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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. Right there with you Willyville. It's amazing how two men I've never met have touched my life.
  2. Rest in peace Mr. Wilson. God what a week to be a Bills fan.
  3. I usually can't stand Reilly but that was excellent. Seeing Jimbo in a hospital bed and knowing that damned disease is back has hit me really hard. I grew up watching that man and I know he can beat this again. I don't think I would still be a Bills fan if it wasn't for him, because I'm not sure there would still be a team there. Kick it's ass Jim.
  4. Earlier the Bills had a top ten defense. You were rebuffed and now you've changed your tune. Your argument is invalid.
  5. Trolling hard but I'll bite. Tuel is terrible at football. I was visibly upset at him as well because he should've never seen the field last year. SJ loves the fans and loves the city and that's kinda rare for Buffalo nowadays. His big drops and his fumble drove me just as crazy as the next fan, but what did they really cost the Buffalo Bills? Nothing. But I guess it made for some great freak out posts here. When I see a guy limping around on one leg and still putting up good numbers with terrible players passing them the football I don't want to trade him. I would love for him to move inside permanently because he is a perfect slot WR. Trading productive players for crapshoot draft picks doesn't make sense.
  6. Get well Jim, !@#$ cancer. So much of my childhood is filled with memories of him and those great Bills teams. I was supposed to meet him this weekend here in Chicago but I will gladly give that up for him to beat this horrible disease. Godspeed Jimbo.
  7. He was awful in Chicago and was a "key" piece to a historically bad offensive line in 2012. Solid signing. God I hate sports.
  8. Mario is double teamed and game planned against. Peppers was pretty much stopped one on one about 90% of the season. Mario has been a dominant force pretty much since his wrist surgery and I've seen those complaints subside for most part. Whereas Peppers is 34 and coming off of 2 awful seasons and is being released by a team with one of the worst defensive lines in the NFL, I mean the Bears have zero pass rushers on that line. If Peppers still commanded double teams I would be all for it but he's not even a shell of his former self.
  9. Peppers was absolutely invisible for multiple game stretches last year while only seeing one on one blocking. He's over the hill IMO. I would definitely pass on him.
  10. The NFL guys are 100x better than the MLB writers. John Clayton admitted that he's been swayed by speeches given on behalf of players. Meanwhile, the BBWAA, keeps out players never linked to PEDs at any point. Big changes are coming to the baseball HoF voting and I can't wait. That being said I'm so happy for Andre. My favorite memory is when he did the mock dance of Webster Slaughter in the Comeback. I believe it was on his first TD. God I miss those days of actual talent on the field.
  11. This. It was painful to listen to on the radio. Greenberg thought he was breaking some huge story and it came off as completely amatuerish. Those two are getting harder and harder to listen to IMO
  12. If he doesn't go back to Chicago I think he retires. I don't think they will go with a rookie as a backup. McCown is in a good spot and much of Cutler's salary can be turned into a signing bonus to free up space if they need it. Also, Peppers will be cut which will free up, $8-$10m I believe. Couple those reasons with the fact that the Bears realized how important a solid backup QB is and I think he stays. Not to mention McCown and Cutler are really good friends. Just my option but I think he's back in Chicago.
  13. The problem is McCown will probably retire if he's not with the Bears. He and Cutler are good friends and the guy is obviously the perfect fit to back up in Trestman's offense.
  14. But at least coach Marrone got to flex his muscles.
  15. This entire statement is false. One, rookie WRs rarely contribute at a high level. Especially big guys that have to learn a professional route tree. Two, the Bears never questioned Alshon's ability to be a stud in the NFL. In fact, all I ever heard was how good he was and him quickly he was picking up the offense and that he was one of those WRs that is always open. Sorry to pick out one thing in your post to critique.
  16. Revis doesn't really fit Lovie's scheme though, as he is a man to man cover corner and Lovie runs zone. Anyone know how hard a transition like that could be for a corner like Revis?
  17. http://www.windycitygridiron.com/2012/12/31/3821332/lovie-smiths-inability-to-find-an-offensive-coordinator-was-his Lovie has been unbelievably inept in finding the right OC.
  18. I live in Chicago so I've been absorbing the hilarity that is Bears fans and their crazy range of opinions on Cutler. He's only 30 and Trestman and Emery (the GM) believe in him and I would argue that when he was in there is was the best season of his career. This will be the second time in his career in the same offense and an offense he looked good executing, so I think he will only get better as he spends more time learning the offense. It's basically a 3 year deal at $18m per when it comes to Chicago's financial obligations and there isn't anyone on the market better than him, so I don't think they'll regret it at all. He's not elite but he's a mid tier QB and that's the going rate. The Bears offensive line was much better this season after they actually invested 2 picks and a free agent pickup and they'll only get better playing together for another year. He had Green Bay beat last week until Julius Pepper fell on his face and Chris Conte covered an invisible receiver in the flat allowing Cobb to run free. Also, their rookie head coach cost them 2 games with bad game management, and had they won the just one of the two games (2nd game against Minnesota and the Green Bay game last week) they're in the playoffs. The Bears had unbelievably bad offensive coordinators and they tried to make Hester a #1 WR and Kellen Davis was a #1 TE. With this new offense and weapons he had his best season by far. Slausen is better than average and I'll bet its a cheap contract. If they really do switch to a 3-4 defense then the Jennings signing makes less sense because he's definitely a zone player and a 3-4 puts corners in man coverage more often than not. Comparing Rodgers to Cutler isn't fair because Cutler isn't in Rodgers' league. Anyone who says they'd take Cutler over Rodgers is lying. Cutler now has 3 years to prove that he can put up the points to beat the Packers. I think if you listened to Trestman or emery in the past 6-8 weeks I would say this wasn't surprising. McCown is a 34 year old career backup and you're not going to risk wasting the rest of Marshall's prime and Trestman's only shot at being an NFL head coach on a rookie sitting behind a guy that's proven he's a journeyman with a much larger sample size prior to his 4 or 5 game hot streak this year. Honestly I think this was the only logical move the Bears could make. Go Bills!!
  19. I gave away my tickets to the Bears-Cowboys MNF game because of the cold and will only go to the Bills game next year if it's early in the season. $300 buys a lot of beer for me to watch a game in front of my tv and stay warm.
  20. I agree on it being better for him that he was fired after going 10-6. The painful part for Bears fans is while Trestman showed promise he had some serious lapses in game management that cost them a game or two and that kept them out of the playoffs this year.
  21. How did they screw him? That defense was finished and they had a decent run, but Lovie wouldn't have made a difference with that team this season. In fact, their offense would've been stuck in the mid 1990s, because Lovie has NEVER EVER EVER hired a competent OC.
  22. At least Kiko has a cool name because he sucks at football.
  23. I think Lawson touched him high. The NFL should be embarrassed that a flag wasn't thrown.
  24. One of my best friends is a diehard Browns fan and has always had this weird, borderline homosexual, infatuation with the Patriots*. He would always say I was just a bitter Bills fan when I would complain about officiating handing the Patriots* wins throughout the years. All of that changed today.
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