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Everything posted by Duke

  1. I went to the Harp for abut 7 years but it got to packed there. Not that this is a bad thing, but I just don't want to have to show up at 9 am to get a seat. I hope the Harp tradition goes on for years and years, but I'll just stick to the small bars with Sunday ticket. Cheers and kick some Oakland ass next week Bills!
  2. I still usually just wear my Thomas 34 or the Holecek 52 on gameday. I had a Flutie, but Ebay'ed it a few months ago.
  3. Bears 23 Colts 21 But I would really like to see the Colts win. I would think that the line is going to change alot in the next 2 weeks, but I think, I'll leave the bookie out of this and just pick a couple of $20.00 squares, as I really have no idea whi will win this game.
  4. I'll be watching in Boston too and thank God I will be able to listen to the sports talk stations again without hearing about Tom "I'm so pretty, that I must be gay" Brady.
  5. Schula did not really that bad of a job at bama. He was going to be run out no matter what and the athletic directors have been running a dog and pony show there since the bear retired. ROLL TIDE!
  6. Anyone but the Patriots. Living here in Boston, I can't listen to sports radio untill they lose. Indy 31 Saints 24
  7. I wanted to do this without looking at everyone elses answer first so here goes, 1)Going to 4 straight Super Bowls 2) The comeback win over Houstan 3)31-0 over the patriots Worst 1) Losing 4 straight Super Bowls 2) The Homerun throwback 3) The loss to the patriots opening day this year.
  8. What do the Bills have to lose? At very best they will go 7-9 this year, so let him loose. If it works out, maybe we have something to look foward to next year, if not goodbye JP, hello next Bills QB bust.
  9. I'm gonna have to go to work tommorow and hear all about this.
  10. No ref talk. $%*# the spot they gave tehm.
  11. 1 Quarter to find out how this team is going to react to being on the ropes. I know we are leading, but this is the partiots who have come back and killed teams like this over the last 10 years.
  12. This could be the play of the game.
  13. The Patsies really look fired up. Need a 1st down here badly.
  14. Big run back. Any kind of points on this drive would be a real boost.
  15. They have not said much, but Takeo might return and Vincent is out as of the last time they mentioned anything.
  16. Gotta hate momentum swings.
  17. Hold em!!!!
  18. Is holding still a penalty? Maybe just not for the patriots.
  19. Isn't that a horsecollar penaly now?
  20. Even if they get the first I would have taken the 3.
  21. A run to pack it in. The crowd is booing like crazy.
  22. 47 seconds left. Come on D. A 10 point halftime lead would be an upset in it's self and we get the ball to start the 2nd half.
  23. They have to get thier #1 involved. Even a 6 yard hook would be nice right now.
  24. That 15 yard 3rd down reception shut up the crowd.
  25. I would love to see even another long field goal before halftime. 2 minute warning.
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