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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. If we’re gonna go trade, go big Jj would look very good at a Bills uniform
  2. If your argument is you can’t trust anybody then that’s a non-starter for a conversation until they show that they didn’t have oversight on this money. You can’t say ***** about it.
  3. As soon as she goes to a show Jack’s off, some guy gets felt up by some guy in a room full of kids and vaping in a pregnant woman’s face should almost be the worst person in Congress by the way dan, when was the last time that you were actually in this area to know what the ***** you’re talking about?
  4. This Leonard and Floyd made an excellent tandem on the Rams
  5. Well, it’s hard to hypothesize on injuries that haven’t happened yet We’ve already been hit pretty hard losing all pros is not going to be easy to fix the only good news on this is the bills recent drafting have at least put a player in the bullpen
  6. Always liked horrible harry it’s the matter of what the compensation would be
  7. Why would you think that? The dude is old I’d use them instead of Dodson but that’s totally a break glass in case of emergency situation Bring on the young, athletic freaks
  8. It’s more about my long-term philosophy here I’m tired of high draft picks going to the Defense we need to start getting more playmakers for the office of side of the ball to help Josh Allen If you have a head coach that is playing defensive coordinator, he should be able to refill the position with later round draft picks It’s not that I don’t value surtan I would give up a second round pick for him
  9. This is going to be an election season like none other The Republican nominee is going to be in court as much as he’s going to be on the campaign trail. If he gets convicted, it could change everything. Grandpa Joe, is the guy that you know which might be enough to actually win him the second term he’s old and he’s slow but you know what you’re getting with him Personally, I’d like to see a younger candidate
  10. Some of those would be easier to replace than others If we lost a Josh Allen, the season would be over Then Denmark has been a plus whenever he has been in place of Dawkins I think we could survive there Ryan Bates is there in case Torrance is not, we would survive there Diggs would be hard to replace that player is not on the team they would be forced to have to use Dalton Kincaid more that’s the reason why Kincaid is not getting the amount of reps essay Sam LaPorta, because there are other options to go with the football
  11. I think this is going to be a slaughter The Giants are not a good team The bills got embarrassed last week Not a good combination for the Giants
  12. This guy was totally trashed as a draft pick from the time that he was drafted up until the start of the season Glad he worked out now we need Dorien Williams to work out
  13. What makes people think that RFK would be pulling from Biden votes? The Qnon are gonna love him Sounds like he be pulling votes for trump more than you be pulling from Biden.
  14. I don’t have the answer to that other than the hostilities that happened are very recent I did see a report today that the United States is looking into a irans involvement in this maybe they are doing their due diligence before reclaiming the money I don’t know
  15. I’m sorry I have a hard time listening to you whenever I see militant groups standing outside of LGBTQ events, staging, armed protests It is happening
  16. One of my conservative points of you I don’t believe that boys that change genders should be competing with girls and vice versa I’m all for creating a separate competition just for transgender You can’t tell me that a man that becomes a girl doesn’t have extra testosterone and muscle I still believe in the transgender movement I believe that people should be able to leave whatever life they want to live, but as long as it doesn’t impress on other people, the same way that people trying to ban transgender ism shouldn’t be pushing their views on other people
  17. I worked in Air Force Intel, but some of my duties did take me beyond the wire I came away with an appreciation of their culture. I have really traveled all over I came away with an appreciation of different cultures. If we think that we are embedded into our religion here, try going to the Middle East.
  18. Here come, the torture videos hamas doesn’t realize that they’re killing themselves here for maybe they just don’t care Those videos cause armies to kill everything in their past does it matter whether it’s civilian or opponent
  19. That is literally all you can expect in the season the bills run a complex defense, and whoever comes in, will have the benefit of going through training camp
  20. Thank you for your service Duke. I did a tour in Iraq myself we might not have been in the same time place, but we’ve probably chewed some of the same dirt.
  21. I’m sure the families of those prisoners that came home to the United States feel differently The billions of dollars that were released into that account of which not a dollar has gone to Iran yet are going to have oversight, when and if they are released to make sure that they go to food and medicine, those were the terms of the agreement Other stuff is just bull#### trying to take jabs at Joe Biden
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