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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. The squad says stupid things from time to time, but they do actually do try to govern, and they are responsible to their districtS Donald Trump says stupid things. Every time he opens his mouth madeno attempt to govern and literally is under indictment criminal indictment with over 80 charges against him and has been impeached twice. The two are not equal that is the problem for Republicans they want them so badly to be equal but they’re not
  2. It just amazes me how many stupid people out there that actually believe that None of you will ever be Donald Trump And if by some miraculous way you were hopefully you would have a better heart than this ***** pig He is not a shield for you. He does not care about you. He wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire he’s not in the way of anyone coming after you he is relying on you to bail him out, not the other way around. yes, I’m trying to figure out how Kimberly gargoyle and Gavin Newsome were ever a thingm not that Gazza Newsom is great, but this she devil actually used to ***** him which is amazing
  3. I didn’t agree with the courts decision on this, but they did make a ruling so I have to accept it
  4. what would be best for the country is if both of these two both Trump and Biden stepped aside for some younger blood Unfortunately, we’re not going to see that so it’s all about voting against what is worst for this country
  5. The information that is coming out of the area is not going with us. Obviously, we are having a problem with civilians being caught up in the hostilities both being killed and taken hostage. Anything other than that is false reporting, and frankly irresponsible
  6. There is a reason why that these people are leaving their countries a good expenditure of money would be to try to help those countries so that they don’t want to leave The fact that Biden is reversing himself on the border wall, and is going to continue to build it that we definitely have an immigration problem. End of this country now who those immigrants are definitely something that I can test. The majority of them are not sick. Rapists are murderers as Trump would have you believe every time that he opens his stupid ***** mouth. There is, however, an immigration problem that needs to be fixed, and it needs to be fixed soon
  7. OK Is Ukraine not moving to a democracy? Is Ukraine not trying to get into the nato both of these things are literally have been proven true I think paradise is in the eye of the beholder If you think that it’s paradise than it is If you’re talking about foreign aid, then yes, I am agreeable to it as long as we don’t have to send our military’s I think it’s interesting how people to complain about immigration. Don’t wanna do anything at the source to try to slow it
  8. Irv this is a little shallow, seeing as how the president you adore is talking about executing one of our generals
  9. seriously how would you know that? If you’re referring to Ukraine that money is not going to them without conditions just because you don’t hear about it on the news doesn’t mean that it isn’t happening Ukraine is trying to move to a democracy and they are asking to be admitted into the United Nations. You seriously think that there’s a does not being held over their head in some kind of way.? In any event, the major thing here is, we’re not putting boots on the ground outside of our own direct conflict anymore. The move out of Afghanistan was huge. Send all the money you want it’s all monopoly money anyway and we’re not spending it in Afghanistan just don’t put our troops on the ground to get killed in foreign wars
  10. And of course you have proof of that All I see is the United States sending aid should we not do that?
  11. I’m talking about placing blame whenever hostilities occur the United States is not involved in that
  12. First, you have to prove that Biden was even involved in it, which you haven’t done yet That’s a Trump supporter for you. They can’t keep their ***** mouth shut for two seconds and just let you enjoy the ride. They gotta run their mouth.
  13. I also don’t have to understand why this has to devolve to a political argument thing Sometimes the United States is just not involved
  14. Don’t let takeo spikes out of the stadium It is amazing how quickly fans will jump on the management whenever we lose a game nowhere to be heard from after we win by 50 points
  15. What was your handle before you got banned and changed it
  16. If we make a trade, I hope it’s for an offensive weapon Tired of devoting so many resources to this defense
  17. Our middle linebacker played well Dorien Williams played well in spurts
  18. don’t worry there will soon be another team to B word about So why are the standards higher for our team then they are for say the Chiefs the Chiefs get to play ***** teams and win and their fans don’t complain There’s not going to be a big time trade everything that’s going to be coming and playing on this team is going to happen in house Dorien Williams is going to replace Milano Corner replacements are going to come in the house Poona Ford is going to come up or defensive tackle Because that’s what good teams do they don’t panic
  19. To adequately replace what is probably the most love bills player besides Josh Allen on this team
  20. No reason for you to watch. What will you do with your time? I’m not concerned about Vaughn. He was on a pitch count to begin with so be perfectly honest if I started seeing players going down like flies, I’d pull him to.
  21. Lol they have been right more than they have been wrong and both player performance and record shows it
  22. It’s a marathon dude whenever I see players go down on my team it’s frustrating but I also remember that this exact same thing it happened to the teams that we are facing in the future. I’m not wishing for it I don’t ever wish for injuries it’s just a fact.
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