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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. Until i see double digit arrests out of other teams in a calendar year then I'll consider Cincy the biggest joke of an organization in the NFL. Even guys like TO may be jackasses but he's not a criminal, there's a big difference between tolerating "jackasses" and letting criminals to permeate your orgainzation are two completely different things IMHO.
  2. 10-6. That means the Raiders are done scoring for a month.
  3. Even if we finish 9-7 and don't make the playoffs i'll be stoked going into next season. Isn't fun just having football matter this time of year???
  4. You know most people tend to stay out of jail for more than a few weeks at a time right? Its amazing to think that wow he was arrested 5 times this season but you know what he hasn't been arrested in the last four months so he's getting better and is keeping his nose clean. This guy should be in prison and i hope he comes nowhere near the Buffalo Bills. His 6:5, TD:Arrest ratio just isn't worth his imbecillic ass coming to Buffalo. Cincinattica is a joke of an organization who allow thugs get away with everything, and since all these arrests have taken place I have lost ALL respect for Marvin Lewis. Chris Henry will get himself run out of the league.
  5. Now they showed the Music City Throw-forward. I just remembered how much i hate the !@#$ing flaming thumbtacks. Lets go BUFF-A-LO!!!!
  6. One day, god willing, I will have a son and I will show him that play Don Beebe made on that moron Leon Lett in the Super Bowl to show him that you never ever give up on anything even when you're losing by 40. edit:they just showed it on the comeback broadcast
  7. They interview everybody from that team and it brings back great memories, but I never see Kenneth Davis interviewed, does anyone have a clue what he did after football? He was a great back who i loved to watch run when i was young and just wondering whatever happened to him.
  8. And yes the onside kick was a called play by De Haven and Marv. I love watching this game.
  9. Andre was great. Go figure, Killdrive was the Oilers OC and Jerry Gray was a DB on that team.
  10. Its amazing how badly we were getting our asses handed to us. It was an all out ass whooping until about 12 minutes to go in the 3rd quarter. Greatest celebration ever was when Andre Reed mocked WEbster Slaughter's (who i have always hated with a passion) little end zone dance. Also gotta love the Oilers expressions on the sideline as they realize there is no way they are going to win. edit: it may have been Haywood Jeffries that Andre mocked.
  11. Was that a called play by the coaching staff or did Christie do it himself? Either way it was sweeeeeet.
  12. Exactly. But in terms of where they now JP has performed better as the season has progressed JPs game has elevated while Rivers' has declined a lot since the beginning of the season. Also, like i was saying before, with the weapons that Rivers has the transition had to have been easier than it was for JP.
  13. Yeah that worked real well when the steelers came to town.
  14. Not being a dick but asking a legit question, how did he seem cold against SD?
  15. I am so freaking jacked for this weekend its ridiculous. Usually this feeling is followed up with a feeling of taking a swift kick to the nuts. But i Billieve this year!!!
  16. Rivers - Its much easier to perform when you hand the ball off to LT 25 times a game and have maybe the best tight end in the game. Oh ya and their defense ain't too shabby either. However, rivers has sucked ass the last few weeks and looked like a little kid who just dropped his ice cream cone when he made a poor pass last week. That "poise" won't get him far as a team leader, especially when he has completed barely 50% of his passes over the last 4 games. Manning - I don't think there is a more overrated QB in the game today. One week he's ok and the next he's pathetic. I just don't see him as a consistently good QB, but who knows, a lot of people said JP was terrible too. Roethlisberger - Can't argue the fact that he in fact won a SB (with a 22.9 rating) but at least he scored a rushing TD (well he didn't by anybody else's standards except the officials in that game), but now that more responsibility has been placed on his shoulders without the Bus and a dominant o-line he's thrown 20 picks and had a bunch of fumbles. JP has most definitely looked like the best out of the bunch since the Bills bye week. I think we are watching a star develop, and will be our QB for the next decade or so. Go Bills!!!
  17. Especially when all i heard from Chris Myers and Sean "I was a bench warming college bball player and not football" Farnum was that all their inside people in the NFL were of the concensus opinion that JP Losman had no chance at succeeding in the NFL. Its still cool when our players finally get recognized, because the sports media (especially since the boom of fantasy football) only look at stats and then determine who is good and bad on a week to week basis. Just look at each weeks superbowl "picks", whoever has one maybe two good games is the front runner for the superbowl. Unless of course you're the dolphins, then you are the perrenial super bowl favorite to start the year only to fold up like a french soldier in the face of the enemy. Media is fickle and its annoying but i still love reading things about our team even if they don't recognize the fact that they were completely wrong, because we all know they were wrong and i love coming to the realization that passionate fans know more about their own teams than any talking head or fish hack.
  18. You conveniently forget to point out the fact that only one has been accused of statuatory rape...travis.
  19. Also gotta love Berman just put JP as his #2 game breaker of the week!!! and actually mentioning he's the 9th highest rated passer in the league.
  20. its funny how are guys start to get noticed when we start performing at a higher level.
  21. Yeah he has always said good things about JP and I've always respected him a little bit more than any other of the heads on ESPN or any other national media outlet because he'll break down the coaches tape for everyone who isn't as adept at understanding the game. He won't just pull some things out his ass like Salisbury.
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