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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. If it’s some thing that’s going to linger if he plays, we have the depth in order to allow him to do that and we should I’m telling you I am really worried about losing Kingsley Jonathan. I think that he is a player on the upside and I’m afraid that we’re gonna cut him whenever Von Miller comes back.
  2. Miller back at practice And so it begins
  3. I’m just trying to make the point that I don’t think there’s anybody here that is really defending Hunter Biden. He looks like he’s lived a rather rough life and his actions have been questionable I just go back to the phone calls and texts where Joe Biden is asking Hunter to get help. He’s a father and some of us have been there whenever family members have addiction problems it’s a sickness. None of that links to Joe Biden no matter how bad do you want it to
  4. So we’re right back where we started on this nobody knows what he actually pulled it
  5. wouldn’t shock me if Hunter Biden did break some laws honestly But getting back to the original premise Hunter, Biden is not a United States official. He is not in our government anyway he never held a security clearance like some others that had to have daddy push it along. There is literally nothing linking Joe Biden to any of this, which is all that really matters and as long as this impeachment inquiry goes along, trying to on one hand, show the criminality of Hunter Biden, and on the other hand trying to link it’s a Joe Biden and they can’t put the two together the worse it’s going to get When your first day witnesses are basically saying that there’s not enough there for an impeachment inquiry you’re ***** right from the start
  6. But what purpose would that actually serve the Democrats were going to not help McCarthy because he wasn’t giving up any concessions he needed to buy their vote and he didn’t so they were all going to vote against him, so what was the purpose?
  7. My question is why would he want to delay the vote? What is the purpose of that?
  8. Tommy, this is exactly what I’m talking about You say something like that yet you become upset over a president that there literally is no proof that there was any wrongdoing. They still have not come up with a direct direct link to Joe Biden. Yeah, your posts on here would indicate that your upset you are falling to the same exact type of narrative that you’re making fun of others of doing
  9. The whole thing seems kind of juvenile to me, but if the rules are that they can be moved out of their offices, then that’s the rules
  10. I’m waiting to see what the narrative is going to be for the NFL Josh Allen has been an MVP conversations but he never got it because the team was not good enough supposedly even though it was all on his shoulders This year‘s team feels different and that Josh Allen is not playing a superhero every week and the other players are actually helping is the NFL going to disregard Josh now that the team overall is actually playing better We’ll see how it goes. Josh Allen deserves at least one MVP in his career.
  11. I actually don’t think that Dorsey has been bad in any of these games Game one was noticeable because Josh wasn’t following the game plan. He quickly cleaned that up going in the game two We literally have one of if not the best offenses in the league
  12. I must be a double suckers and losers, since I actually served
  13. He does kind of have a point here when you’re looking at the far left and right factions that’s what you’ve got AOC is far left Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert Marley, Taylor, Greene, those types for right
  14. Something that they can totally get without Tucker Carlson, who is actually the subject of this
  15. You know that this is disingenuous Union jobs are well paid The immigrants that you’re talking about do the work that people don’t wanna do You really have no self reflection do you do you even bother to read what you write?
  16. Actually, I would not even know the Tucker Carlson was still alive if he wasn’t being posted by certain people on this forum Democrats don’t post Tucker Carlson here
  17. Well, my parents have in fact, been on fire in the past, but I’ve never actually pulled the lever a oh fire alarm
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