackles to push the pile in short yardage situations, and if you think he ran well in short yardage situations in previous games then you know sh-- about what you're watching.
  8. God that board is painful to read through. Way too much sh-- happening with the pics and huge sigs. I love this board.
  9. Can you give us a frame of reference for this question?
  10. That's why willis is so damn frustrating. He only runs like that against the New Jersey Jets.
  11. Was it my imagination or did Ferguson absolutely tackle schobel on that play after he was run over?
  12. Schobel's stats always look impressive. He's a non-factor in run D (like most of our D) but he just never seems to make that game changing play. He's solid but he's not top 10 in the league. That being said, he had a nice game today, seemed to get some really good pressure on noodle arm, which is what was missing in week 3. Go Bills.
  13. Aaron Schobel is king of the meaningless sack!!!
  14. First the refs tried really hard not to call a penalty on a play where Marcia handed it to Faulk and Faulk then turned to throw it back to Marcia. Brady then threw it to a wide open TE for a TD. The one problem, when Faulk threw the ball to Brady it clearly went forward by 4 yards, and then Brady threw another forward pass, and the side judge didn't throw a flag, and not until a lengthy discussion did they get it right. Then the pats got a 5th down and couldn't capitalize, they're dynasty is folding up if they can't even capitalize on that gift.
  15. Ya I can't seem to root for the bills to beat NE 49-48 but I root for brady to for 300 yards 7 TDs and no picks with Gostkowski missing a PAT to lose. I cheer for the Bills and wish for nothing but pain and losses for the team my Bills are playing.
  16. Holy crap how many times are we going to have a new version of this thread?
  17. Two things. One the rule about the heal was absolutely correct and i've seen it called quite a few times, but the defender pushing peerless out of bounds is a judgment call and there is no definitive rule on that play.
  18. DAMMIT! You totally beat me to that. A train would be almost impossible to tackle. Unless of course the tackler is Tedy. And I agree with all the reasons you stated to support your opinion.
  19. Any relation to the "Nigerian Nightmare" Christian Okoye?
  20. You obviously haven't watched him play at all in his career then. Kid is a stud. A solid blocker and great hands a la Todd Heap only he's more athletic and a better leaper.
  21. Maybe the most moronic post I've ever read. This is along the lines of "winning hurts the franchise." So !@#$ it. With this logic we shouldn't even accept a playoff berth unless we're talented enough to win the Super Bowl, because if we make the playoffs and don't win it will cause next years team to perform worse???? OR something like that???? Retarded.
  22. Does the o-line play music or something? How do they make willis dance? A-train plowed ahead on his 2 carries and gained decent yardage on both attempts just by keeping his legs moving. The problem I have with the "best in the league" is that he ALWAYS goes down when the first player hits him. Its pathetic. He doesn't break tackles, and the the A-train is better for the type of run game we need. Namely one that doesn't suck on 13 out of 16 sundays
  23. LT and Gates make it a lot easier for him to be successful. Marty will be marty again and they'll get blown away when it really matters
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