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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I want to see one of those conservative rags you keep on posting actually say what we actually saw The impeachment inquiry committee interview three witnesses on their opening day. Every single one of them said that they didn’t have any information that would rise to the level of an impeachment of Joe Biden. It was said None of your ***** rags are going to write it
  2. I just find it interesting how there are so many people all over Biden for his leader ship Trump showed you no leader ship what is the bar we are setting here
  3. He’s just really counting on your average TV viewer not checking to see who votes for what The Republicans are really good at that They will get them the raid, either in a separate bill, or some kind of reach around
  4. I’ve kind of gone back-and-forth on this, but I think I’m OK with elam I’m not dressing This fins are fence is fast and it uses a lot of motion. Communication is going to be key back there and one of the strengths of the bills defense is they do communicate well putting Elam into that might hurt that.
  5. Misrepresented with Turley said He was asked straight away if he had any evidence that would rise to the level of an impeachment, and he flat out said no I don’t know, but that sounds pretty damning to me
  6. They are the future, whether you like it or not, and the more people that vote it’s the worse for Republicans Democrats have done a pretty good job with the young bote. You can’t say it’s different.
  7. They might as well hang onto them. They’re not gonna get anywhere near the value of a first round pick. Injuries due happened during the season
  8. I ask you to like get your head out of the sand stop focusing on one person, thinking that they are your problem. Joe Biden himself is not soft on crime. The democratic agenda is. Joe Biden didn’t hurt you
  9. Josh has been a little better so far this year and getting the ball out underneath if they blitz, I think he can handle it Also, our line is just better than it was last year A DC that Josh pretty much took apart the last time he played their defense. It was in Denver, right
  10. I’m still trying to figure out how Biden hurt you with this you do realize that he doesn’t control every aspect of the government Trump didn’t either
  11. That’s kind of weird I would think because of soccer they would be used to it
  12. Don’t talk to me about people being easily manipulated trumps cult, says different
  13. I don’t suppose that I need to remind you that per capita red states actually have more crime. I know you guys don’t like that but it’s true.
  14. One of the Democrats best demographics is college students I would argue that they are a good demographic because they’ve got fresh mines that haven’t been bogged down with all the propaganda bull#### just ***** they’re just taking in everything But needless to say, my point still stands
  15. I think it’s good to keep track of what people say it shows how many times they flip
  16. I do Have you heard Matt Gaetz talk? The smart part is highly debatable. He looks the part, but he opens his mouth and ***** comes out.
  17. Why do you think Republicans want to raise the age limit to vote it’s not by accident
  18. You’re blaming Biden, because cars are getting stolen out of your neighborhood. He wrote the crime bill for chrissake. That is a local law-enforcement problem not a Biden problem
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