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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. An overrated one. He ran against those defensive power houses in the PAC 10. And I am an ASU alum so its not some east coast bias against the PAC. I just don't buy into the Lynch hype. I think if this draft weren't so weak in terms of running backs then lynch isn't even sniffing the top ten maybe not even the first round.
  2. Hand the ball to LT. I have just shown the offensive expertise that Cameron was supposed to have. He didn't act on that expertise last week in the second half though.
  3. I have zero confidence in any football players with 3 names.
  4. He will be in Mesa, AZ in March and pitching in the Cubs organization come April. Actually the Cubbies have him tabbed as a front line starter. He's gotta a 95 MPH+ fastball. The kid has just secured future financial stability for him and his family with his signing bonus. The amount of money he will potentially make in baseball is much higher than the money he will potentially make in the NFL, and he won't have to take any hits as a pitcher. He made the right call. He's a better baseball player than football player and he has the potential to be a top pitcher in the show. The reason he fell to the 5th round was due to the whole football thing. had he not played football he would have been a first rounder or a first round compensation pick. I can't wait to see him playing in Wrigley.
  5. It will be very tough for the Bills to draft a sophomore as college football players are not eligible to enter the draft until after their junior season.
  6. And you think any players from "duh U" know how to spell it?
  7. The only thing that Jarrett has on Samardzija is speed. JS is bigger has better hands and is oh yeah not friends with Snoop Dogg. Jarrett the top talent? Now you're talking stupid. Johnson is head and shoulders abouve Jarrett in EVERY single aspect of being a WR. He's bigger, faster, has better hands, is a better route runner, and has had reggie freaking ball throwing to him for 3 years, no Reggie Bush, Lendale White or Matt Leinert to take the pressure off him. Jarrett the top talent in the draft? I like USC too, but thats just ridiculous.
  8. Wow. Really pathetic when you get this riled up over a game your team isn't playing in. I actually kinda dig the Pats today, they made me 200 bucks.
  9. Yes. They must be done with all those playoff wins they keep getting. The fact that Brady played terribly all game only to come up big when it mattered the most is why he's so good, and why I hate him so much. The Bills had kept him off balance all day in week one and Marcia came up with a big throw to beat the bills late its sickening. Case in point. The retard roller coaster is in full motion. Just give a team credit for being a great team, and stop saying assinine things.
  10. Which is why the Patsies run is even more impressive, because they keep winning despite constant change. 3 SB wins are not lucky guys, and when you keep saying they are then you sound like an ignorant football fan.
  11. They're the great team. To me their dynasty is the most impressive ever because they have done it in the free agent era. If you look at the past dynasties their core players rarely changed throughout their time at the top, whereas the Patsies have had a revolving door of players, save for Brady (which says alot about Marcia's skills). It sickens me every time i watch these guys play, because they are that good and yes I am jealous of their success as a Bills fan.
  12. Nobody deserves to win championships, teams go out and get it done. Peyton doesn't deserve to win one yet because every time he's been put in a situation to win his team has come up short. I don't see this year being any different. Peyton hasn't been terribly impressive this post season, and though their defense is improved its not as good as SDs defense, I really don't think Peyton has it in him to win a big game. He never did it in college and has yet to do it in the NFL.
  13. We'll see how they respond when Marcia and BB come to town for their annual beat down of the Colts in the post season.
  14. The chargers deserved to lose because they had a bunch of opportunities to put that team away and they simply failed to do it. Rivers showed that the Chargers are only as good as LT allows them to be, and when they are forced to throw they ain't that good.
  15. He is a cheater on so many more levels than that. But really, the guy was getting pummelled by the o-line all day i really didn't see him as being held. Yeah and as much as i hate them they just win, i don't care what things happen for them because they still manage to capitalize on those events, which no other team seems to do. They're unreal. That being said new england!!!
  16. Why release P. Price? I think he had a damn decent year and Crayton is at best a 4th WR right now and I got to see a lot of him living here in Cowgirls country. He is a hell of a special teamer though but a well below average WR. IMHO.
  17. Pennington was a rookie this year and showed some promise. I don't replace him this season, but maybe draft an RT for depth purposes. The offensive line was much improved once Jauron shook it up, and i would let that unit gel because there is some definite upside there.
  18. Just like when I saw the West Virginia game on espn the shirt said "West F'in Virginia" truly funny.
  19. Thank you. Modell screwed Cleveland just as bad. Its all good manning will get his next week when he has to play against the stupid Patriots and once again gets rolled up.
  20. I don't care about his personal life, but if he produced on the field as much as he does off the field then it wouldn't be a big issue. The guy is overrated because of his college accolades, which made him a big name. Just look at his productivity and thats all you need to know about willis mcgahee. We'll take a look just at this season from before the bye week (when the offense sucked) and post bye week when everyone can agree the offense and JP turned around: Pre Bye Week: @NE - 20 carries, 70 yards, 0 TD, 3.5 YPC @MIA - 25 carries, 91 yards, 0 TD, 3.6 YPC NYJ - 26 carries, 150 yards, 0 TD, 5.8 YPC MIN - 28 carries, 78 y2ards, 1 TD, 2.8 YPC @CHI - 14 carries, 50 yards, 0 TD, 3.6 YPC @DET - 17 carries, 66 yards, 0 TD, 3.9 YPC NE - 20 carries, 59 yards, 0 TD, 2.9 YPC Post Bye Week: GB - 4 carries, 15 yards, 0 TD, 3.8 YPC JAX - 12 carries, 63 yards, 2 TD, 5.3 YPC SD - 16 carries, 26 yards, 1 TD, 1.6 YPC @NYJ - 16 carries, 125 yards, 1 TD, 7.8 YPC MIA - 28 carries, 79 yards, 0 TD, 2.8 YPC TEN - 22 carries, 95 yards, 1 TD, 4.3 YPC BAL - 11 carries, 23 yards, 0 TD, 2.1 YPC Pre Bye Week Totals: 150 carries, 564 yards, 1 TD, 3.76 YPC Post Bye Week Totals: 109 carries, 426 yards, 5 TD, 3.9 YPC The guy simply is not an elite back in the NFL, he doesn't have that homerun threat in him and he's not a guy that just grinds down a defense. His first season he ran hard broke tackles and moved the pile consistently but the last few years I, as an observant fan, have not seen the same thing out of Willis and it is clearly proven through his statistical production.
  21. Yeah but when you have a useless RB sometimes you're forced to put the ball in the air. I say we keep him on the roster just for the 2 games against the jests every year.
  22. What has Martz done to get the label of a "good coach." The guy took a Super Bowl team and turned them into a wild card team. He's a decent OC but has been a joke as a head coach. Also his type of offense is suited for games in warmer weather or preferably domes. I would love to see him throwing 20 yard square patterns in Foxboro or Buffalo or the Meadowlands in the winter.
  23. I still don't think he's announced his retirement. What's the deal with Ralph this year?
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