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Everything posted by SACTOBILLSFAN

  1. Right there with you.
  2. Should've been picked. Damn.
  3. I bought a pack of football cards today and pulled an EJ autographed jersey card which probably means he is screwed. That's science.
  4. Delilah's was super cramped with only one big tv. I would head to LS for the game if you don't go to the game itself.
  5. I have finally reached the level of being disinterested in this team. Each year over the last 5 I have become less and less emotionally tied to this godforsaken football team, but I'll still be there every Sunday. On game day I will get just as mad, but it won't bleed over into the rest of my week like it used to, until this team even pretends to compete. I've witnessed few glimpses of awesome in my 3 decades of passionately following this team and I'm as beat down as the next Bills fan because I see no plan for the future, which is why being a Cubs fan is currently 10000x easier. But, I've always been a Bills fan and always will be a Bills fan because it's in your blood. Cheering for the Bills is not something you change on whim because you're sick of it. This isn't a marriage either so your jealous wife post makes not one ounce of sense. The Buffalo Bills aren't something you marry and can divorce because you're bored, this is bigger than marriage this is about being part of an identity. I don't live in Buffalo, and I never have, my dad grew up on the west side, attended Saint Joe's and passed the burden of Buffalo and it's football team onto me, and now I live in Chicago and cannot stand everyone here trashing a city I love and a team that has been part of my life since the day I was born. Being a Bills fan is about something more than cheering on some red white and blue laundry 16 Sundays a year. It's about being part of a region and a city that have been the butt of countless jokes by dickheads all across the country and, despite my disinterest, I still fiercely defend my team and anyone that has an uneducated opinion about the city. People like the good Doctor are the worst people on the planet. Front runners. Nobody respects losers like that. Nobody is jealous of your new shiny 8-8 football team with a rapist quarterback and (*^*&%^$^#running backs and aging defense. Everyone here is stunned that you could turn your back on the idea that is Buffalo Bills football and then have the balls to come back and give us an "outsiders" opinion. Save it. We hear it every goddamned day and nobody cares what you think because you're a meaningless person with no conviction and no guts. So, please, sir, take your new family and kindly go !@#$ yourself, you will not be welcomed back when this team actually turns it all around and delivers on that promise of bringing joy and hope to a city that has taken more than it's fair what of lumps over the years. Goddammit now I'm fired up for football season. Let's go BUFF-A-LO!
  6. They'll contain Forte and get smoked by the WRs. Luckily Jay Cutler will always throw 2 or 3 balls up for grabs and if the Bills can grab those they'll have a shot. Also, the Bears defense is still putrid so hopefully EJ won't completely suck. I've got a complete feeling of disinterest in the Bills this year which means they'll win decisively and suck me right back in.
  7. My buddy is a sports anchor in Waco and has interviewed Briles several times. He will never leave the state of Texas even to coach in the NFL and Buffalo is about as different from Texas as it gets. Once Charlie Strong gets fired at UT that is where he will end up but that'll be a couple of years. Briles has turned Baylor from an afterthought to one of, if not the, preeminent football powers in the state of Texas. He's got a brand new stadium and is hell bent on starting a tradition at Baylor. His book is an excellent read if you want some insight into him as a man, he's gone through some terrible family tragedies and he's one of the few people in sports I can point to and say I admire.
  8. Gurley is an absolute beast. Georgia's offense sucked in the first half when he was rotated out. I have enjoyed watching him the past few years as I am a definite t-shirt Dawgs fan.
  9. His wife took their dog to a dog psychic, you would be annoyed at life too. Honestly living in Chicago has made me enjoy Cutler more. I would never want him as my team's QB because I still think he's a mediocre QB that won't ever win a Super Bowl, but his Monday radio show is hilarious. He never whines. I've literally never heard him make an excuse, even when Mike Tice was busy being the worst OC in the NFL he always found a way to stick up for the coaching and his offensive line which was historically. He looks pissed off and disinterested, but he's really just got a jerk face. That being said he is always good for one awful turnover a game, but I don't like Alshon Jeffrey and Marshall against the Bills **** DBs.
  10. Ah yes the Bills long string of successful seasons points to these performances as not mattering because historically we release the Kracken once the regular season starts...
  11. This team doesn't even deserve the boos they got yesterday from fans. I have literally never had such disinterest in a coming season in my 25 years of watching Bills football. Even in the worst of times I would have some weird sliver of hope that "Hey this is the NFL and anything can happen" but that has completely vanished. I used to check this board hourly to check training camp updates but now I just check where the sale of the team stands and then go do other things with my time. This team is a joke and they are embarrassing to watch, but it's not really their fault they are bad at football. I am sure I will be told to leave before the bandwagon gets full or some such nonsense and before you say that you can piss off. I have spent more money and time and emotion on this organization than they deserved, and for what? They're not any better than they were 10 years ago and they're not changing anything culturally. Marrone and Whaley talk a big game, but they drafted what appears to be an incompetent QB and have backed him up with the same sad ass QBs for 2 years now. The sad thing is I will be back and I will be watching. I just hope when this team is 1-5 I can actually make the decision to stop watching and enjoy the few weeks before the ass blast that is the Chicago winter sets in. Oh and I bought the Sunday Ticket again because I'm a sucker for pain.
  12. This is quite possibly the worst post I've ever seen on this board. Bravo sir.
  13. So he's only sucked on like 15% of the plays? Sweet. He's been awful his entire career.
  14. Isn't EJ like 6'5? Flutie think EJ struggles throwing over the line.
  15. EJ's first pass will undoubtedly be the harbinger for this season.
  16. It's definitely Cowboys territory but they would have no problem putting 60,000 people in the seats every week and that team would get support from the local community. As far as being broke, the city was ranked, by Forbes, as the 11th strongest city economically in the USA. There are two significant billionaire families in the city, but that doesn't matter because the Davis family isn't selling the team. Also, the blue collar jobs aren't the only ones in San Antonio, as many major companies continue to relocate there and it is currently the 7th largest city in the country. The problem is the city thinks it's existing stadium (Alamo Dome) would suffice in being home to an NFL team and that simply isn't the case and the NFL would reject any bid that didn't include a new, state of the art stadium. When the Marlins were talking about moving there the city planner thought expanding the Double-A stadium used by the San Antonio Missions was an acceptable solution which was absolutely laughable. So, I would say the politicians in San Antonio and their minor league views on what would attract a franchise are the biggest barrier to another major professional sports team relocating to the city. Also, in the case of the NFL, Jerry Jones won't let the San Antonio market go easily. It's why they hold 1/2 their training camp at the Alamo Dome, so Jerry can say it's his.
  17. This is wrong. As someone who lived in San Antonio for 8 years I can tell you they would support the hell out of a football team. Yes there are Cowboys fans there and yes there are Texans fans there but there are a TON of people who simply like college or high school football because they can't stand Jerry and because the city of Houston sucks. The people of SA would not be the problem. However, this has happened before. San Antonio is a minor league town. They get used as leverage every single damn time and this will be no different. If they really wanted the Raiders they would need to come up with a plan to wow them because all the Raiders are doing is using them to drive up the price for Oakland or LA. I guarantee you the mayor and city planner are convinced the Alamo Dome is good enough for an NFL team. Their thinking is "hey it was built for the Vikings after we were promised they would move so it should work for the Raiders." And that's minor league. Also, the NCAA has said they will not bring the Final Four back to SA because they don't have the infrastructure or the public transit to support the event. What will happen is the people of San Antonio will get all excited and even come up with new names and logos and colors and in the end they'll end up on the short end, just like in 1994 with the Vikings, in 2005 with the Saints, in 2009 with the Marlins. At least they got minor league soccer recently.
  18. A 5th is too much. Didn't this could fumble like 316 times in one season?
  19. Time for my first use of the ignore button ever. Funny trolls are actually entertaining, you're just pathetic and un-funny.
  20. This. 100x this, but, alas, this board has been overrun by morons.
  21. If he's a lawyer he ends quite a few sentences in prepositions. Better call Saul!
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