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Grand Poobah

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Everything posted by Grand Poobah

  1. No soup for you.
  2. So funny because it's true.
  3. Correct. You're up.
  4. An under-rated Schwarzenegger film. Next up: "You're right, no human being would stack books like this."
  5. The Sixth Day?
  6. FG because of three words: Stewart Gilligan Griffin Stewie Soundboard
  7. I always wanted to be the Grand Imperial Poobah from the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes from the Flinstones. Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes Now I am. (It was either that or the Great Gazoo.)
  8. I've certainly noticed a trend with these posts.
  9. Good point. I guess we'll deal with it when it becomes an issue.
  10. I certainly could use some more cowbell. You can never have too much. Besides, Bruce Dickenson produces gold records, and he thinks so too.
  11. Oh yeah. I love those little suckers! Really challenges the Cinamon Toast Crunch dominance over my taste buds. And I can fool myself into thinking that they are good for me too. (25% of my daily fiber or some BS like that)
  12. 98% 1mile, 234sec Tried to give Massachusetts to Canada. Even they don't want it.
  13. -sniff- You moved me man.
  14. I heard that too. That's too bad. It probably would have made this a 5 1/2 hour film (not that I'd complain).
  15. It's like Star Wars Kid revisited!
  16. Can't breathe...laughing too hard...WAVE!...incident angle...HOSE... hahahahahaha.......fell off my chair. WOW!
  17. Guess what... I got a fever and the only prescription... is more cowbell.
  18. "The only way young Billy could get satisfaction from the Dolphins this season."
  19. Hehehehe. Reminds me of this: The Queen of England and the Pope were celebrating a public holiday in England one day, in front of a massive audience, when the Queen turned to the Pope and said, "You know, I can make all of the British in the crowd cheer and go wild by just waving my hand." The pope looked at the Queen and asked for a demonstration. The Queen waved her hand at the people, and all of the Brits went crazy - cheering, shouting, and giving a standing ovation for her. The Pope nodded, and said to the Queen, "Well, I can make all of the Irish in this crowd start cheering by just waving my hand as well." The Queen raised an eyebrow. "Alright," she said. "Prove it." The Pope said ok, and then slapped her. I guess it goes for the Scots as well.
  20. Awesome! Nice touch.
  21. Hey, if they want to vote, then great. If they are too foolish to understand the importance, then they'll have to deal with the consequences. I agree that it is partly the responsibility of the parents to involve and familiarlize their kids with the process early on in life. Ultimately, however, these young adults are responsible for themselves and have a right not to vote no matter how ridiculous and stupid that may be.
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