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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. I didn’t realize that they had already left yet We have also move some navy around
  2. Well, Israel is supposed to be an ally I would rather have him standing next to him, then our troops I’m asking on the border. I’m already concerned about the move of our naval operations.
  3. You keep saying critical stuff about beane you do realize that he has made some very noticeable trade acquisitions over the years
  4. Too deep safety just means the Josh needs to go to his check downs I think he has done a much better job of that this year. The common theme of the teams that have beaten us have been strong, defensive lines, so that they can just rush four Thors he needs to figure that out and now
  5. The United States tactics have changed so much since 9/11 We’re not putting boots on the ground anymore. In these foreign countries will support them will give them weapons will give them food etc. etc.. but we’re not sending in our troops to put a target on her back
  6. Yeah I’m gonna go with. She’s just a piece of *****. The last thing that I remember of Myler Taylor, I’m gonna bang every guy in my gym green. She was sitting on the witness stand, trying to explain some of the things that she said. When they send her they’re not sending their best
  7. We definitely should be calling more running place while Josh is under center in James Cook really benefits from these
  8. Well, you’re just full of good news this morning aren’t you
  9. Was it the other team or was it another team?
  10. I don’t understand why Jordan even wants the job Has not passed a single piece of legislation, the whole time that he has been in the house, years and years of no production Why does he want the stress of the gavel? I just don’t think you’re getting it If Trump would’ve said that, he felt that he won asked for recounts had his days in court which he had and then whenever all legal remedies had been exhausted, said OK I don’t like it, but I lost nobody would be saying anything It’s what he did after that
  11. So I’m going to say that military are not civilians they are not innocent Hard for me to say, because I am a veteran myself, but the fact of the matter is, we were in a combat situation and lives that were lost, were lost in combat. My heart goes out to their families, and they are heroes.
  12. That is not democracy you were describing something completely different
  13. They want to break the United States so that they can pick up the pieces of it and mold it into what they want basically that’s it
  14. I mean the loudest part of this out loud Jordan is not even supported by his own Republican base There are Republicans actively working to make sure that he never holds that gavel now why do you think that is If the rumor is true, he did far more than just turned a blind eye. He was on the phone actively asking these victims not to file lawsuits.
  15. Innocent people have lost their lives Exactly what innocent people have lost their lives underneath the Biden admin I was there they don’t like us that’s not going to ever change it doesn’t matter who our leader ship is
  16. It’s not like Ty Johnson is some kind of slouch and he’s been through camp with the team. He immediately offer some thing on special teams. I was surprised whenever I hear the whole, bringing the free agent Court running back in thing with Johnson available
  17. So the problem with all of that is where if it’s free agency time Do the bills trade him? Do the bills squirrel him down to a realistic contractor? I was playing and resign him Does he leave in free agency? At the moment my question is, is he better than a JaMarcus Ingram type player?
  18. She’s probably upset that she didn’t have a assault rifle at the time That you can even defend Lauren Boebert is amazing to me This woman, preaches family and God values Meanwhile Is getting groped and is groping some guy she barely met in a theater filled with children Supposedly a staunch supporter of babies yet blows vape smoke right into a pregnant woman’s face and then gets rude with her whenever the pregnant woman ask her to stop Tries to lie about the fact that she was vaping only until video actually came out showing that she was actually doing it. What the ***** is it with you Republicans anyway and videos showing your lies I would think that any normal person would be against that. Lauren Boebert is a low class lying piece of *****. She really is just a ***** that’s the reason why Marley Taylor Green is a half a step above her because at least she doesn’t take her sex that she has with the guys at her gym out on the road for everybody to see. Meanwhile, you don’t see Democrats doing us the last thing I saw was some revenge porn on some congresswoman, and she was so embarrassed that she resigned
  19. This right here is the perfect example of someone it doesn’t matter what Joe Biden does it’s always going to be the wrong thing no matter what If he wouldn’t have gone to Israel to meet with him to try to slow things down, you’d find something to B word about that too
  20. I hated it to be perfectly honest I appreciate the effort, and we all know how Josh Allen is If he would’ve come through it from that scrum, holding a shoulder, we would all be very upset Just play quarterback Josh we have other players on the team that can be enforcers
  21. Looks like they in Jackson is going to be back so people that are highly critiquing. Elam can calm down a little bit. As a third corner, he’s fine he’s just not living up to his draft potential
  22. Here’s a question does anybody not think that the bills are not going to get past the slump?
  23. The strength of our team, besides quarterback is definitely this defensive line Keep these guys together
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