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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. Once again, I will see it, not a dollar if it has been released, and even when it was going to be released if it was going to be for food and medicine with oversight If they have other money, that’s not Biden’s fault
  2. That money has not been disbursed it not a penny of it, and when it does, it is going to be for food and medicine with oversight Try again, Tim
  3. He didn’t just put that in his mouth did he. That’s kind of gross. Jesus, is that Greg 😒
  4. You can agree with their cause without agreeing with everything that they do. I think that’s where we’re at with blm Do you ever post a comment where you’re not insulting somebody
  5. Let’s be real here morality went out the window whenever the Republicans were talking about bringing in Trump to be even a temporary speaker of the house The same people were denouncing Trump left and right whenever that all went down and then whenever they had time to think about their career paths, they change their stance. Have you ever seen a bunch of people who change their opinions so quickly as you have Republican politicians Nancy Mace I hate Matt Gaetz Nancy Mace I will help Matt Gaetz get the speaker out There is a list of these people that I’ve done this There is no such thing as morality with the republican party People need to put him on the spot about the fact that none of that $6 billion even been used and when it is it will be used for food and medicine with oversight
  6. Pot meet kettle I mean, give Nancy credit at least she wasn’t in a room full of children getting fondled and jacking some guy off. There’s levels to this *****.
  7. I knew when we got this guy that we would be talking about extending him very soon
  8. I’ll tell you what if JaMarcus Ingraham stays up on the active roster and they actually give him playing time you will know your answer
  9. That’s interesting I thought that the insurance companies were leaving Florida For the record, I don’t agree with us. I think that it should be seeing a physician psychologist until of legal age 12 is too young.
  10. I think it’s going to be a Benford and Jackson Was kind of disappointed in the london game. Someone of his physical talents should be playing much better.
  11. I really don’t want to see Tim settle at one tech he just doesn’t have the grit. In my opinion. He’s much better at the three tech position. Poona Ford is a human fire hydrant. Yes he’s probably not a great pass rusher but that guy does not get moved. Loved Harrison Phillips whenever he was here the question is, what would it cost us?
  12. I’m talking about people that actually matter
  13. I’m certainly open to other suggestions, but we are into the season, pass training camp and are looking at a once productive player that knows the defensive system It’s to the practice squad he’s not to the active roster. Of course the hope is that Jackson and Benford can hold it down. And sparingly use Elam.
  14. Yeah, no It didn’t. Everybody is pretty much in unison on condemning this attack.
  15. If we were going to take an action, I’d like to provide Intel to Israel that allows them to take out hamas without killing civilians Maybe re-tasking a satellite?
  16. This is dated in October Something has happened since then I am against anything that puts troops on the ground No more forever wars
  17. Sat next to somebody once who did this literally couldn’t keep his mouth shut I also encountered one in a gym I was going to that guy was literally just looking for a fight. It was waiting for somebody to disagree with him and somebody did.
  18. If he was going against anybody, but Trump the Democrats should be worried When somebody steps in to the ballot box on election day, they’re going to have to choose between somebody that was accused of some thing, but never proven versus somebody that was criminally indicted and possibly more by the time that rolls around
  19. I think that most fans and sadly it includes me can’t get the vision of what Derek henry did to him
  20. Oh no I’ve seen the Magus out in the public. This is exactly what they do.
  21. If you ask most people lol You mean people in bum *****, Alabama? I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but people are starting to get much more in tune what is going on with politics, except for the dumb ass is in the Rural area they just wanna ***** their horse and be told that everybody’s out to get them
  22. Your accusations are not valid Would really like to know why you were putting this on Biden
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