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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. 8 f'ing penalties!?!?!?!? No discipline = bad coaching. Bad coaching > DJ
  2. That play wasn't going to get the first. thanks cleveland
  3. Damn Steven Jackson was a quality first round pick for me
  4. I love the redzone channel I never have to watch the Bills when its on
  5. Did Criqui just say Cribbs is the best player of this era?
  6. we're 1-3 throw the ball god trent sucks. where's JP
  7. They suck just like the rest of our teams If Criqui took cribbs' junk out of his mouth for a second maybe he'd mention Scoe has the best punt return average in NFL history
  8. wow that just happened...April needs to go with the rest of this staff
  9. Forget the division Dickie is about to be 0-2 vs the browns
  10. Ralph is upset we're not getting OJ the ball
  11. I saw him win all 3 starts as a true freshman at Michigan. I also see a kid learning to use his abilities to be a great QB I watched him play in highschool and I've watched him in college and he's got a great head on his shoulders and the physical tools to play in the NFL. I don't know if he'll be a good NFL QB but either do you sir and to say he's terrible is just assinine. He was the most polished passer to come out of the state of Texas, the heart and soul of highschool football in this country, in a long time. This horse has been beat to death. I really don't think he'll be a to pick because so much of his effectiveness at the colleg level comes from him taking a pounding. I just don't see the ability to make all the throws required of an NFL quarterback.
  12. Don't worry guys jauron is busy giving one of his fiery halftime speeches that will rally the troops.
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