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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. You gotta admit the mark up of that picture that does make him so that he doesn’t look like a fat ***** is really impressive
  2. You people are really something else That wall was something that Trump ran on that you were fapping over as you voted for him Biden put a little bit of work into the wall and your denouncing him for it Just goes to show you this is not about policy. This is a cult. This is a Trump cult.
  3. In all honesty, I have never seen a vehicle that was decked out in MAGA. They could drive worth a ***** they seriously drive with an I don’t give a ***** attitude about anybody on this road but me
  4. Loved her story, and the movie was awesome Because they’re not eating him they’re questioning some of his opinions No, eating your own would definitely be kicking your own speaker out whenever you have control of the house that is the definition of eating your own
  5. Yeah, they don’t really think that they’ll vote for that of course because they’re not gonna vote for a republican You gotta give credit to these people that write these articles trying to put lipstick on this ***** show that the Republicans have caused
  6. Yeah, I’m trying to figure out a point whenever Obama ever started calling immigrants, criminals mentally disturbed, etc. etc. That’s not a Obama thing that’s a Trump thing
  7. You are clearly not paying attention The left doesn’t have to do anything the right is ***** themselves over all the left has to do is just kick back with a bag of popcorn
  8. There are multiple reasons why he might not have been charged A lot of this is about what you can prove vocal conversations with no recording or not easy to prove They could bring Pratt in during the trial, though
  9. Don’t forget the picture of having the boxes right next to the copying machine, which is probably going to be the most damning picture of them all The thing that I am waiting to see is if they subpoena that millionaire to come and speak at the trial By mouth is really hard to prove that’s the reason why you need adults handling classified information so that you don’t hurt the country
  10. If I had 1 million bucks I would bet it on Von Miller not playing He also said a lot of things in that press conference that make me think he’s not going to play
  11. He just wasn’t the guy we made a lot of mistakes back in those days
  12. I just want the bills to destroy them because of what happened the last time that they played them
  13. I had a lot of bad things to say about Dawkins extremely round form before the season started so glad that I was wrong I’m honestly open to giving him an extension
  14. Beat him healthy for the top teams. We can get through this weekend without him.
  15. If that is what you took from that they know, I’m not saying that Biden does say crazy things here and there But there’s levels to this ***** you would never hear Joe Biden trash the military he just wouldn’t do it
  16. And then Trump predictively turned around and trash Reagan and tried to make the slogan his own well. Actually, he did make the slogan his own, and he made it a horrible thing.
  17. That has exactly what to do with the military but that’s the problem with people like you, Donald Trump says things this on a daily basis and you try to equate that was something that Biden said once upon a Time the two things are not equal
  18. Where does this GOP sweep come from? Republicans control, one facet of government, and they’re not even doing a very good job of it
  19. You would never hear Biden saying something like that. That is the whole point.
  20. If it wasn’t tied to one of the worst presidents of all time, the slogan would definitely be better This has been explained to you There are not really Biden supporters not in the same since that there are Trump supporters People that support Biden would easily vote for a candidate younger than him. They just know that in no way shape or form. Can Trump ever be back in that office? Hell, I would bet that there are people that support Biden that would take a second look if Trump was not a nominee for the Republicans
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