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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. It looks difficult? They’re doing something that they didn’t do last year there even balanced in between run and pass and Josh. Allen isn’t doing all the work. Looks pretty good to me We are in week four It’s fine, Irish weather Well, I would just as soon win it Seabiscuit says yes
  2. First I wasn’t talking to you Second, that wouldn’t have been something that he did directly to you Thanks for playing Tell me where the big man hurt you
  3. This is gonna be a close one and there’s gonna be a lot of points scored
  4. I would much rather do these proxy wars than see my fellow soldiers on the ground in these areas
  5. I’m really bothered by that fabricated text that went on during the impeachment inquiry hearings I’m seeing it online but I’m not seeing enough outrage One of the Republicans literally cut and pasted a piece of verbiage out of a text conversation and tried to post it as is some kind of evidence whenever you take the verbiage and you put it back into its original conversation it’s talking about something that doesn’t have anything to do with Joe Biden and it’s plainly obvious How is this even allowed?
  6. Biden has made it plainly clear that any invasion of Taiwan will not be tolerated and that they will be defended yes, Biden is trying to work back door deals to try to appease everybody because that appears to be what he does but that doesn’t take away from the fact that he has said that we are going to defend Taiwan
  7. What I find confusing is, you’ll find some thing that happens that doesn’t go Magas way in a given day and they’ll jump on here and explain why that’s a good thing and then somehow that was the plan all along I guess lol Maga took a huge loss today they are they’re not talking about it or trying to spin it The American people won because there was not a government shut down credit to McCarthy for doing what he needed to do with Democrats in order to get something done Maga is spitting mad because they weren’t able to watch the world burn for their cause
  8. I can’t believe this Hass to be explained to you Donald Trump got on a phone and asked for a foreign country to investigate his political opponent That is what happened there is no other way around it now. He could’ve been smart and push this off on Bill Barr, but he didn’t. It happened you need to deal with that the case against him was strong, and even some Republicans thought so because it’s in their statements
  9. Remember when the fans were clamoring for a big nickel on this team, there was a player that was drafted by the Browns and he was wanted so badly during the draft I can’t pronounce the name but a smallish extremely athletic linebacker That’s Taylor Rapp he is the big nickel that we have been looking for. I think Taylor Rapp is a look at the future of this team. He’s probably gonna get a contract extension at the end of this year.
  10. Do we really have to point out that the guy you think should be running this country actually did like Kim Jim un You can’t scream at Democrats saying that they would love authoritarians whenever you’re actually supporting authoritarian It’s confusing to me I’d like to know more about this
  11. I am also happy to see this. This is the way that our government supposed to work.
  12. Whenever people start talking about other people having masters, that’s cult talk Sorry, maga Maybe next time
  13. Doc this isn’t going to turn out the way that you think it is I think the American people the majority of American people are actually tired of these investigations. They were getting tired of them with Trump as well. It’s a city different situation, because there was more proof in the investigations of Trump. Then there is of Joe Biden, which is basically none. If they try to keep on running investigations, where they keep on coming up short on proof which they are again and again, it’s going to turn the wrong way not the way you were thinking When your opening day of investigations turns up fabricated evidence, and your star witnesses are saying that there is not enough for impeachment that is a horrible look for chrissake Fox News was saying it
  14. if what you say is true which it isn’t then they should count for the vote why are they not calling for the vote? They’re not calling for the vote because they don’t have the evidence they have been reduced to fabricating evidence, which really should be looked into whenever this is all, said and done taking some thing and trying to make it look like a text message whenever it wasn’t and taking it out of context is complete manipulation which they got caught
  15. Are you deaf? It’s overcrowded. I just find it interesting how you like to crawl all over a state that’s got an economy like a country whenever Texas is a complete ***** show. Do you ever look at them and how they freeze their own community because they’re so smart.
  16. I truly believe the Kirksey was being brought in and was given a chance to learn the playbook, and then was going to get elevated to start Then Bernard happened And once they saw, they finally had some thing and GameDay situations they probably told Kirksey that he was going to be brought up to back up Bernard, which Kirksey didn’t like and retired That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it🤓 Do they think he’s 17 years old?
  17. in what way am I defending this guy? I am plainly stating here that he should be prosecuted for every crime if he gets convicted. That’s the Republican side I don’t do that ***** I You don’t know that the indictment of his father might actually hurt him in democratic circles
  18. No, there’s not because you don’t have the votes you don’t have the votes. This isn’t a situation whenever the Democrats control the house whenever they have the overwhelming majority. did you even bother to watch the Fox News coverage and listen to their anchor say that it was a waste of time or listen to their front line witnesses? They were all saying there wasn’t enough evidence present in order to be able to impeach him it’s a sham investigation they don’t have the evidence For Christ sake, they got caught fabricating evidence
  19. The country of California is overcrowded and has been for sometime. People are not fleeing the state. Do you have people coming in just as fast as they’re leaving The diatribe in the past was that companies are leaving the state, and then whenever Republicans sympathizers realize that that wasn’t the case and the companies were coming in just as fast as they were leaving then they moved onto the people I am all for Republicans, leaving the state they’re making a mess of things go to Alabama or something so that we can pay your taxes
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