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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Why are you so quick to believe someone who refuses to pay their own bills telling other people to pay their bills?
  2. I wonder if the readers here know just how badly this impeachment inquiry went today they literally cannot come up with any proof and still try to pedal it as proof
  3. That key word invasion in there is put in there so that people like you can lose your ***** It’s not an invasion
  4. Let’s keep in mind that most banks won’t even loan to Donald Trump. That’s why there is so many questions about the bank that he actually did use. It’s a Russian funded bank.
  5. I agree with this Because the alternative is much much worse
  6. When he’s as good as he is, he can talk his ***** it’s up to bills mafia to show him different tua is a timing quarterback if he’s sitting on the sidelines while we run it down their throat and score a touchdown. Every time it will affect him.
  7. It’s actually a huge surprise, considering him so many of us thought that he was a draft bust Changes the whole complexion of Brandon beans drafting He’s too small to have a nickname like this. I’m thinking the mighty Chihuahua. what other small, but feisty dog can we insert here?
  8. Oh, come on it’s not like they don’t send paper copies that you’re running late too
  9. If Joe Biden owned a hotel in charged a ridiculous amount of money for Saudi Arabia to stay in it, conservatives would be losing their ***** minds
  10. I haven’t really watched her show. I like the way that she conducted herself as prrss secondary. The one that we have now seems kind of forced
  11. Biden is the face of the billionaire class? He is nowhere near worth that much
  12. I’m not talking about people that were priorly in government. I am talking about people that sat in the press, secretary position and lied their asses off. And you know exactly who I’m talking about
  13. No, because we know that the trumps are already doing that ***** It’s like the least of the problems that we have with them. We already know that they are moneygrubbing corrupt and dealing with other countries
  14. I still think that the long term number two is not on the roster yet Here’s what I think is going to happen Gabe Davis’s gonna ride out this year with us. He’s gonna have a good season. He’s gonna get a stupid money offer which he is going to take in the off-season We are either going to use our first or second round pick on a wide receiver a talented player that we can have on a long cost control contract We seem to have short of our o line but will still probably draft a right tackle
  15. He is old and slow no doubt But not the first politician, to be old and slow I would much rather prefer some Youngblood That’s not Donald Trump
  16. The thing of it is, I would have no problem with them prosecuting Hunter Biden. He seems like kind of a scumbag. But let’s be real here the Republicans don’t care about Hunter Biden. They care about Joe Biden and they will do whatever they can to try to tie the two together.
  17. Do we really want to go there about lying press secretaries?
  18. Exactly what policies as Trump put forward other than hate everything that comes out of his mouth is either fear or hate he has no policies
  19. Donald Trump can’t even hold a Bible the right way do you think he honestly gives a ***** about these white Christian nationalists that he’s garnering their vote for he wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire You all look at him like he’s some kind of rebel he’s not whichever way flows best for him is the way that he will go
  20. No, that would not be correct. They are the ones that are trying to get starving kids food while the Republicans are trying to take it away.
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