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Everything posted by Bills/Sabresfan

  1. Spoke to a ticket rep today who told me I could have row 2 of the upper deck, Bills side at about the 15/20 yard line ( 336) I think these are great seats, and I was suprised they were still available. If anyone out there would like to buy a few games from me, please email me at Hugebillsfan1@yahoo.com I will be moving to Charlotte in 2 weeks and can not make every game. Looking for Charlotte area Bills fans to watch the games with at one of the local bars. When my family relocates to NC, I will be leaving behind all my Bills game watching buddies, so let me know. Also, would be interested in finding a person or small group who drive back to Buffalo for a few of the home games. Driving alone for 10 hours sucks. take care Doug
  2. James, You need to chill out on all the critical comments about fellow posters, including myself. Just because some of us don't share your views does not make them wrong. Have some respect for fellow fans. I am not going to get into a stupid confrontation with you over it, just show some class. This team has sucked for so long, we are all searching for answeres to make them good again.
  3. Edinger use to kick for Chicago.
  4. Boy you are correct, that was a negative post. I have a little one at home, so I am often tired and grumpy this late at night. Ok you are correct, Willis is great, Lindell is awesome, Jerry Sullivan should be writer of the year and Murph is the best announcer in the game.
  5. Come on dude! You tell me what makes him a badass??? Last year, he looked slow and as if he didn't want to get hit. maybe it is me getting older, but i have no use for players who think they are bigger then the team or the game. he would rather be on TV and in South Florida then getting to know the new coaching staff and acting like a leader. Ps. Lionel or anyone who runs hard and gives a sh-- about the team.
  6. I thought DJ and Marv would of released Lindell by now. I always thought he only stayed around because of TD and his pride. I think Paul Edinger was recently released and I think he would be a good, bad weather kicker. If we are starting over, lets include the kicking game. Is anyone else confused by what type of offense we are going to run? At first, it seemed like run,run and more run. Now we read aout Steve Fairchild and how well the QB's are throwing the long ball. How can a team with an inexperienced QB and a terrible line not focus heavily on the run??? Who here is sick of Willis???? He seems like a typical cocky punk who doesn't seem to want to play for the team anyways. It makes me so mad that our stud running back is too good to work with the team for the OTA's. F - him. and all the idiots from the U that train together. I would gladly take Lionel Gates as the starter or anyone who plays with passion and is proud to be a Bill. I don't think he is a Marv type player and I hope he is shown the door. For some strange reason, I have a feeling that JP is going to do much better this year. No reason for it , other then because Jerry (IDIOT) Sullivan wrote about it the other day. Can't the News do better then this clown Jerry Sullivan ??? He seems like a bitter man who takes his anger out in his columns. He is like the guy who wasn't an athlete growing up and still holds in that anger as an adult. It is so hard to read his column. My last point. John Murphy is not a good play by play man. I listen to audio of other team announcers and Murph is bad, in my opinion. Once again, if we are righting this wrong, can Murph! Bring in someone with passion and someone with energy. Make this team sound fun and exciting even if they really put us to sleep.
  7. Hey how are you. Where are you in Charlotte? is there a bar Buffalo people get together and watch the games? I do like that place Jocks and Jills, but i doubt we could get the Bills on a bog tv with sound.. Doug
  8. We just purchased a home in Indian Trail in a subdivision called Colten Ridge. Where do you and other Buffalo people watch the games? I have Directv, but wish to watch them with others. If you get a chance, could you email me at Hugebillsfan1@yahoo.com. I have a bunch of questions for you. Doug
  9. While reading one of the latest posts about young people leaving the city, I wondered where they are going???? My wife, son and I are leaving Florida this month and are heading to Charlotte, NC. With the housing market in the dumper and the risk of hurricanes, I get the feeling people are not flocking to the sunshine state as much as in the past. It is so funny that so many of us relocated to get far away from Buffalo, but in the back of our minds, we plot and plan and try to find a place just close enough so we can still be part of it. Go Buffalo!
  10. Flo, I miss season tickets as well. Still thinking of buying 2 just to help the team and have them in my name. I should not have been up at 4:15am, I am still paying for it 2 days later. lets Go Buffalo!!!!!!!!
  11. That is not a bad deal. Are those the red seats or acovered box behind them? I think 1,100 for that level of comfort and for a favorite hobby is well worth it. Is there a waiting list for those type of seats???
  12. I may be the minority, but i think in the first 5 rows of the upper deck is best near mid field( on the Bills side Only) Sitting up high, gives you a chance to see the whole field. Last year, I sat in row 3 behind the Chiefs bench. It was ok, but I could barely see the game. The most exciting part of the game was the lady who hands out candy to nearby fans. When I sit on the visitors side, I truly feel weird. There is something comforting about being on the Bills side. On a different note, i would love to sit sometime in the red covered seats. My dad had them as seasons many years ago and i would like to sit their for a game. If anyone has any, please let me know. I am also curious how the Jim kelly Club seats are for watching a game??? How is the available food and how is the view???
  13. Take the family to Rick's Tallyhoes and then down the picturesque Genesee Street. There is a lovely Mcdonalds at Genesee and Bailey. Friday night is half off a round of bullets night.
  14. I always wondered the same thing. I would think with all these new guys in a new city, some might be eager to check it out. I would guess the Bills might have a box at the arena??????? I recall long ago seeing Rob Ray and Brad may walking into a Bills game together. In my opinion, an event like this can really bring our community together. I would think it would be a cool way for the Bills to show the newbies what our fans are like. Lets Go Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. yes, use some and sell some. This idea is changing somewhat with the news that you can only buy 4 per person per game. I know it is hard for many to pay that kinda money out for a hockey game.
  16. Hi everyone, I have a chance to buy a block of 8 tickets to games 3, 4 and game 6. My question is should i do it??? Before you say do it, hear me out. My intention is to use several seats and sell a few as well. Are people in Buffalo willing to pay $150.00 or more for 300 level seats? I know the Canadian fans will, but I would hate to get stuck with a bunch of uppers and only get face value or less. My other thought is are people going to hold off spending money with the thought that they will go to the Stanley Cup games instead??????? A scalper friend of mine mentioned last night, that Cup tickets would be $300.00 for uppers and $450.00. Most will say they would never spend that much for a ticket. Trust me, having gone to the Lightning/Flames Cup games, it was so worth it. Your thought on this issue are greatly appreciated. Thanks Doug in Florida
  17. Dean, It would be nice if there was a dental device or procedure, but there isn't. Snoring and apnea is clearly an Ear,Nose and Throat issue. When I made the decision to have the surgery, I was stupid. I was young and simply didn't want anything that would cover my mouth and nose and anything that might mess with my sex life. I was also never told how apnea affects your heart. We never even got into Oxygen levels or things like that. I had a young doctor and I was insistant of having the surgery. I wish my insurance company would have demanded that I try C pap first, but they approved surgery right way. All in all, I feel lucky to have found it. The goal of me posting this message is to spread the word that machines like this are available and can help people. I know there are thousands if not millions worldwide who have this and not even know about it. This simple machine could be a life saver for tons of people. - in my opinion.
  18. WOW 14! I am on 7 and thought that was a lot. I feel bad for you. I wonder about the headaches and backaches???? Are there other medical issues that need to addressed?? This will sound stupid, but do you need to look into a new bed??? We recently spent about 2k on a great new king bed. It is expensive, but so so worth it. We figure we will use it every night for 15 years what is 2k?? I looked for my post under stadium wall and didn't see it. Where did you see it??
  19. Completely off topic and nothing to do with the Bills, but this may really help some out there who do not get quality sleep. Three years ago, I decided to have surgery to help my sleep apnea(sp?) and snoring problem. The surgery was very painful and I still snored like a bear. Recently after my wife begged me, I went and had a sleep study to confirm I still had the same problems and to see if i could get a C pap machine. A c -pap machine is a device that allows you to breathe in air through your nose while you sleep. The air flow helps you get more oxygen while you sleep along with preventing your tongue and the soft tissue around it from vibrating ( aka snoring)-bottom line, you get large amounts of deep quality sleep. For the first time in years, sleep is a wonderful thing. I look forward to going to bed and awake refreshed and ready to start the day. The change this machine has made in my life is unreal. I am so much more alert,awake and pleasant to be around. To be honest even my level of depression is milder since using this machine. I am writing this to help others who suffer from sleep apnea and walk around tired and grumpy. Insurance companies realize this is a major problem and pay for the sleep study and for the machine ($1,000). For the first time since being married, i am able to share a bed with my wife. My snoring was so loud, I would wake her up from the other side of the house. The C pap was offered to me and I decided instead to have the surgery. What a mistake!!!!!!! I recently found out the surgery works for less then 50% of people who have it done. If you are experiencing the same problems, consider this machine. It has help me more then I can explain. Write back if you have any questions about it. PS. Poor oxygen levels while sleeping is very bad for the heart and other organs. Doug
  20. Thanks for your thoughts so far. I am wondering your thoughts on how far our income will go in Charlotte. Combined my wife and I will make 91k gross. We have one child, average spending habits and will have a mortgage of about $1,800. I am figuring around -32% for state, federal and social security, does that sound correct? I am thinking we should be fine, certainly better then Florida. We will also have around 110k in the bank from our Florida properties. PS. I emailed your realtor friend,but he never responded back to me.
  21. All the home builders and realtors keep telling me how many people from Florida are selling and moving to Charlotte. Sad to leave the sun, but income and quality of life for my family is very important to me.
  22. Hey SC, My email is Hugebillsfan1@yahoo.com send over his link or email address. I am thinking of getting my license as we have made a nice chunk on our homes in Florida and I know Charlotte is going to go through the same boom. I know it is hard to believe but prices will start to explode. The area is too nice to stand still price wise.
  23. Good question NYC - in Charlotte the millage( sp?) rate is $1.50 per thousand of value. I here around 2,800 for a 200,000 home. Laughable for you I know. The rate in some of these smaller areas is .96
  24. Ok you have my attention. Why do you hate Charlotte?????? Being a teacher, I am on and off the road before you guys go to work and before most leave for work. I plan to be on the golf course when others are stuck in traffic. I currently live in the new Atlanta of the south ( Tampa) (Tampa traffic) is getting terrible as well.
  25. Dan, I like your attitude, but I am worried like everyone else. Maybe you are correct and they can fly under the radar and make a move. The line makes complete sense and would serve us well, but Vernon Davis is a sexy pick ( not that way lol) but he would get people talking and sell some tickets. For once, I hope we can we do something out of the box! On the other hand, picking Ngato,Bunkly(sp?) and maybe an o line in the second will certainly help. I do not want to trade down and let all the good names slip past us, so thers can have what should be ours - I say stay at 8.
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