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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. I actually want this game to just end. I don't want to watch 15 or so more minutes of this
  2. Yep I'm completely de-sensitized to this team and their shittyness
  3. I'll be there Nov 1 against Houston. I feel like I got screwed and my tickets were free.
  4. We'd be favored by 4.5 against the Las Vegas Locos
  5. Punt now we have a better chance of scoring on defense...I love that Criqui keeps saying a win gets us back in the race hahahaha
  6. Thanks for that passing stat here comes a 60 yd TD pass
  7. No the yellow line was !@#$ing with us there. That's also known as the Pats* first down line
  8. Why don't receivers lay out anymore?
  9. I'm pretty sure the fans just laughed
  10. Note to Randy Cross: Breast cancer is treatable not preventable
  11. HAHAHAH one of the highlights they just played was our jump ball on 4th and 324. Some say watching this is a waste of time and others say an incredible waste of time
  12. Fire the entire staff including Bobby April. We're horrible at all three phases.
  13. I think Criqui and Cross are going to fight. Criqui is just as pissy as we are
  14. I just got a text boys I'll be starting at MLB next week. I'm a high motor undersized white guy but I lead my highschool team in tackles all 4 years
  15. Just put a gun on Dick's desk with a note saying: I know you'll do what's right - RW Yes we really suck this bad
  16. I can honestly say I don't care if they move the team. Then I can be a Texan fan
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