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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. That, of course, is the problem whenever the population moves terrorists are going to move with them they’re not gonna go out there and fight mono E mono with an army that outnumbers them It’s a complicated situation
  2. You guys are really amazing. It’s like you totally gloss over the parts that you don’t want to hear and focus on the parts that you do. They are denouncing Hamas and don’t want blood shed of innocent people. Is that so hard to understand.
  3. I respect the hell out of Steve Smith. If he doesn’t like Jerry Jeudy, then I don’t like him either I guess.
  4. I realize that Denver has sunk in a lot of money in Russell Wilson, but they are either tanking so that they can get another quarterback, or they need to just get rid of him or sit him down He is really hurting them
  5. She is a human being and dating one of the players totally OK with her going to these games What would be good is if the NFL would stop panning to her every five minutes
  6. We will learn that people won’t complain whenever we win the games that we should win, but they’ll lose her ***** whenever we lose one
  7. I give a first for Jj Our first round pick next year should be a wide receiver anyway
  8. Of course we want Denver to win People are acting like buffalo is out of it, or something to get that number one seed they’re not
  9. I’m speaking facts and you’re upset about it Donald Trump trashes his military Joe Biden does not
  10. You’re all over the place with this Donald Trump has spoken badly about his military Joe Biden has not
  11. Just point me to anywhere or Joe Biden is talking badly about his military officials. I’ll wait.
  12. Took it a couple of days Same for you should give information a couple of days to process before making a judgment you’re wrong
  13. That’s a pretty weak argument I would rather be treated with dignity by someone that didn’t know my name then somebody that knew my name, but treated me like *****
  14. I think doc had a question about this. Did you see this doc Yes, Donald Trump did in fact, say that he also insinuated that our top general at the time should be executed he also was well known for berating his generals, whenever he was president
  15. How exactly is this his fault? I’m trying to figure out what they want out of Joe Biden America can’t stop every bad thing that happens in the world
  16. We are? The team is both top five in offiense and Defense Running game is improved Offensive line is better Our pass rush is insane Did you think we were going to win every game?
  17. Hey serously don’t understand how you were able to dress yourself in the morning NOBODY is defending Hamas
  18. Like I’ve been saying all week every team is going to take injuries we aren’t the exception to the rule
  19. I’m just thankful that the bills are smarter than most of you You guys wouldn’t be ***** talking if our coaching staff got canned, and we actually started regressing
  20. Break in case of glass linebacker Go with the rook
  21. Somebody needs to pay for losing two all pros and DaQuan
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