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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. I think the main issue is that this guy doesn't think before he does ANYTHING in life. I don't want him around anymore, all he does is embarrass our beloved Bills whether its his fathering on an Evander Holyfield scale or every single time he's interviewed he simply makes an ass of himself. I don't buy the McGahee apologists saying its our o-line or its our scheme, maybe its what is or isn't between Willis' ears.
  2. Just wondering. I thought that pic was hilarious.
  3. my buddy tried to stump me by asking me this question via text message. He said that according to Jeopardy the Bills got their name in 1947, but the Bills didn't come into existence until 1960. I dunno. I got the rest of the question right but the year thing threw me.
  4. Peyton Manning was 0 for against Tennessee in college and still can't beat Tom Brady. Peyton is turning into this generation's Dan Marino, sexy stats and nothing to show for it in terms of big wins. The problem with Quinn is that he didn't even put up sexy stats this season. I thought Quinn would tear it up this season especially when he's throwing to the likes of Samardzjia and Rhema McKnight and one of the top tight ends in the nation in Carlson, and an above average running game with Darius Walker. He dramatically underachieved in my opinion and i was an apologist for him early on.
  5. Gotta love the in depth break down of your opinion here. I mean its based completely in fact and measurable statistics. I have to say that I thought Quinn was going to have a big year this year and he was less than impressive. He was inaccurate and didn't come up big against any big defenses this season, but only time will tell.
  6. He looked lean in person wearing one of those under armour shirts but he looked very muscular, and I think he weighs about 170 lbs now. He runs a lot like Reggie Bush, and I can't wait to see him run this weekend against some top notch talent, because the one knock on him is that the Ft Myers area isn't overwhelmed with talent. We're not really discussing drafting these guys, its more of a follow up since i learned about Devine on this board a few years ago, and today got to meet him and all these other high school stars. I will also be meeting Charlie Weis later this week, which is cool too.
  7. He's maybe the 4th best. You forgot Buffalo's own Willis McGahee.
  8. Well I'm working at the hotel where all the All-American HS players are staying for the army All-American bowl. Some of these kids are huge. I am going to the game this saturday and will be watching two guys in particular. The 6-6 235pound QB from Texarkana, Texas and Michigan recruit, Ryan Mallett, and the internet god from Ft Myers, Florida, Noel Devine (his video surfaced on TBD a few years ago). Devine is only 5-8 but was un-tacklable (wow i invented that word) on the high school level, but the biggest drawback is that wherever you see the gold toothed Noel, you see Prime Time Deion Sanders. Mallett on the other hand is a huge QB with some running ability and a huge arm. Anyways, these are two kids to look forward to watching on the college level, Mallett will be behind Henne for a year and, depending on where Devine finally decides to go, he'll probably see considerable playing time next season. Here are a link to each player i just mentioned: Devine: Mallett:
  9. Miami - Pat Willis, LB, Ole Miss Saban coached in the SEC and knows just how good Willis is. I think this is great logic for the dolphins to follow this april
  10. I just don't see this. I see Saban as someone who has been hyped up by the media and has shown complete incompetence in the areas of personnel and staffing. He's a hard ass in practice which never seems to work in the NFL for a long period of time. Like Tom Coughlin, its great to be a hardass when everything is going well, but as soon as there is a tough stretch players revolt, which is what happened for the G-men. I don't care if he leaves or stays, but just to see the reaction of the media when he completely disses the fish and makes them look foolish for ever hiring him would make my day. Mora is a moron. He's a fraternity brother of mine and i met him at our annual convention and he's a loud mouth who doesn't know when to shut up. We were all at a bar in Florida and Woody Paige (another lambda chi) told him to shut his stupid f'ing mouth about something...boy was i drunk that night. I wish I could remember what they were in disagreement about.
  11. A text banner would curse the whole team right? Well we've missed the playoffs for a better part of a decade so maybe it would reverse those fortunes? No Travis was here. But i was drinking alot then and call those the missing years so i may be wrong
  12. Schedules are made years in advance. I think that Boise deserves half the title at least if UF beats OSU. In reality, each team only plays a few tough teams per season, OSU played a UT team that definitely wasn't the same team in the middle of the season and a Michigan team that was a pretender.
  13. Couldn't have happened to a better guy
  14. 2006: 3-3 2005: 2-4 2004: 3-3 2003: 2-4 2002: 2-4 That's what happens when you cannot beat New England. Your point about winning the divisional games is spot on, we need to at worst split with New England.
  15. Wasn't stovall taken in the third round? I still think he can be a good WR but it wont happen in tampa.
  16. I don't agree with Bailey being the best, Deion was THE best cover corner but what he called "tackling" was more of a half assed dive to the ground to avoid any real contact. Also, Darrell Green was a great corner back who I would take over Champ. Also, Nate is gone.
  17. This seasons crop of senior RBs is the weakest I've ever seen. Michael Bush is the number one senior this year and he's coming off of a broken leg. In the Alamo Bowl watch Rashad Bobino. He's only a soph, but he's a redshirt soph which means he can (but won't) come out this year. I just checked him into his hotel room here in San Antonio, and the guy is a beast, and he was one of my favorite players to watch this season even though I can't stand the Bonghorns. This guy is really gonna be a player in the NFL...reminds a lot of Fletch; a little undersized but fast and a very very good tackler.
  18. lol I had never heard that before. I think it would be great to be in contention and play a team like the fish in Buffalo in December on Mon or Sun night. That would be fun to watch.
  19. There is something to be said about going 8-8. If Jauron puts in his 2nd teamers I will officially be off his band wagon. You EARN the right to rest your starters you don't do it because you've lost. IMHO.
  20. When did this old one come out? I have been looking at a bunch of drafts tonight and i think there is going to be a huge uproar again this April when Marv again shocks the world and doesn't take a "can't miss" QB prospect like Russell or Stanton
  21. Oh yeah and i think that peters guy has been pretty good and T Pennington is doing ok for a rookie starter.
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